Strong demand for all types of cattle at Clogher Mart

Another strong demand for an entry of 1163 at Clogher Mart this week returning high prices for quality stock in all sections.

Leading prices as follows:

In the fat cow section beef cows sold to £211 for a 630kg Lim, £207 for a 680kg Lim to a Belleek producer, £206 for a 550kg Lim to a Derrylin producer and £205 for a 600kg B/B to a Pomeroy producer.

COW heifers sold to £209 for a 530kg Lim to an Omagh producer, £198 for a 550kg Lim and 600kg Lim to £200 to a Beleek producer, £185 for a 580kg Lim to a Derrylin producer. Others sold: Kilkeel producer 610kg Lim to £197. Tempo producer 610kg Sim to £180. Killylea producer 540kg AA to £179. Clogher producer 590kg Ch to £178. Brookeborough producer 690kg Ch to £177. Ballygawley producer 670kg Ch to £174. Magherafelt producer 590kg Lim to £174. Maguiresbridge producer 650kg Ch to £173. Magheraveely producer 720kg Lim to £171. Augher producer 690kg Lim to £169 and 750kg Ch to £168. Carrickmore producer 700kg AA to £166.

Other quality lots sold from £140 to £163 per 100kg.

Second quality lots sold from £115 to £137 per 100kg.

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Well fleshed Friesian cows sold from £114 to £124 per 100kg.

Plainer lots sold from £86 to £112 per 100kg.

Poorer types sold from £58 to £79 per 100kg.

FAT BULLS: 960kg Lim to £124. 970kg Ch to £120. 1210kg Ch to £115. 1060kg Ch to £110. 880kg M/B to £105. 840kg Ch to £105. 1000kg Her to £104. 760kg Sim to £101. 810kg AA to £90.

FAT STEERS (overage): 620kg Ch to £190, 580kg Lim to £186, 610kg Lim to £184, 690kg Ch to £180, 630kg Lim to £176, 570kg Ch to £171, 510kg Ch to £164, 540kg Lim to £162, 560kg Her to £159, 670kg Sim to £158.

FAT STEERS (underage): 710kg Lim to £190. 640kg Ch to £189. 520kg Her to £176. 440kg Her to £176. 440kg AA to £176. 570kg Fr to £166. 880kg Sim to £158. 550kg Fr to £146. 450kg S/H to £130.

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FAT HEIFERS (underage): 510kg Lim to £206. 560kg AA to £192. 550kg Her to £188. 510kg AA to £185. 550kg AA to £182. 510kg AA to £169. 530kg AA to £168. 580kg B/B to £164. 490kg Her to £161.

STORE BULLOCKS: A good entry sold to a very sharp demand with heavy stores selling to £1495 for a 660kg Ch, £1430 for a 730kg Ch, £1420 for a 680kg Ch and £1390 for a 730kg Lim to Carrick Farms, Aughnacloy. Wm Martin, Caledon sold 690kg Sim to £1490, 740kg Ch to £1490, 720kg Sim to £1350 and 710kg Ch to Fivemiletown 770kg Ch to £1445 and 740kg Ch to £1430. Roy Hall, Fivemiletown 670kg Lim to £1390. K Walker, Portadown 710kg Sim to £1335, 760kg Sim to £1310, 690kg Her to £1300, 750kg Lim to £1290 and 730kg Lim to £1280. J T Lynch, Lisnaskea 730kg Ch to £1300.

MED WEIGHTS 410KG TO 500KG: C Beattie, Fintona 490kg Ch to £1075. R J Keenan, Fivemiletown 470kg Lim to £1060, 450kg Ch to £1045, 450kg Lim to £1025 and 490kg Lim to £950. J and P Trueman, Ballygawley 490kg Ch to £1055. P J O’Neill, Lurgan 500kg Ch to £1040. A Sloane, Armagh 480kg B/B to £1015. V Kelly, Ballygawley 500kg Ch to £970. G Mellon, Fintona 430kg Lim to £950. J and F McCaffery, Derrylin 480kg Ch to £950. N and K Carrothers, Tempo 450kg AA to £945. T Grew, Corranny 460kg Sim to £935. E Mulligan, Rosslea 410kg Lim to £900.

SMALLER SORTS 400KG & UNDER: G Mellon, Fintona 380kg Lim to £905, and 390kg Lim to £875. M and G Ward, Sixmilecross 400kg AA to £900. K McCaughey, Tempo 340kg Sim to £740. S McGovern, Clogher 340kg Fr to £500, 330kg Fr to £455 and 310kg Fr to £455.

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STORE HEIFERS: Great demand for a good entry of stock with M Hawe, Dungannon selling a 620kg Lim to £1335. R Withers, Fivemiletown 660kg Ch to £1320, 610kg Ch to £1280, 600kg Lim to £1165 and 570kg Lim to £1160. F Flynn, Newtownbutler 680kg Ch to £1300, 590kg Ch to £1250 and 580kg Ch to £1250. M McClave, Rosslea 600kg Ch to £1240 and 590kg Ch to £1215. I S Farrell, Fivemiletown 610kg Ch to £1240 and 660kg Ch to £1210. G Boles, Maguiresbridge 580kg AA to £1220. Walter Hogg, Fivemiletown 580kg Ch to £1165. J A Henry, Fintona 540kg Lim to £1145 and 540kg Lim to £1140. H Macauley, Ballyclare 570kg Ch to £1140 and 500kg Lim to £1140. S Heenan, Fintona 540kg Ch to £1140. T McVitty, Newtownbutler 510kg Ch to £1135.

MED WEIGHTS 410KG TO 500KG: T McVitty, Newtownbutler 500kg Ch to £1140, 490kg Lim to £1070 and 490kg Sim to £980. P D McGartland, Dungannon 490kg Daq to £1140 and 470kg Daq to £990. Lisbellaw producer 480kg Lim to £1110. J Bloomer, Cookstown 490kg Lim to £1105. J and P Trueman, Ballygawley 500kg Lim to £1085. Corranny producer 490kg AA to £1075. Claudy producer 460kg Lim to £1045 and 450kg Lim to £1025. Dungannon producer 470kg Lims to £1040 twice. E Mulligan, Rosslea 490kg Sim to £1040. D J Primrose, Fivemiletown 490kg Ch to £1020. N and K Carrothers, Tempo 430kg Ch to £1005. E Doyle, Dungannon 450kg Lim to £1000 and 470kg Ch to £980. M McClave, Rosslea 430kg Ch to £980.

SMALLER SORTS 400KG & UNDER: J Bloomer, Cookstown 390kg Ch to £930. Clogher producer 390kg Lim to £900. T McVitty, Newtownbutler 400kg Ch to £880. P D McGartland, Dungannon 400kg Daq to £880 and 380kg Daq to £780. R J Barnes, Cookstown 370kg Lim to £860 and 300kg Lim to £745. G Sheridan, Omagh 370kg Ch to £820 and 360kg AA to £735. S Flannigan, Newtownbutler 390kg Lim to £795, 390kg AA to £790, 360kg Ch to £720 and 320kg Ch to £700. P Carr, Armagh 360kg Lim to £795. P McManus, Brookeborough 360kg Ch to £780. Claudy producer 390kg Lim to £770. Pomeroy producer 350kg Lim to £740, 360kg Lim to £740 and 360kg Ch to £735.

WEANLINGS: Another large entry sold to a very keen demand with steers and bulls selling to £1000 for a 370kg Ch to D McCullagh, Greencastle. Brian McCullagh, Greencastle sold a 410kg Lim to £1000. P V McKenna, Augher 470kg Shb to £1000 and 460kg Shb. to £965. S McCall, Armagh 300kg Ch to £960 and 360kg Ch to £945. J and F McCaffery, Derrylin 470kg Her to £955. Tempo producer 390kg Lim to £940. J McCarroll, Seskinore 330kg Lim to £935 and 320kg Lim to £890. F Boyle, Rosslea 390kg Ch to £925. G A Donnelly, Seskinore 370kg Sim to £925. T Aiken, Kesh 360kg Ch to £905. S F McCaughey, Augher to £870.

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WEANLING HEIFERS: L Johnston, Tempo 460kg Ch to £955, 370kg Ch to £840, 350kg Ch to £830, 340kg Ch to £805, 370kg Ch to £790 and 350kg Ch to £770. S McCall, Armagh 410kg Ch to £900, 360kg Ch to £800 and 390kg Lim to £780. Brian McCullagh, Greencastle 370kg Ch to £855. W G Hoey, Fivemiletown, Y Donnelly, Augher 310kg Ch to £830. J M McGovern, Clogher 350kg Sim to £820. P Slane, Omagh 390kg Ch to £795. J McKeever, Armagh 370kg Lim to £795. Tempo producer 320kg Lim to £780.

DAIRY COWS & HEIFERS: Another good entry sold to a brisk demand with Omagh producer Oswald Mitchell selling a calved heifer to £1660 and another to £1280. Noel Woods, Pomeroy £1560 for a calved heifer. J G McHenry and Droghal, Co Armagh £1400, £1310 and £1260 for calved heifers. Des Capper, Portadown £1150 for calved heifer. G McNeice, Middletown £1140 and £1050 for calved cows. E McCann, Fintona £1105 and £1000 for springing heifers. A selection of maiden heifers from Gunn Farms Ltd, Newtownbutler sold from £570 to £705 with smaller ones selling to £475 each. another selection of maiden heifers sold £715 each for two £700 each for two and £540 each for two.

SUCKLER COWS & CALVES: A smaller turnout sold readily with E M Whittaker, Derrygonnelly selling a 2011 cow and bull calf to £1905 and a 2010 cow and heifer calf to £1860. P Clifford, Rosslea £1630 for a heifer and bull calf. Stephen Flannigan, Newtownbutler £1570 for heifer and bull calf. G Devenney, Dromore (Tyrone) £1550 for heifer and heifer calf. A McDonald, Ballygawley £1500 for 2012 cow and heifer calf. Pomeroy producer £1500 for heifer and bull calf. Mountview Cattle, Dungannon £1305 for heifer and heifer calf and £1100 for a heifer and heifer calf. M Rutledge, Castlederg £1100 for heifer and bull calf.

INCALF COWS & HEIFERS: Pomeroy producer £1150. A Mannagh £955 and £880 (cows), K Wallace £890, £840, £620 and £605 (cows).

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DROPPED CALVES & REARED CALVES: A smaller entry sold to a good steady demand with bull calves (under two months) selling to £445 for a Her and £340 for a B/B to E and A Thompson, Tempo. R Crawford, Augher £420 for Ch, M J and G Ward, H Stockdale, Clogher £330, £310 twice and £300 twice for B/Bs. W T Watson, Ballygawley £290 for Her. J Courtney, Maguiresbridge £288 for AA.

HEIFERS: R Crawford, Augher £470 for Lim. C Elkin, Omagh £285 for B/B. A McDonald, Ballygawley £280 for Ch. P Kelly, Letterbreen £280 for B/B.

REARED BULLS: Lisbellaw producer £500 for Lim. C McNeill, Bllygawley £500 and £480 for Lims. A Coote, Ballygawley £450 and £350 for Lims. J Donnelly, Trillick £435 for Ch. A and M Edwards, Ballygawley £380 for Friesian. J Keys, Clogher £345 twice for Friesians.

REARED HEIFERS: Lisbellaw producer £580 for Ch and £515 for Lim. J McManus, Derrylin £540 for S/H and £460 for Lim. Clogher producer £530 and £520 for Lims and £500 for Sim. Wm McKenna, Clogher £495 for Ch. A Hanna, Irvinestown £450 for Lim. Gortavoy Farms, Pomeroy £380 twice for Lims.

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