Unionism only has itself to blame

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Clive Maxwell

Israel is a tiny country surrounded by powerful enemies. The world, seduced by the lure of Arab oil, and greed, would just like them to roll over into a compromising position.

While seeking allies, the Jews have learned from bitter experience they can trust no-one. In the interest of peace they have made concessions and conceded territory. Their enemies viewed this as weakness and weaponised it against them.

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The unionist community could learn so much from Israel. We are surrounded by enemies, and Britain, under pressure from the US and the EU, see us as a clinging child and is trying to ease us off the teat. They see us as a drain on their resources. Using the protocol, they are fostering us out with the view to putting us up for adoption. At the moment, dressed in rags, we’ll go quietly.

The protocol was imposed over our heads and we have no-one to blame only ourselves. We have lost our self-respect and the respect of others. Wherever our future lies, and I rule nothing out, we have done nothing to earn the right to negotiate. Viewing the weakness of our position, nationalists don’t need to negotiate a compromise, they are strong enough to impose a solution! If we are going to have an input we have to work hard and command respect. If we really want peace we’ll have to break sweat and galvanize the community to action. To do that we need leaders, and we don’t have them.

For some considerable time our community has been in the grip of the liberal left who have infiltrated politics, our schools, and the churches. Not only have we lost our soul, we have lost our children. They have grown up not knowing who they are, where they are, and where they are going. We are in a tailspin, and we can’t pull out of it!

This is not a call to war, it’s a call to action. I want our young men, and women, to live for Ulster, not die for it. They heeded a call to war before and went to jail. When they came out all those nice people sitting comfortably in areas like North Down, shunned them. Would you want your son to die for these people?

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If our unionist community really wants peace it has to earn it. Nationalism is under no constraint to negotiate. You don’t make peace with the weak, you make peace with the strong. You don’t need to come to terms when you are in a position to impose unconditional surrender.

Clive Maxwell,
