Will we burst into song in praise of those who have held us to ransom?

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor
As the Stormont fiasco rolls on into another week of will they won't they, I wonder how many citizens of our fair country will develop Stockholm syndrome if there is a deal made?

Are we all going to burst into song at the dawning of a new spring and pat those that have been holding us to ransom on the back and shower them with congratulatory messages and tidings of good will?

Or are we going to see the real truth, that spiteful and negative politics has held the country back for a full year whilst our services have reached rock bottom and the Brexit negotiations have gone on a pace without any input from where it is most important?

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Whilst Northern Ireland has suffered immeasurably and its people have been treated as no more than underlings those that have placed us there have continued to receive full wages and benefits with no thought for the damage that they were doing.

Whenever the deal is done and I have no doubt that it will be soon, the elected members of the legislative assembly have a lot of ground to make up to those that they are meant to represent.

It may be business as usual when they finally go back to work but don’t expect the electorate to be easily appeased or there may be another syndrome called the Ulster syndrome where those that want the support of the voter at the next election get shown the door along with their pension and benefits.

K J Turner, Connor