January 2017 is sunnier than average

Armagh Observatory has reported that January 2017 was rather warmer than average, very dry and sunnier than average. This was the driest January at Armagh for 20 years, that is, since the exceptionally dry January 1997.

Total precipitation was 27.6 mm (1.09 inches), including six trace values, which is less than 38% of the average January precipitation at Armagh. This was the driest January at Armagh since 1997 and the ninth-driest January on record at Armagh, that is, since the Observatory’s daily rainfall records began in 1838. The wettest day was the 30th with 9.8 mm of rainfall, followed by the 12th with 5.5 mm. There were two days with light snow cover, each with less than a couple of centimetres of snow lying.

The mean temperature was approximately 5.6 degrees Celsius (42.0 degrees Fahrenheit), slightly cooler than last January but still nearly 0.9 C warmer than the most recent (1981-2010) 30-year average January temperature at Armagh and almost 1.5 C warmer than the long-term (1796-2010) average.

The warmest day (that is, the highest maximum air temperature) was 11.7 C, a maximum that was reached on 10th and 25th.