Letter: The wishes of the 80% of people in NI who back the Windsor Framework are of no importance. Apparently this is the DUP interpretation of consent

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Brendan Milligan:

I must have missed something. The Supreme Court has ruled that Northern Ireland’s status as a member of the United Kingdom has not been amended. What is the problem?

It is this. The wishes of the 60% of the population of NI who wish to remain in the EU and the 80% who wish to see the Windsor Framework implemented are of no importance. Apparently this is the DUP interpretation of the notion of consent! Forty thousand-jobs-Donaldson is sticking to his principles; (the loss of) 40,000 jobs is a price worth paying for unionist purity!

Brendan Milligan, Downpatrick