Pro-life protestors delivering their message at the United March For The Unborn eventPro-life protestors delivering their message at the United March For The Unborn event
Pro-life protestors delivering their message at the United March For The Unborn event

United March For The Unborn: Pro-life parade in Portadown against Northern Ireland abortion buffer zones - 11 images

A pro-life parade was held in Portadown yesterday, with participants making their opposition known to the introduction of a new protest buffer zone at Craigavon Area Hospital.

The zones of 100-150m came into place last Friday at entrances to Daisy Hill, Causeway, Altnagelvin, Lagan Valley and Ulster hospitals as well as clinics at College Street and Bradbury Wellbeing and Treatment Centre in Belfast.

The Department of Health says the zones are intended to protect women and girls accessing abortion services and information - and staff helping them - from being impeded, recorded, influenced, harassed, alarmed or distressed.

Anyone guilty of breaching the law will be guilty of a criminal offence and liable to a fine of £500.

The “United March For The Unborn” took place from Portadown town centre to Craigavon Area Hospital. It was organised by Abolition Abortion NI.

Here are 11 images from yesterday’s event.

Anyone guilty of breaching the law will be guilty of a criminal offence and liable to a fine of £500.