New project aims to promote rural tourism experiences in Binevenagh and The Glens

Does your business want to play a part in creating new, memorable tourism experiences in the Binevenagh area and The Glens?

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has secured funding under the DAERA Rural Tourism Collaborative Experiences Programme, and is now seeking to work with tourism businesses in both areas.

If you’re willing to collaborate and showcase our unique culture and heritage, then please come along to a virtual ‘Experience Development Workshop’ to find out more. The workshop will take place on Monday, June 201421 for businesses based in The Glens and Tuesday, June 15 for those based in Binevenagh. Both will run from 10am to 12noon.

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The programme is aimed at providers who offer outdoor activities, health and wellbeing initiatives, storytelling, music, craft, local food and drink and accommodation.

In order to be eligible, you must be: Resident or your experience based or operational within either location. Be willing to create bookable, saleable visitor experiences that give visitors a reason to travel and explore Binevenagh and The Glens, thereby generating economic benefits for your business and the wider destination. Be willing to share your story relating to Binevenagh or The Glens area through your visitor experience.

Be willing to collaborate with other tourism businesses

To register an interest, please visit by Friday, June 4 at 12 noon and tick the GDPR box, allowing us to share your details with the Facilitator.

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