New Year, New '˜Spring Calf Appeal'

It's that time of year again. Bóthar's Spring Calf Appeal has just been launched and the charity is calling on farmers to donate a calf that can be reared and put in-calf, so that in approximately 18 months time, the then in-calf heifer will be ready to be sent to a needy family in the developing world.

Pat Mullins, Bóthar, said that the heifers, which are raised by prisoners at Shelton Abbey and Loughan House open prisons as part of a farming training programme, have a transformative effect from the moment the decision is taken to donate them.

“Farmers in Ireland have been very supportive of us since the Spring Calf Scheme began. They know that it’s a win-win situation - the recipients obviously benefit, the prisoners who raise the calves for us benefit and the farmers themselves get a great sense of satisfaction from knowing they have helped,” he said.

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Recipient families are getting a very special animal, one that can continue to give for many years. Every family that receives an Irish dairy cow notices an immediate difference in their lives when their heifer calves and starts to produce milk. Irish dairy cows do very well in the Developing World, giving about 16-20 litres of milk per day, whereas for example in Rwanda, the local, indigenous cow produces just one litre per day.

Calves donated by farmers, schools and community groups from all over the country will be brought to the prisons, where there will be reared by inmates for the next 18 months. Once they mature, they will be airlifted to needy families in the developing world each of whom will receive expert training in livestock care before receiving their animal. Each family that receives the gift of an Irish dairy heifer agrees to pass-on the first-born female calf to another needy family.

“Our programmes bring communities together and inspire other people to become involved when they see how successful they are. This is especially important when it comes to women, who are often marginalised and who are often responsible for implementing these projects. With the income they make from the surplus, families can send their children to school, perhaps for the first time, and their overall health improves,” Mr. Mullins said.

Over the last five years, over 450 calves have been generously donated to the ‘Spring Calf Appeal’ by farmers, business people, schools and community groups across the country.

To donate a dairy calf to Bóthar contact Pat Mullins, Bóthar on Freephone 1800 268 463 or email [email protected]