Desperate times ahead after vote

The scenes of celebration in Dublin after the Republic voted to repeal its constitutional ban on abortionThe scenes of celebration in Dublin after the Republic voted to repeal its constitutional ban on abortion
The scenes of celebration in Dublin after the Republic voted to repeal its constitutional ban on abortion
What a day of despair for those who hold the sanctity of life dear to their hearts.

To witness the scenes of triumphalism in the Republic of Ireland after the result of the abortion referendum were made known.

How interesting to note the young age set of those predominant in the front row of the crowds.

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How interesting that many travelled “home” in order to vote.

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor

It appears to the onlooker that they couldn’t wait to get this new “liberal” approach to this demonic act signed and sealed.

Gone are the days when the Roman Catholic Church was the voice of order in the Republic.

Now they are only a voice in the background, one of few who spoke out against the outcome of the vote.

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Ben Lowry in his article in Saturday’s News Letter (‘Ireland thought hard about abortion, as we need to do in NI — including a debate on abortion on demand,’ May 26) makes a strange statement saying “there will one day be a drive to slash the number of them (abortions) in the same way that our toleration of road deaths has declined over the years”.

There are road deaths which are unavoidable eg mechanical failure, tiredness at the wheel, etc but every abortion is avoidable!

Now is the time to act, not in days to come!

Many younger women will see this vote victory as a way to use abortion as another means of contraception.

Within the last year Ann Furedi of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service said the termination of a pregnancy should not be seen as exceptional but “merely as birth control that women need when their regular method lets them down”.

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What hope does the unborn (but not un-alive) have when the body which should be giving wise counsel can adopt this callous attitude to life in the womb?

A foetus (we are told it should now be spelt fetus) is the developing embryo from the period of eight weeks, until birth.

That means that termination up to twelve weeks from conception involves the death of a living baby in the womb.

What woman will bear that responsibility for the rest of her life?

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The argument that the change in the law is for “crisis pregnancies” ie rape, incest, etc only will not hold.

Those who were celebrating so vociferously at the weekend were not welcoming hope for those caught up in such tragic circumstances.

Sadly, many were celebrating the arrival of abortion for whatever reason, living a hedonistic lifestyle with a safety valve in case things go wrong.

Media posts since the weekend have included many unprintable comments about Christians, “fascists” being one of the more printable, but no less palatable. But God will hold answerable those who have initiated this dreadful attack on the defenceless in the womb, and He will judge as no earthly court can judge.

Prepare for the consequences Republic of Ireland, desperate times are ahead.

Gordon McNeill, Portadown