Lyndon with President Joe BidenLyndon with President Joe Biden
Lyndon with President Joe Biden

Dream job: Banbridge diplomat lifts the lid on rubbing shoulders with US policy makers, helping secure the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and flying the flag for Northern Ireland in Washington DC

‘In my day everyone just wanted to get away from Northern Ireland, whereas my children can’t wait to get back home when my Washington posting is finished’

A diplomat, who helped get the historic Belfast Good Friday Agreement over the line, has lifted the lid on what it’s like to now fly the flag for Northern Ireland in Washington DC.

County Down man Lyndon Hughes-Jennett joined the Northern Ireland Office in 1991, was at Stormont when the historic peace deal was signed, and now works state-side rubbing shoulders with top US policy makers including President Joe Biden.

Lyndon – awarded an OBE in the Queen’s last Birthday Honours list – says working in the shadow of the White House as the UK government’s attaché is his dream job.

He admitted: “Working in Washington is still a pinch-me moment. When the office called to ask me if I was interested in this job, I said right away ‘Definitely’.

“My favourite moments have been meeting and shaking hands with President Biden at the St Paddy’s Day ‘Friends of Ireland’ caucus lunch on Capital Hill and then meeting the Clintons in a Belfast pub when they were over for the Good Friday Agreement 25th anniversary earlier this year.

“For the UK’s ambassador to the US, Dame Karen Pierce, to introduce me to President Biden saying ‘This is our Northern Ireland attache’ was an unbelievable moment. It’s not every day you get to meet and shake hands with the President of the US.

“I travelled back over to Belfast for President Biden’s visit and the Belfast Good Friday Agreement 25th anniversary events. It was incredible because all the big beasts who helped bring the peace deal were there. The last time I’d seen Tony Blair or Bill Clinton in the flesh had been 25 years ago. It was an opportunity for me to reflect back on my career because of who was in the room.”

It’s been a busy year with Lyndon helping support President Biden’s visit to Northern Ireland in April to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. As well as attending this week’s Northern Ireland investment summit in Belfast where over 120 investors and businesses from around the globe are gathering for the two-day conference.

Praising the event, Lyndon, from Banbridge, continued: “The United States generated £7.2billion in inward investment stock in Northern Ireland at the end of 2021 – our largest source of foreign investment.

“This summit is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the incredible talent and expertise Northern Ireland has to offer and turbo charge even more investment in our businesses to create more jobs.

“Northern Ireland is an exciting place to promote in America and the UK government works tirelessly to make sure we can create opportunities. I think I offer an authentic voice when it comes to engagement and getting our message out.

“It does make a difference when I’m able to tell people I’ve worked for the NIO for over 30 years. I was there in the dark days before the Good Friday Agreement and I’ve been there ever since. I have credibility.

“The Good Friday Agreement paved the way for so many US companies to invest post-98 and Northern Ireland is now widely recognised as a great place to live and work. You also have things like Game of Thrones, Derry Girls, the tourist trail with the Giant’s Causeway so a lot that people internationally are getting excited about.

“We work hard identifying and forging relationships with the movers and shakers on The Hill who have an interest in Northern Ireland to get our positive story across.”

Lyndon’s first visit to the US was as a 15-year-old in 1984 as part of a programme which brought school children from Catholic and Protestant communities together.

As Northern Ireland commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement, a new generation of young leaders from over 190 countries will be in Belfast for the One Young World Summit on October 2-5.

Lyndon’s thrilled Belfast is playing host to a new generation of potential future peacebuilders at the event, which will also be attended by activist Sir Bob Geldof, former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, ex-footballer Didier Drogba and Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus.

He explained: “I know the impact my visit to America when I was 15 had on me. It totally changed my perspective on life, so I’m sure the One Young World Summit in Belfast can have a similar life-changing affect.

“It’s exciting that guests coming to Belfast for this could be inspired by the success of the Good Friday Agreement and use our story to achieve similar results around the world.

“I was only a junior member of the NIO team during the Good Friday Agreement negotiations, but I saw first-hand the importance of dialogue and everyone from all sides getting round the table.

“I was on the talks support team that made sure all the nuts and bolts were working. Handling the logistics, making sure the parties had everything that they needed, making sure conference rooms were set up, making sure everything ran like clockwork.

“It was long hours, but it needed to be done, all hands to the pump. People probably weren’t so sure that it would get over the line… but there was hope.

“I remember at one point near the end, Bill Clinton was involved making phone calls at two or three in the morning US-time. Then you had Tony Blair’s spokesperson Alastair Campbell out the front on a soapbox basically corralling all the media. It was incredible times.”

Dad-of-two Lyndon is proud of the legacy the Belfast Good Friday Agreement has had for his kids: “Northern Ireland is unrecognisable. My 15-year-old daughter compared to the 15-year-old me has far better prospects. In my day everyone just wanted to get away from Northern Ireland, whereas my children can’t wait to get back home when my Washington posting is finished.

“Our kids have truly no idea of what it was like to live through The Troubles when your mother’s handbag had to be searched popping into Woolworths.

“The danger was always in your mind but because it was normalised, if there was a bomb scare down the street, people would actually go down to where the barriers were, to see what was going on, which is just nuts when you think about it now.

“A couple of weeks before the Omagh bombing, a bomb in my home town Banbridge wrecked the main street.

“The bomb warning had come through so police cleared the street, and I’ll never forget but people were lined up looking down the street squinting to see the car that was weighed down at the back.

“In no time the bomb went off but people were standing just watching it, which is insane really but it was because it was just part and parcel of life in Northern Ireland at that time.

“So, the visitors coming over for both of these big summits being hosted in Belfast are visiting a Northern Ireland totally transformed. Hopefully they are suitably inspired.”

Lyndon – awarded an OBE in the Queen’s last Birthday Honours list – says working in the shadow of the White House as the UK government’s attaché is his dream job.