Omagh Mart: Bullocks sell to £1,160

A much larger entry this week, with buyers more encouraged by the growing conditions.


B Sheridan, Sixmilecross 535k, £1,145; 500k, £1,080, Rose Marlow, Eskra 680k, £1,440, Patrick Dolan, Castlederg 560k, £1,160; 540k, £1,090; 545k, £1,100; 455k, £990, P T McMenamin, Leglands 525k, £1,065, K Murray, Tattyreagh 565k, £1,135, R Chambers, Strabane 420k, £950, G J King, Knockmoyle 400k, £895, J Anderson, Sixmilecross 450k, £935; 380k, £815, J McNabb, Drumquin 405k, £840, R Giles, Gortaclare 440k, £900, F Knox, Donemana 330k, £750; 375k, £840, A Harley, Plumbridge 395k, £850 and D Adams, Gortaclare 350k, £750.


M McNeilis, Beragh 515k, £1,100; 540k, £1,100, Stewartstown farmer 575k, £1,190, C Elkin, Tamlaght 550k, £1,125; 470k, £960, Jas Monaghan, Ederney 445k, £990; 495k, £1,090; 485k, £1,005, R Chambers, Strabane 410k, £905, P McNally, Dunamore 355k, £770; 345k, £720; 380k, £780, F Knox, Donemana 310k, £630 and G Corcoran, Arvalee 565k, £1,075; 560k, £1,075; 580k, £1,095.

Fat cows

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G Devlin, Dunamore 720k, £160, J McCabe, Carrickmore 580k, £158, P Gormley, Sixmilecross 650k, £156, K McGrath, Knockmoyle 590k, £153, P McCallan, Carrickmore 650k, £150, D McFadden, Mountfield 550k, £148, J Oliver, Tattysallagh 550k, £138 and S McGrath, Knockmoyle 590k, £137.

Dairy cows

F McCartan, Beragh 610k, £130, R A Darragh, Castlederg 610k, £128, J Edgar, Clanabogan 480k, £125, Hillside Farms, Dromore 750k, £117; 740k, £112; 670k, £110; 740k, £107, W McCreery, Fyfin 640k, £114, A Armstrong, Dromore 660k, £113 and P Donnelly, Roscavey 570k, £110.

Dropped calves

R Graham, Mountjoy, £420 and £350 Aberdeen Angus bulls, R Monteith, Fecarry £400 Belgian Blue bull, A Scott, Newtownstewart £410 Charolais heifer, J A Morris, Newtownstewart £390 Charolais bull, A Smith, Seskinore £365; £345 and £330 Aberdeen Angus bulls, S Grimes, Beragh £360 and £330 Hereford bulls, P V McCullagh, Greencastle £355 Limousin bull, N Kee, Trillick £340 and £320 Belgian Blue heifers and Fairmount Farms, Claudy £330 Simmental bull.