Blast from the past: Step away from the socks and sandals

Socks and sandals are a combination synonymous with your 1970s geography teacher on an orienteering weekend in the Mournes.
Many of us will associate socks and sandals with 1970s' geography teachersMany of us will associate socks and sandals with 1970s' geography teachers
Many of us will associate socks and sandals with 1970s' geography teachers

It’s was a painfully uncool look then – crusty sock-covered toes peeking out beneath a velcroed performance sandal – and it’s still uncool, whether worn by David Beckman, a geeky teacher, a caravan enthusiast or a camping stalwart.

There’s evidence that the Romans were the first to pair socks with sandals, and I would contend they should have remained ancient history – but sadly, no.

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Whilst many men have cottoned (ahem) on that this is an agonisingly anti-chic look; for others it’s still their summer uniform of choice – often paired with many-pocketed shorts and a sensible shirt from a home shopping catalogue or gentlemen’s outfitters.

Granted, they may be comfortable and practical for Northern Ireland’s mercurial weather, but that still doesn’t make socks and sandals an acceptable sartorial pairing- they should remain in fashion ignominy, along with chest hair and double denim.

Sadly, as we know fashion is cyclical, but let’s hope that today’s young men don’t flock to follow in the socks-and-sandal-clad footsteps of their fathers and grandfathers, or that if they do, they try and do it in a non-nerdy way – no mean feat!. ​​​​​