Man to stand trial for child sex offences

A man is to stand trial for an alleged series of child sex offences spanning three decades, a judge ordered today.

Gavin Cuthbert, 49, appeared before Belfast Magistrates' Court to face a total of 41 charges.

He is accused of multiple counts of indecent assault, gross indecency with a child and buggery.

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Cuthbert, whose address was given as Maghaberry Prison, also faces further charges of sexual assault and causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

The alleged offences cover a period from 1988 to 2018, and involve two separate complainants.

Entering the dock with the aid of a crutch, Cuthbert raised no objection to the preliminary enquiry hearing.

He declined to call witnesses or give evidence at this stage.

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District Judge Fiona Bagnall then backed prosecution submissions that he has a case to answer and granted an application to have him returned for Crown Court trial.

Cuthbert was remanded back into custody until those proceedings get underway on a date to be set.