String of cars set alight in Belfast arson attack

Half-a-dozen vehicles were totally gutted by fire on the outskirts of Belfast yesterday.

A number of vehicles were set alight at business premises in the Barnfield Road area, on the far south-western edge of the city.

It happened just after 2.30am on Saturday.

Chief Inspector Ian McCormick said: “Six cars were completely destroyed by fire in the incident which we are currently treating as arson.

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“We are carrying out enquiries and would like to hear from anyone who saw any suspicious activity in the area between 2am and 3am or who has any information about what happened.

“You can get in touch with police by calling 101 and quoting reference number 184 of 14/8/21.

“A report can also be made using the online reporting form via .

“Alternatively, information can be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at .”


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