Our place in the Union is not for sale at any price

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Letter by John Mulholland:

It was good that Ben Lowry put the latest University of Liverpool poll figures into perspective by doing the maths and explaining that the majority of people in the survey were against the NI Protocol (News Letter, Nov 6).

The usual suspects in media and politics have tried to brush it off or purposely misinterpret it but, like a united Ireland, it is not wanted by the majority of people.

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The Republic of Ireland and the EU are warning the UK not to use Article 16, pretending that they care so much about the Belfast Agreement.

It is obvious that the Republic is gaining more business at the expense of our fellow British citizens through this iniquitous protocol.

This is all part of their plan to keep Northern Ireland in the single market for goods and put the border in the Irish Sea, rather than where it should be: between Northern Ireland and the Republic.

Of course, there does not have to be a border on the scale of what the EU desires, but they want to be awkward and sadly the two leading unionist parties have failed so far in their opposition to let them know that they mean business.

All who care for the Union should let them know that no matter about trade deals our country is not for sale at any price! It would be like selling our souls to the devil for financial gain.