Fundraiser launched to save life of puppy Kiro after owners told he suffers from ‘extreme case’ of Canine Juvenile Hip Dysplasia

A fundraising campaign has been launched to help pay for major surgery to save the life of a much loved puppy.

Kiro the Alaskan Malamute puppy was adopted in March by brothers and sister, Conor, Christopher and Brenna Goff, in Lurgan.

To date just over £2,000 of a £12,000 total has been raised.

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When they brought the pup home they believed that both his parents were in perfect health.


But last month, they noticed a problem in Kiro’s hip and last week the pup was diagnosed with an ‘extreme case’ of Canine Juvenile Hip Dysplasia.

Christopher Goff who is organising this fundraiser added: “To give you an idea of how bad his case is, our vet explained that the worst case scenario would be a score of 1, where malamutes usually sit at around a 0.52.

“Kiro’s hip scores are a 0.95.

“This means he will require two hip replacements pretty much as soon as possible.

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“We understand it’s a difficult time to be asking for donations, and this is a last resort for us.

“I am a full time carer for my mother and father which means my income at this time is limited.

Our aim is to raise enough funds to get Kiro a double total hip replacement which would give him a new lease of life.

“However, if we aren’t able to raise enough funds for this, we will be using the money to give Kiro a double partial hip replacement which will help to significantly reduce his pain.

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“Our vet also explained to us that by the time he is 2 years old, his condition will have worsened, therefore it is important we are able to give him the care he needs as soon as possible.

“Thank you”.