InformationCommissioner toattend FSB session

Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham.Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham.
Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham.
Small businesses in Northern Ireland can get expert advice from the regulator about how to comply with data protection laws at a business masterclass event run by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has been invited by FSB to offer SMEs up-to-date advice on the handling and security of personal data at a series of events taking place between September and November. These include an event at Malone House, Barnett Demesne on Tuesday October 22. It is also open to non FSB members.

The ICO already provides a range of guidance, resources and tools to help SMEs comply with the law and these events will provide firms with even more support, as well as giving them the chance to ask expert ICO speakers questions about data protection law and to discuss any specific areas of concern.

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A speaker from electronic payments provider WorldPay will also be on hand to discuss issues around online trading and e-commerce.

ICO Head of Customer Contact Faye Spencer said: “Since the GDPR was introduced in May 2018, we have found that small businesses have been making good progress in thinking about data protection and complying with the law.

“Holding only the personal data you need, having proper control over it and keeping it secure can make your business more efficient and also increase your customers’ trust and confidence. Good data protection is good for business.”

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