Operation Banner all causes Roll of Honour

Compiled by the Northern Ireland Veterans Association, including all in-service deaths 1969-2007 and all subsequent terrorist murders

This Roll of Honour includes all branches of the security forces and emergency services that lost their lives while in service due to the security situation in Northern Ireland that existed from roughly June 1969 to July 2007, when Op banner was finally brought to and end. Also included are any murders of security forces after that date.

The Roll of Honour also includes those security forces that lost their lives due to Irish terrorism on the mainland UK, Europe and the Republic of Ireland.

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Also included are all civilians that worked for the security forces in various capacities and finally any family members of security forces murdered during attacks on their serving loved ones.

By security and emergency forces, we include the regular army (including former members), Royal Navy/Royal Marines, Royal Air Force, UDR (including former members), Royal Irsh Regt, TA, RUC/PSNI (including former members), Northern Ireland Prison Service, Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service and members of the Garda, Irish Army and Irish Prison Service.

We have tried to research these figures to the best of our ability and we apologise if we have left out names or got facts wrong and we would appreciate any feedback after you have had a chance to browse the memorial wall.


• Regular army lost 860 of which 486 were murdered in terrorist attacks (including former soldiers)

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• Royal navy/Royal Marines lost 43 of which 24 were murdered in terrorist attacks

• RAF lost 34 of which 7 were murdered in terrorist attacks

• UDR lost 571 of which 264 were murdered in terrorist atacks (including former soldiers)

• Royal Irish Regt (HS & GS) lost 81 of which 7 were murdered in terrorist attacks

• Teritorial army 14 of which 6 were murdered in terrorist attacks

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• RUC/PSNI lost 1002 of which 322 were murdered in terrorist attacks (including former members)

• NI Prison Service lost 81 of which 31 were murdered in terrorist attacks

• NI Fire Service of which 4 were murdered in terrorist attacks

• Garda Siochana/Irish Army and Irish Prison Service of which 15 were murdered in terrorist attacks.

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• Cadet forces of which 2 were murdered in terrorist attacks

• Civilian employees/contractors 45 were murdered in terrorist atacks

• Family of security forces 25 were murdered during terrorist attacks on serving personnel

Following are the names/dates/causes for each person, starting with the regular army and broken down into their respective regiments and battalions and then through to the Republic of Ireland forces and others. They are listed in order of the units who lost the most personnel.



1st Regt RHA

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Gnr D Farrington, Murdered by PIRA, 13/03/1974; Gnr T Utteridge, (att 3 RGJ), Murdered by PIRA, 19/10/1984

2nd Fld Regt RA

Sgt C Coleman, Murdered by PIRA, 07/06/1972

3rd Regt RHA

Bdr P Challenor, Murdered by PIRA, 10/08/1971; L/Bdr S Restorick, Murdered by PIRA, 12/02/1997; Gnr J Cooper, Other Causes, 22/02/1997

4th Lt/Fld Regt RA

Gnr B Robertson, Murdered by PIRA, 02/06/1972; Gnr V Husband, Murdered by PIRA, 02/06/1972; L/Bdr D Wynne, Murdered by PIRA, 07/08/1972; Gnr E Gordon, Murdered by PIRA, 07/08/1972; Bdr T Griffin, Murdered by PIRA in England, 04/02/1974; Gnr L Godden, Murdered by PIRA in England, 04/02/1974; Sgt B Fearns, Murdered by PIRA, 30/07/1974

5th Lt/Hvy Regt RA

Bdr B Thomasson, Murdered by OIRA, 11/04/1972; L/Bdr E Blackburn, Murdered by OIRA, 11/04/1972; Gnr P Raistrick, Murdered by PIRA, 11/06/1972; Gnr P Clarke, Accident Clearing Barricades, 09/08/1980; Gnr L Morgan, (att 19 RA), Murdered by PIRA, 26/04/1988; Gnr M Amos, (att 32 RA), Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1989

12th LAD Regt RA

Gnr K MacCunn, (Att to 4 RA), Murdered by PIRA, 22/06/1974

16th LAD Regt RA

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Gnr W Millar, Murdered by PIRA, 03/07/1976; L/Bdr K Richards, (att from 22 Loc Bty), Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1979; Gnr A Ayrton, (att from 22 Loc Bty), Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1979; Gnr S Evans, (att from 22 Loc Bty), Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1979; Gnr W Beck, (att from 22 Loc Bty), Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1979

19th Fld Regt RA

Maj D Storrey, Murdered by PIRA, 14/08/1972

20th Med Regt RA

L/Bdr T Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 11/07/1972

22nd LAD Regt RA

Gnr R Ham, Murdered by PIRA, 29/12/1971; Gnr I Evans, Murdered by PIRA, 11/04/1973; Sgt T Crump, Murdered by PIRA, 03/05/1973

24th Msl Regt RA

Gnr M Ashford (att 42 Regt) Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1976

25th Lt Regt RA

Gnr C Loring Murdered by PIRA 31/08/1971; Gnr P Jackson Murdered by PIRA 28/11/1972

26th Fld Regt RA

WO2 S Shields, DOW from an PIRA attack, 10/03/1977; L/Bdr P Garrett, Murdered by PIRA, 02/12/1993

27th Med/Fld Regt RA

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Gnr A Stevens, Murdered by PIRA, 27/10/1971; L/Bdr D Tilbury, Murdered by PIRA, 27/10/1971; Gnr I Docherty, Murdered by PIRA, 31/10/1971; Gnr A Jeal, Accidental Fire, 11/07/1975; Gnr D Oldfield, (att 45 Regt RA), Other Causes, 01/06/1992

29 Cdo Regt RA

Gnr R Cutting, Friendly Fire Incident, 03/09/1972; Sgt I Swain, RTA chasing a suspect car, 23/03/1973

32 Lt/Hvy Regt RA

Gnr A Abbot, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1976; Gnr M Murphy, Murdered by PIRA, 22/11/1976; L/Bdr S Cummins, Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1989; L/Bdr D Sheppard, Other Causes, 18/03/1989; Maj M Dillon -Lee, Murdered by PIRA in Germany, 02/06/1990

39th Fld Regt RA

Gnr P Sheppard, Murdered by PIRA, 01/03/1978

40th Fld Regt RA

Gnr K Venn, Murdered by PIRA, 28/04/1973; 2Lt J Fox, Other Causes, 21/01/1995

42nd Hvy Regt RA

Gnr C McDonald, Murdered by PIRA, 18/12/1975

45th Lt/Fld Regt RA

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Sgt M Carroll, Murdered by OIRA, 14/09/1971; Gnr K Bates, RTA, 04/11/1974; Gnr R Furminger, (att Felix), Murdered by PIRA 02/08/1979; Capt N French, Natural Causes, 12/03/92

49th Fld Regt RA

Gnr S Nicholson, Natural Causes, 05/11/1976; Gnr F Muller, Murdered by PIRA, 11/01/1977; Gnr G Muncaster, Murdered by PIRA, 23/01/1977; Gnr R Edwards, Other Causes 02/07/1978

50 Missile Regt RA

L/Bdr K Waller, (att 1 WFR), Murdered by INLA, 20/09/1982

94 Loc Regt RA

Gnr R Curtis, Murdered by PIRA, 06/02/1971; L/Bdr J Laurie, Murdered by PIRA, 15/02/1971; Bdr H Pisarek, Murdered by PIRA, 25/11/1973; Gnr J Brookes, Murdered by PIRA, 25/11/1973; Sgt J Haughey, Murdered by PIRA, 21/01/1974

Depot RA, Woolwich

Gnr R Dunne, Murdered by PIRA in England, 08/11/1974

Otterburn Training Camp

Lt Col J Stevenson, Murdered by PIRA in England, 08/04/1974

Royal Artillery Regt Unknown

S/Sgt J Craig, RTA, 13/09/1972; Gnr B Jones, RTA, 09/06/1975; Gnr J Reynolds, Other Causes, 13/03/1976; Maj G Milburn, Natural Causes, 16/03/1978; Capt M Kett, (att AAC), Heli Crash, 10/04/1978; Gnr S Irwin, Other Causes, 25/01/1983; Maj G Sparks, RA (att HQNI), Killed in the Heli Crash on the Mull of Kintyre, 02/06/1994

Territorial Army RA UNITS

102 Regt RA (V)

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Sgt S McClean, Natural Causes, 30/05/1981; Bdr P Cree, Other Causes, 05/02/1988

105 Regt RA (V)

Gnr P Kearney, Natural Causes, 11/11/1996

Former Members of the RA, Murdered

Mr N Smyth, Murdered by PIRA, 23/05/1994

Terrorist Murder – 56,

Other Causes – 21,

TOTAL – 78



1st Battalion

Pte A Kelly, RTA, 18/03/1972; Pte C Stephenson, (att 64 AAC), Murdered by PIRA, 24/06/1972; Pte P James, Murdered by PIRA, 16/03/1974; Pte R Bedford, Murdered by PIRA, 16/03/1974; Pte J Fisher, Murdered by PIRA, 12/07/1978; Cpl R Adcock, (att AAC), Chopper Crash, 02/12/1978; L/Cpl P Hampson, (att ADU NI), Other Causes, 25/12/1981; Pte M May, RTA, 26/08/1982; Sgt M Matthews, Murdered by PIRA, 28/07/1988; Pte P Gross, Accident, 13/05/1993; Pte C King, Other Causes, 04/12/1994; Pte M Ramsey, Accident, 21/08/1997

2nd Battalion

Pte M Docherty, Manslaughter of Duty, 21/05/1970; Pte V Chapman, Drowned, 24/06/1970; Pte R Barton, Murdered by PIRA, 14/07/1971; Pte F Bell, Murdered by PIRA, 20/09/1972; Cpl S Harrison, Murdered by PIRA, 07/04/1973; L/Cpl T Brown, Murdered by PIRA, 07/04/1973; WO2 W Vines, Murdered by PIRA, 05/05/1973; Sgt J Wallace, Murdered by PIRA, 24/05/1973; Maj P Fursman, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte A Wood, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; L/Cpl C Ireland, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte D Blair, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte G Barnes, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Sgt I Rogers, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte J Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Cpl J Giles, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Cpl L Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte M Woods, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Cpl N Andrews, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte R Dunn, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979 ; Pte R Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte R England, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte T Vance, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; WO2 W Beard, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Pte P Grundy, Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1979; Pte G Hardy, Friendly Fire Incident, 01/01/1980; Lt S Bates, Friendly Fire Incident, 01/01/1980; Sgt B Brown, Murdered by PIRA, 09/08/1980; Sgt A Slater, (Serving with 22 SAS), Murdered by PIRA, 02/12/1984; Pte M Lee, Other Causes, 20/08/1992

3rd Battalion

Sgt M Willetts, Murdered by PIRA, 25/05/1971; L/Cpl D Forman, Shot Accidentally, 16/04/1973; Pte W Snowden, Murdered by PIRA, 28/06/1976; Pte James Borucki, Murdered by PIRA, 08/08/1976; L/Cpl D Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 17/03/1978; Pte R Spikins, RTA, 25/03/1989; L/Cpl S Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1989; Pte M Marshall, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1989; Pte D MacAuley, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1989; Pte A Harrison, Murdered by PIRA, 19/06/1991; L/Cpl P Sullivan, Drowned 27/6/1992; L/Cpl R Coulson, Drowned 27/6/1992

Depot Parachute Regt

Padre G Weston, Murdered by OIRA in England, 22/02/1972

Former Member of the Parachute Regt

Mr John Lee, Murdered by PIRA, 27/02/1977

Terrorist Murder – 40,

Other Causes – 16,

TOTAL – 56




1st Battalion

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Capt R Nairac, Murdered by PIRA, 14/05/1977; Gdsm G Ling, Murdered by PIRA, 21/12/1978; Gdsm G Duggan, Murdered by PIRA, 21/12/1978; Gdsm K Johnson, Murdered by PIRA, 21/12/1978; Gdsm P Weaver, Other Causes, 23/12/1978; Capt R Westmacott, (serving with SAS), Murdered by PIRA, 02/05/1980; C/Sgt J Wigg, Other Causes, 17/01/1986

2nd Battalion

Gdsm P Macdonald, RTA with a Train, 05/03/1986; Gdsm B Hughes, DOW, RTA with a Train, 11/03/1986; L/Cpl Gary Kiteley, Shot Accidentally, 28/12/1986; Gdsm D Blinco, Murdered by PIRA, 30/12/1993;

Terrorist Murder – 6,

Other Causes – 5,

TOTAL - 11



1st Battalion

Sgt A Metcalfe, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1972; Gdsm S Shaw, Shot Accidentally, 21/01/1989

2nd Battalion

Gdsm M Shaw, Murdered by PIRA, 20/02/1973; Gdsm Robert Pearson, Murdered by PIRA, 20/02/1973; Gdsm M Doyle, Murdered by PIRA, 21/02/1973; Gdsm A Brown, Murdered by PIRA, 06/03/1973; Gdsm S Ware, Murdered by PIRA, 17/08/1991; Battalion Unknown; Capt A Pollen, (att 14 Int), Murdered by PIRA, 14/04/1974

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Gdsm P Simmonds, Shot Accidentally, 12/01/1976; Cpl J Spensley, RTA, ; Cpl R Drewett, (Att Int Corp), Other Causes, 15/06/1984; Gdsm D Eddy, Unlawfully killed, 30/08/2003

Terrorist Murder – 7,

Other Causes – 5,

TOTAL - 12



1st Battalion

Gdsm B Hall, Murdered by OIRA, 04/10/1971; Gdsm G Hamilton, Murdered by PIRA, 17/10/1971; Gdsm N Booth, Murdered by PIRA, 30/10/1971; Gdsm S McGuire, Murdered by PIRA, 04/11/1971; Gdsm P Nicholls, Murdered by PIRA, 27/11/1971; Gdsm D Shackelton, Murdered by PIRA, 03/08/1992; Gdsm A Wason, Other Cause 03/09/1992

2nd Battalion

Gdsm J Van Beck, Murdered by PIRA, 18/09/1972; Gdsm G Lockhart, Murdered by PIRA, 26/09/1972; L/Sgt T McKay, Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1972; Gdsm A Daughtery, Murdered by PIRA, 31/12/1973; L/Cpl A Swift, (att 14 Int), Murdered by PIRA, 11/08/1978; L/Sgt G Stewart, Murdered by PIRA, 05/05/1990; Gdsm P Brown, RTA, 02/08/1990; Gdsm A Ireland, Other Causes, 11/09/1990

Battalion Unknown

Gdsm J Edmunds, Drowned, 16/03/1970


Lt/General V Erskine-Crum, Natural Causes, 18/03/1971


Gdsm W Forsythe, Murdered by PIRA, in England, 05/10/1974

Gdsm J Hunter, Murdered by PIRA, in England, 05/10/1974

C/Sgt D Naden, (serving with SAS), RTA, 07/06/1978

C/Sgt E Murrison, RTA, 09/04/1980

Gdsm G Connell, Drowned, 12/10/1980

L/Sgt I Hanna, Other Causes, 20/10/1980

Maj D Nicol of Ardmarnoch, Natural Causes, 21/10/1986

Terrorist Murder – 14,

Other Causes – 10,

TOTAL – 24

Irish Guards

1st Battalion

Gdsm S Murphy, Murdered by PIRA, 14/11/1977

Terrorist Murder – 1,

Other Causes – 0,


Welsh Guards

1st Battalion

Sgt P Price, Murdered by PIRA, 21/07/1972; Gdsm D Roberts, Murdered by PIRA, 24/11/1973; Gdsm P Fryer, Murdered by PIRA, 13/11/1979; Pte M Howell, RTA, 12/07/1992

Terrorist Murder – 3,

Other Causes – 1,


TOTAL for the Guards – 52

Royal Green Jackets

1st Battalion

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L/Cpl M Pearce, Other Causes, 24/09/1969; Rfn J Keeney, RTA, 25/10/1969; L/Cpl M Boswell, RTA, 25/20/1969; Cpl R Bankier, Murdered by OIRA, 22/05/1971; Rfn D Walker, Murdered by PIRA, 12/07/1971; L/Cpl D Card, Murdered by PIRA, 04/08/1972; Rfn N Allen, Shot Accidentally, 26/11/1973; Rfn M Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 29/12/1974; Cpl W Smyth, Murdered by PIRA, 31/08/1977; Rfn M Bagshaw, Murdered by PIRA, 19/05/1981; Rfn A Gavin, Murdered by PIRA, 19/05/1981; L/Cpl G Winstone, Murdered by PIRA, 19/05/1981; Rfn J King, Murdered by PIRA, 19/05/1981; L/Cpl G Dean, Murdered by PIRA, 16/07/1981; Rfn D Grainger, Shot Accidentally, 10/04/1983; Rfn D Mulley, Murdered by PIRA,18/03/1986; L/Cpl T Hewitt, Murdered by PIRA, 19/07/1987; L/Cpl E Jedruch, Chopper Accident, 31/07/1987; Sgt Thomas Ross, RTA 18/10/1991; Cpl Matthew Maddocks, Chopper Crash, 14/11/1991; Rfn J Smith, RTA, 10/08/1992; Rfn R Davey, Other Causes, 29/10/1992

2nd Battalion

Rfn J Hill, Murdered by PIRA, 16/10/1971; Maj R Alers-Hankey, Murdered by PIRA, 30/01/1972; Rfn J Taylor, Murdered by PIRA, 20/03/1972; Rfn J Meredeth, Murdered by PIRA, 26/06/1972; Lt/Col Ian Corden-Lloyd, Chopper crash after coming under PIRA, attack 17/02/1978; Rfn N Smith, Murdered by PIRA, 04/03/1978; Rfn N Malakos, Murdered by PIRA, 25/03/1982; Rfn D Holland, Murdered by PIRA, 25/03/1982; Rfn A Rapley, Murdered by PIRA, 25/03/1982; Rfn C Williams, RTA, O8/11/1991; L/Cpl W Harris, RTA, 08/11/1991; Cpl L Wall, Other Causes, 12/12/1991; Rfn D Fenley, Shot Accidentally 17/02/1993

3rd Battalion

Cpl I Morrill, Murdered by PIRA, 28/08/1972; Rfn D Griffiths, Murdered by PIRA, 30/08/1972; L/Cpl I George, Murdered by PIRA, 10/09/1972; Rfn J Joesbury, Murdered by PIRA, 08/12/1972; Rfn C Watson, Murdered by PIRA, 19/07/1980; WO2 K Theobald, Other Causes, 02/10/1995

Royal Green Jackets Band

WO2 G Barker, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982; Cpl R Livingstone, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982; Cpl J McKnight, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982; Bandsman G Measure, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982; Bandsman K Powell, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982; Bandsman L Smith, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982; Bandsman J Heritage, Murdered by PIRA, in England 01/08/1982

Former Members of the RGJ

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Mr B Shaw, Murdered by PIRA, 21/07/1974; Mr R Duggan, DOW Received in an PIRA, attack 19/12/2005

Terrorist Murder – 35,

Other Causes - 14,


Royal Engineers

3 Regt RE

Spr J Walton, Murdered by PIRA, 02/07/1974; L/Cpl M Robbins, Murdered by PIRA, in England01/08/1988

10 Fld Sqn RE

Spr F Jones, Accident on duty, 03/02/1980

11 Regt RE

Maj R Jarman, Murdered by PIRA, 20/07/1973

21 Regt RE

Spr H Edwards, Murdered by PIRA, 11/12/1976

23 Regt RE

Spr T Stuart, Murdered by PIRA, whilst working undercover, 02/10/1972; S/Sgt M Banks, Murdered by PIRA, 26/6/1972

25 Regt RE

Sgt D Evans, Murdered by PIRA, 21/07/1976

33 Fld Sqn RE

Cpl T Palmer, RTA, Whilst serving with 22 SAS, 08/02/1983.

34 Regt RE

Sgt R McCarter, Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1975

38 Regt RE

Spr M Quinsy, Murdered by RIRA, 07/03/2009; Spr P Azimkar, Murdered by RIRA, 07/03/2009

48 Regt RE

WO2 I Donald, Murdered by PIRA, 24/05/1973

Spr J Vance, RTA, 14/11/1977

50 Regt RE

Spr R Hurst, Murdered by PIRA, 17/05/1972

Royal Engineers Sqn Unknown

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Spr J Connachan, Shot Accidentally, 27/06/1971; Spr D Amos, Accident, 28/12/1971; S/Sgt M Banks, Murdered by PIRA, 26/06/1972; Spr M Orton, Accident, 17/09/1973; S/Sgt J Lund, Accident, 19/01/1974; L/Cpl I Nicholl, RTA, 15/05/1974; WO1 J Newtown, Natural Causes, 24/06/1975; Spr G Griffiths, Accident, 06/11/1976; Spr D Thompson, Accident, 13/01/1977; Spr M Larkin, Other Causes, 10/02/1977; Cpl J Haynes, Natural Causes, 28/07/1977; Spr S Worth, Other Causes, 01/08/1977; Cpl J Andrews, Accident, 04/09/1978; Col Mark Coe, Murdered by PIRA, in Germany, 16/02/1980; Sgt K Robson, Chopper Crash whilst serving with the AAC, 18/02/1980; WO2 G Mariotti, Natural Causes, 22/08/1981; Spr C Beattie, Shot by another soldier, 06/04/1982; Cpl T Palmer, RTA, 08/02/1983; L/Cpl D Hurst, RTA, 06/10/1986; L/Cpl P Cassidy, Accident, 15/09/1988; S/Sgt D Hull, RTA, 22/08/1989; Sgt M Cashmore, Natural Causes, 01/07/1990; Spr D Pitts, Other Causes, 03/08/1991; Spr J Robinson, Shot Accidentally, 21/04/1996; Cpl J Gaulder, Overcome by Fumes, 05/04/2000; Spr J Navivalurua, Overcome by Fumes, 06/04/2000; L/Cpl D Neill, Other Causes, 02/12/2004

Royal Engineers 74 TA

S/Sgt J Hardy, RTA, 12/06/1990

Ex Royal Engineers

Ex Spr Thomas Tweedy, who served with 8 Sqn att Felix, DOW 25/12/2008

Terrorist Murder – 14,

Other Causes – 27,


Royal Corps of Signals

L/Cpl M Spurway, Shot Accidentally, 13/09/1969; Sig P Genge, Murdered by PIRA, 07/11/1971; Sgt D McKelvie, Natural Causes, 14/03/1973; Cpl J Aikman, Murdered by PIRA, 06/11/1973; Sig P Reid, Murdered by PIRA, in England 04/02/1974; Sig L Walsh, Murdered by PIRA, in England 04/02/1974; Sig M Waugh, Murdered by PIRA, in England 04/02/1974; Sgt D Bassford, Natural Causes, 24/10/1975; Cpl A Ford, Chopper Crash, 07/01/1976; Sig D Roberts, Other Causes, 13/03/1976; L/Cpl R Davies, RTA, 25/02/1979; Sig P Reece, att Felix, Murdered by PIRA, 02/08/1979; L/Cpl R Lister, Chopper Crash, 18/02/1980; L/Cpl P Holt, Other Causes, 03/11/1980; Sig B Cross, RTA, 04/07/1981; Cpl M Ward, Murdered by PIRA, 01/04/1982; Sgt L McKenzie, RTA, 24/05/1983; Sig K Royal, RTA, 28/03/1985; Cpl D Howes, Murdered by PIRA, 19/03/1988; Cpl D Wood, Murdered by PIRA, 19/03/1988; L/Cpl G Lambie, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1988; Sig M Clavey, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1988; Sgt M Winkler, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1988; Cpl W Patterson, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1988; S/Sgt K Froggett, Murdered by PIRA, 16/09/1989; Sgt W Johnson, Other Causes, 07/06/1990; Sig W Dryden, Shot Accidentally, 07/08/1991; Sgt M Newman, Murdered by INLA in England, 14/04/1992; Sig J Edmonds, Natural Causes, 27/05/1992; Cpl P Smith, RTA, 22/07/1994; Sgt J Livingstone, Natural Causes, 21/04/1998; Cpl I Bibby, Other Causes, 23/11/1999; Sgt J Halls, Parachute Accident, 15/05/2004; Sgt C Stephenson, Accident, 08/04/2006; Cpl A Page, RTA, 13/04/2006

TA Signals

Lt Col C Eaton, Murdered by PIRA, 30/06/1976

Terrorist Murder – 14,

Other Causes – 27,



1st Battalion

Pte R Rowe, Friendly Fire, 28/08/1972; Pte T Stoker, Shot Accidentally, 19/09/1972; Pte T Rudman, Murdered by PIRA, 30/09/1972; Pte S Hall, Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1973; Pte G Hardy, Other Causes, 16/08/1978; Pte G Curtis, Murdered by PIRA, 10/06/1983; Pte N Blythe, Accident, 12/11/1987; Pte J Wilby, Other Causes, 06/02/1988; Pte A Lewis, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte B Bishop, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte J Winter, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte J Burfitt, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte M Norsworthy, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte P Bullock, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte R Greener, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte S Wilkinson, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1988; Pte G Smith, Other Causes 03/12/1988; Pte A Richardson, RTA, 12/03/1997

2nd Battalion

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Pte J Rudman, Murdered by PIRA, 15/09/1971; Pte R Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 18/08/1972; Sgt A Whitelock, Murdered by PIRA, 24/08/1972; Cpl T Taylor, Murdered by PIRA, 13/05/1973; Pte J Gaskell, Murdered by PIRA, 14/05/1973; Pte R Roberts, Murdered by PIRA, 01/07/1973; L/Cpl T Wilson, RTA, 01/07/1978; Pte K McGovern, RTA, 01/07/1978; Pte R Stafford, RTA, 21/07/1979; L/Cpl A Kennington, Murdered by PIRA, 28/02/1973; L/Cpl R Miller, Murdered by PIRA, 18/09/1973; Pte M Harrison, Murdered by PIRA, 29/06/1977; Pte M Turnball, Murdered by PIRA, 29/06/1977; Pte L Harrison, Murdered by PIRA, 09/08/1977; Cpl D Salthouse, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982

Terrorist Murder – 24,

Other Causes – 11,

TOTAL - 35

Royal Regt of Fusiliers

1st Battalion

Fus A Simmons, Murdered by PIRA, 15/11/1974; Cpl P Barker, Murdered by PIRA, 25/01/1981; Cpl T Agar, Murdered by PIRA, 18/05/1984; L/Cpl R Huggins, Murdered by PIRA, 18/05/1984; L/Cpl P Gallimore, Murdered by PIRA, 18/10/1984

2nd Battalion

Maj J Snow, Murdered by PIRA, 08/12/1971; Fus K Carnham, Murdered by PIRA, 14/07/1972; Fus A Tingey, Murdered by PIRA, 23/08/1972; Cpl D Napier, RTA, 09/03/1973; Cpl C Houghton, Murdered by PIRA, in England 04/02/1974; Fus J Hynes, Murdered by PIRA, in England 04/02/1974; L/Cpl J McShane, Murdered by PIRA, in England 04/02/1974; Fus S Walley, Murdered by PIRA, in England, 07/02/1974; Fus G Foxall, Shot Accidentally, 16/06/1980; Fus T Foxall, RTA, 19/06/1980; Fus A Grundy, Murdered by PIRA, 01/05/1992; L/Cpl M Beswick, Murdered by PIRA, 09/02/1993

3rd Battalion

L/Cpl J Davis, Murdered by PIRA, 15/09/1972; Fus C Marchant, Murdered by PIRA, 09/04/1973; Cpl D Llewellyn, RTA, 28/09/1975; Cpl E Gleeson, Murdered by PIRA, 09/10/1975; Sgt S Francis, Murdered by PIRA, 21/11/1975; Fus M Sampson, Murdered by PIRA, 22/11/1975; Fus J Duncan, Murdered by PIRA, 22/11/1975; Fus P McDonald, Murdered by PIRA, 22/11/1975; Cpl D Traynor, Murdered by PIRA, 30/03/1976; L/Cpl W Makin, Other Causes, 03/01/1983; Cpl T O’Neill, Serving with ADU NI att 3 LI Murdered by PIRA, 25/05/1991

RRF Batt Unknown

Fus T Thomas, Other Causes, 25/01/1972

Former RRF Soldiers

Mr A Aldridge, DOW 17/08/2013

Terrorist Murder – 26,

Other Causes – 6,

TOTAL – 32

Royal Ordinance Corps including FELIX 321 EOD COY

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Capt D Stewardson, Murdered by PIRA, 09/09/1971; WO2 C Davies, Murdered by PIRA, 24/11/1971; Pte T McCann, Murdered by PIRA, 13/02/1972; Sgt A Butcher, Murdered by PIRA,, 15/03/1972; S/Sgt A Cracknell, Murdered by PIRA, 15/03/1972; Maj B Calledene, Murdered by PIRA, 30/03/1972; Capt J Young, Murdered by PIRA, 15/07/1972; S/Sgt W Clark, Murdered by PIRA, 03/08/1972; Sgt R Hills, Murdered by 0IRA 06/12/1972; Capt B Gritten, Murdered by PIRA, 20/06/1973; S/Sgt R Beckett, Murdered by PIRA, 30/08/1973; Capt R Wilkinson, Murdered by PIRA, in England 23/09/1973; 2Lt L Dobbie, Murdered by PIRA, 03/10/1973; S/Sgt A Brammah, Murdered by PIRA, 18/02/1974; Cpl G Hall, Accident, 20/09/1974; S/Sgt V Rose, Murdered by PIRA, 07/11/1974; WO2 J Maddocks, Murdered by PIRA, 02/12/1974; Cpl C Brown, Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1975; WO2 E Garside, Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1975; Capt R Goad, Murdered by PIRA, in England 29/08/1975; Cpl D Whitfield, RTA, 13/03/1976; Sgt M Peacock, RTA, 13/03/1976; Sgt M Walsh, Murdered by PIRA, 09/01/1977; L/Cpl M Dearney, RTA, 31/05/1977; WO2 M O’Neill, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1981; L/Cpl R Pringle, Other Causes, 24/08/1981; Pte I Archibald, RTA, 15/02/1983; L/Cpl D Green, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1988; WO2 J Howard, Murdered by PIRA, 08/07/1988; L/Cpl A Dowell, Other Causes, 17/08/1992

Terrorist Murder – 23,

Other Causes - 7,

TOTAL – 30

Royal Corp of Transport

2 Div Regt

Dvr P Heppenstall, (att 1 RRW) Murdered by PIRA, 14/07/1972

3 Squadron

L/Cpl M Bruce, (att 2 RA), Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1972

11 Squadron

Dvr R Kitchen, (att Light Infantry) Murdered by PIRA, 10/11/1972; Dvr W Knight, RTA, 17/05/1976

17 Regt

Sgt W Edgar, Murdered by PIRA, 15/04/1977; Dvr P Bulman, Murdered by PIRA, 19/05/1981

18/26 Squadron

Dvr M Gay, Murdered by PIRA, 17/03/1973; Dvr H King, RTA, 19/04/1975

26 Squadron

Dvr C Pantry, Murdered by PIRA, 02/11/1991

32 Squadron

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Dvr S Cooper, ( att Welsh Guards) Murdered By PIRA, 21/07/1972

54 Squadron

Dvr N McKenzie, (att RTR) Murdered by PIRA, 11/04/1974

Squadron/Regt Unknown

Maj P Cowley, Natural Causes, 13/01/1970; Dvr S Beedie, RTA, 26/03/1972; Dvr L Jubb, RTA during Republican Rioting, 26/04/1972; Sgt T Penrose, Murdered by PIRA, 24/03/1973; Cpl A Gilmour, RTA, 29/08/1973; L/Cpl E Crosbie, RTA, 23/11/1973; Dvr V Dormer, Murdered by PIRA, 01/10/1976; Lt N Brewer, RTA, 31/05/1979; Cpl C Lland, Natural Causes 03/08/1979; Dvr J Dorritty, Accident, 30/09/1979; Dvr S Atkins, RTA, 29/11/1980; Dvr I Macdonald, Drowned, 08/03/1981; Dvr P Johns, Other Causes, 25/10/1981; Capt J Meadows, Other Causes, 08/08/1984; L/Cpl N Duncan, (att 32 RA), Murdered by PIRA, 22/02/1989

TA Units

Dvr C Young, RTA, 29/07/1971; S/Sgt J Fleming, Murdered by Terrorists, 09/07/1972; Dvr P Carson, RTA, 13/06/1981; L/Cpl T Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 09/10/1989

Terrorist Murder – 15

Other Causes – 15

TOTAL – 30

Royal Anglian Regiment

1st Battalion

Pte B Sheridan, RTA, 20/11/1970; Pte R Wilkins, Murdered by PIRA, 11/10/1971; L/Cpl I Curtis, Murdered by PIRA, 09/11/1971; 2Lt N Hull, Murdered by OIRA 16/04/1972; Pte M Patten, Murdered by PIRA, 22/09/1985

2nd Battalion

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Maj P Taunton, Other Cause 26/10/1970; Cpl M Boddy, Murdered by PIRA, 17/08/1972; Cpl J Barry, Murdered by PIRA, 25/09/1972; Pte I Burt, Murdered by PIRA, 29/09/1972; Pte R Mason, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1972; Pte A Anderson, Murdered during Republican Rioting, 24/05/1982; Maj A French, Murdered by PIRA, 22/05/1986; Pte K Davies, Murdered by PIRA, 09/07/1986; Pte M Bertram, Murdered by PIRA, 09/07/1986; Pte D Knight, RTA, 26/07/1986; Pte N Peacock, Murdered by PIRA, 31/01/1989

3rd Battalion

Pte J Ballard, Murdered by PIRA, 11/05/1972; Cpl K Mogg, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1972; L/Cpl M Rooney, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1972; Pte A Goodfellow, Murdered by OIRA 27/04/1973; Pte P Wright, Murdered by PIRA, 08/10/1979; Battalion Unknown; Pte N Markwick, Shot Accidentally, 12/09/1973; L/Cpl R Grant, Other Causes, 02/11/1973; Pte P Hollis, Natural Causes, 13/11/1974; Pte S Foster, Accident, 13/11/1978; Capt P Rodgers, Murdered by PIRA, 19/04/1979; Pte K Brewer, RTA, 29/07/1981

Terrorist Murder – 20.

Other Causes – 7,

TOTAL – 27

Royal Electrical & 
Mechanical Engineers

Cfn C Edgar, Other Causes, 14/09/1969; Cfn A Paton, Drowned, 26/05/1971; L/Cpl D Moon, (att 64 AAC) Murdered by PIRA, 24/06/1972; Sgt S Reid, (att 64 AAC) Murdered by PIRA, 24/06/1972; Cfn B Hope, Murdered by PIRA, 14/08/1972; L/Cpl C Harker, Murdered by PIRA, 19/12/1972; Cpl D Brown, Natural Causes, 17/03/1973; Sgt M Seldon, Unlawfully killed, 30/06/1974; L/Cpl A Stewart, RTA, 09/10/1974; L/Cpl D Norwood, Natural Causes, 05/03/1975; Cfn C McInnes, Murdered by PIRA, 18/12/1975; Cpl R Moore, RTA, 05/09/1979; Cpl P Bailey, RTA, 05/04/1980; Cfn A Coombe, RTA, 16/02/1981; L/Cpl P Harding, Other Causes, 30/03/1982; Sgt M Burbridge, Murdered by PIRA, 01/04/1982; Cpl B McKenna, Natural Causes, 06/04/1982; Sgt R Gregory, Natural Causes, 21/10/1982; Cfn W Parr, Other Causes 06/07/1990; L/Cpl C Monteith, (att 5 AAC), RTA, 05/08/1991; S/Sgt S Thompson, Natural Causes, 30/06/1995; WO1 J Bradwell, Murdered by PIRA, 11/10/1996

Terrorist Murder – 8,

Other Causes – 14,

TOTAL – 22

Royal Irish Rangers

1st Battalion

Rgr W Best, Murdered by OIRA, 21/05/1972; Rgr L Pitman, Accident 05/07/1984

2nd Battalion

Rgr C Smith, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1990

4th Battalion TA (V)

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Rgr S Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 21/10/1974; Cpl T May, Murdered by PIRA, 09/05/1984; Sgt J Peden, Drowned 07/09/1986; Sgt B McGrath, Shot Accidentally, 25/11/1986; Rgr R Dunseath, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992; Cpl R Armstrong, RTA, 21/11/1993

5th Battalion TA (V)

WO2 H McGinn, Murdered by PIRA, 28/12/1980; Sgt T Elliott, Murdered by PIRA, 13/04/1983

4/5 Battalion(V)

Capt J Carson, Natural Causes, 12/06/1995

Battalion Unknown

Cpl J Singleton, RTA, 19/01/1971; Sgt T McGahon, RTA, 19/01/1971; Rgr T McGann, RTA, 26/05/1972; Rgr R Quail, Natural Causes, 03/07/1979; Rgr S Reilly, Shot Accidentally, 03/09/1981; Rgr C Martin, Natural Causes, 14/07/1982; Rgr D Lanham, RTA, 10/01/1983; Rgr W Llewellyn, Shot Accidentally, 22/05/1986; Cpl A McNeill, Natural Causes, 07/06/2004


Maj Rtd, D Farrell, Murdered by PIRA, 23/03/1974; Former Rangers Soldiers; Mr J Green, Murdered by PIRA, 05/05/1977

Terrorist Murder – 9,

Other Causes – 14,

TOTAL – 23

The Kings Regiment

1st Battalion

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Cpl A Buckley, Murdered by PIRA, 13/05/1972; Kgns E Hanley, Murdered by PIRA, 23/05/1972; Kgns M Doglay, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1972; Kgns B Thomas, Murdered by PIRA, 24/07/1972; Kgns J Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 18/07/1972; Kgns R Layfield, Murdered by PIRA, 18/08/1972; Kgns R Christopher, Murdered by PIRA, 30/08/1972; Sgt Dennis Dooley, RTA, 15/03/1975; Kgns David Owen, Natural Causes, 14/10/1975; Kgns P Kavanagh, Other Causes, 14/11/1975; Kgns C Shanley, Murdered by PIRA, 11/04/1979; L/Cpl S Rumble, Murdered by PIRA, 19/04/1979; L/Cpl A Webster, Murdered by PIRA, 09/05/1979; Kgns D Sweeney, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1990; Kgns P Worral, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1990; Kgns S Beacham, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1990; Kgns V Scott, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1990; L/Cpl S Burrows, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1990

Terrorist Murder – 15,

Other Causes – 3,

TOTAL – 18

Royal Military Police

L/Cpl W Joliffe, Murdered during Republican Rioting, 01/03/1971; Cpl A Holman, Shot Accidentally, 11/02/1973; Sgt S Young, (att AAC), Murdered by PIRA, 18/05/1973; Cpl A Lane, RTA, 30/05/1973; Cpl R Roberts, RTA, 30/05/1973; Cpl S Milne, RTA, 20/02/1974; L/Cpl P Munday, RTA, 20/02/1974; Cpl T Lea, Murdered by PIRA, 21/01/1975; Cpl J Booth, Shot Accidentally, 29/01/1975; Cpl M Hards, Other Causes, 17/04/1976; Cpl G Middlemass, RTA, 08/11/1977; Cpl W Snaith, Other Causes, 25/01/1979; Sgt D Ross, Murdered by PIRA, 27/03/1984; Cpl T Hicks, Kegworth Air Crash, 08/01/1989; L/Cpl D Chappell, Shot Accidentally, 19/09/1991; Cpl M Heighton, Natural Causes, 09/10/1991; Sgt A Stevenson, Drowned 03/04/2004

Terrorist Murder – 4,

Other Causes – 13,

TOTAL - 17

Queens Regiment

1st Battalion

Pte R Sinclair, Murdered by PIRA, 31/10/1972; Pte S Evans, Murdered by PIRA, 14/11/1972

2nd Battalion

Pte J Brimblecomb, Accident, 23/06/1969; Pte P Carter, Murdered by PIRA, 15/09/1971; Pte A Stock, Murdered by PIRA, 15/10/1983; Pte N Clarke, Murdered by PIRA, 23/04/1984; Pte S Randall, Other Causes, 23/05/1984; WO1 J Budgen, Accident, 31/10/1984; Cpl A Bannister, Murdered by PIRA, 08/08/1988

3rd Battalion

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Pte R Benner, Murdered by PIRA, 29/11/1971; Pte P Woolmore. Murdered by PIRA, 19/03/1979; Sgt C Chapman, Murdered by PIRA, in England 16/05/1990

Battalion Unknown

Pte D Pitchford, RTA 27/06/1970; Former Queens Regt Soldiers; Mr N White, Murdered by PIRA, 13/03/1976; Mr Colin Wooten, DOW 14/09/2012

Terrorist Murder – 11

Other Causes – 4

TOTAL – 15

Duke Of Wellington’s 

Pte G Lee, Murdered by PIRA, 06/06/1972; Pte J Lee, Murdered by PIRA, 16/07/1972; L/Cpl T Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 16/07/1972; Pte B Oram, RTA, 07/04/1973; Cpl D Timson, RTA, 07/04/1973; Pte J McGregor, RTA, 24/05/1973; WO2 P Lindsay, Natural Causes, 28/08/1973; 2Lt H Fawley, Murdered by PIRA, 25/01/1974; Cpl M Ryan, Murdered by PIRA, 17/03/1974; Pte L Carroll, Accident, 07/04/1974; Pte E Pryce, Murdered by PIRA, 26/01/1980; Pte J Connor, Unlawfully killed, 24/02/1988; Pte S Beetham, Other Causes, 23/06/1988; Pte J Rigg, RTA, 25/11/1988; Pte J Cost, Shot Accidentally, 25/05/1995

Terrorist Murder – 6

Other Causes – 9

TOTAL – 15

Argyle & Sutherland 

Pte D Richmond, Murdered by PIRA, 10/09/1972; Pte D McPhee, Murdered by PIRA, 10/09/1972; L/Cpl W McIntyre, Murdered by PIRA, 11/09/1972; 2Lt S Gardiner, Murdered by PIRA, 22/09/1972; Pte D Harper, Knocked down by train on patrol, 12/11/1972; C/Sgt J Struthers, Murdered by PIRA, 20/11/1972; Capt W Watson, Murdered by PIRA, 20/11/1972; Pte J McGarry, Friendly Fire 28/11/1972; Pte D McKelvie, (Att Gordons), RTA, 20/08/1979; Cpl O McQuade, Murdered by PIRA, 11/11/1980; Pte S Craw, RTA, 08/01/1998; Pte W Brown, RTA, 08/01/1998; Cpl S Marshall, RTA, 08/01/1998

Terrorist Murder – 7

Other Causes – 6

TOTAL – 13

Queens Lancashire 

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Sgt J Singleton, Natural Causes, 23/06/1970; Pte S Keating, Murdered by PIRA, 03/03/1972; Pte M Murtagh, Murdered by PIRA, 06/02/1973; Pte E Weston, Murdered by PIRA, 14/02/1973; Pte G Barlow, Murdered by PIRA, 05/03/1973; Pte J Green, Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1973; L/Cpl W Riddell, RTA, 06/01/1976; Pte I O’Connor, Murdered by PIRA, 30/03/1987; Pte J Leach, Murdered by PIRA, 04/06/1987; Maj A Hornby, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash 02/06/1994; L/Cpl A Halton, RTA, 25/10/1999; C/Sgt A Bolton, Other Causes, 11/03/2005

Terrorist Murder – 8

Other Causes – 4

TOTAL – 12

Intelligence Corp

Sgt C Apcar, Other Causes, 12/08/1974; Cpl P Harman, (att 14 INT), Murdered by PIRA, 14/12/1977; Cpl M Bloor, RTA, 31/08/1978; Sgt J Roeser, RTA, 31/08/1978; Cpl M Charles-Williams, Other Causes, 08/11/1986; L/Cpl B Jackson, Other Causes, 16/02/1988; Col C Biles, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash 02/06/1994; Lt Col R Gregory-Smith, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Maj R Pugh, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Maj J Tobias, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Lt Col G Williams, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash 02/06/1994; Capt H Steele-Mortimer, RTA, 11/06/1998

Terrorist Murder – 1

Other Causes – 11

TOTAL – 12

Army Air Corp

WO2 H Covey, Natural Causes, 22/03/1974; WO2 D Rowat, Chopper Crash, 12/04/1974; Maj J Hicks, Chopper Crash, 18/12/1975; W02 B Jackson, Chopper Crash, 07/07/1976; Capt A Stirling, Chopper Crash, 02/12/1978; Cpl R Jackson, RTA, 05/07/1980; L/Cpl S Roberts, RTA, 28/11/1983; L/Cpl T Orange, RTA, 20/10/1987; Sgt J Croft, Other Causes, 14/08/1989; Capt A Nicholl, Chopper Crash, 22/12/2003; Sgt Simon Bennet, Chopper Crash, 22/12/2003

Terrorist Murder – 0

Other Causes – 11

TOTAL – 11

Cheshire Regiment

Cpl D Smith, Murdered by PIRA, 04/07/1974; Pte F Fallows, (att 1 Hamps), Shot Accidentally, 10/11/1976; Pte D Murray, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; Pte N Williams, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; Pte S Williamson, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; Pte S Smith, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; L/Cpl C Collins, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; L/Cpl D Stitt, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; L/Cpl P McDonagh, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; L/Cpl S Bagshaw, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; Pte K Bitten, RTA, 29/10/2006

Terrorist Murder – 9

Other Causes – 2

TOTAL - 11

The Green Howards

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Pte M Hatton, Murdered by PIRA, 09/08/1971; Pte J Robinson, Murdered by OIRA, 14/08/1971; Pte G Crozier, Murdered by PIRA, 23/08/1971; L/Cpl P Herrington, Murdered by PIRA, 17/09/1971; Pte P Sharp, Murdered by PIRA, 01/10/1971; Pte R Hall, Murdered by UVF 03/03/1973; Pte F Dicks, Murdered by PIRA, 05/06/1974; Maj P Willis, Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1975; Cpl I Metcalfe, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1988; Cpl K Lewis, RTA, 15/01/2003

Terrorist Murder – 9

Other Causes – 1

TOTAL – 10

Army Catering Corp

Pte L Thompson, RTA, 31/12/1971; Pte R Kealey, Other Causes, 18/06/1972; Sgt P Girvan, RTA, 12/02/1977; L/Cpl B Hylton, (att 40 RA), Unlawfully killed 12/11/1977; Pte G Davis, Other Causes, 18/07/1979; Pte P Delaney, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; Pte T Adam, Murdered by INLA, 06/12/1982; Pte J Mayer, RTA, 19/03/1983; Pte R Biddle, Murdered by PIRA, 09/04/1983; Former Member Murdered; Mr J McIvor, Murdered by UDA, 26/01/1992

Terrorist Murder – 4

Other Causes – 6

TOTAL – 10

Devon & Dorset 

Pte C Stentiford, Murdered by PIRA, 21/01/1972; Sgt I Harris, Murdered by PIRA, 10/02/1972; Cpl S Windsor, Murdered by PIRA, 06/11/1974; Cpl G Jeffrey, Murdered by PIRA, 07/04/1983; L/Cpl S Taverner, Murdered by PIRA, 05/11/1983; WO2 F Beisen, Natural Causes, 24/05/1989; L/Cpl K Dearlove, Other Causes, 22/07/1989; L/Cpl L Read, RTA, 06/12/2002; L/Cpl M Hughes, RTA, 07/12/2002

Terrorist Murder – 6

Other Causes – 4

TOTAL – 10

Royal Regiment of Wales

Pte A Rogers, RTA, 13/02/1971; L/Cpl J Hillman, Murdered by PIRA, 18/05/1972; L/Cpl A Giles, Murdered by PIRA, 12/06/1972; Pte B Soden, Murdered by PIRA, 19/06/1972; Pte D Meeke, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1972; Pte J Williams, Murdered by PIRA, 14/07/1972; Pte G Channing, Accident on duty, 21/11/1986; Pte G Jones, Other Causes, 05/01/1987; WO1 R Heakin, Murdered by PIRA, in Belgium 12/08/1988; Pte R Davies, Murdered by PIRA, in England 01/06/1990

Terrorist Murder – 7

Other Causes – 3

TOTAL – 10

The Royal Pioneer Corp

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Pte I Bowen, RTA, 02/08/1972; Sgt J Robinson, Natural Causes, 07/02/1973; Pte P Drake, Murdered by PIRA, 26/08/1974; Pte D Bonsall, RTA, 29/03/1975; Pte G Hayes, Unlawfully Killed, 01/05/1975; L/Cpl G Lee, RTA, 22/08/1980; Pte S Humble, Shot Accidentally, 26/08/1981; Pte S Virdee, Murdered by PIRA, 05/09/1981; Cpl D Hayes, (att ADU NI), Murdered by PIRA, 21/05/1988; Pte J Turner, Kegworth Air Crash, 08/01/1989

Terrorist Murder – 3

Other Causes – 7

TOTAL – 10

14/20 & 15/19 
Kings Royal Hussars

Sgt J Platt, RTA, 03/02/1971; Cpl I Armstrong, Murdered by PIRA, 29/08/1971; Tpr T Johnson, Shot Accidentally, 18/10/1971; Lt R Williams-Wynn, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1972; Tpr J Tyson, RTA, 28/02/1974; Cpl M Herbert, Friendly Fire, 20/03/1974; Cpl Michael Cotton, Friendly Fire, 20/03/1974; Tpr J Major, Other Causes, 29/11/1974; Sgt W Robson, Murdered by PIRA, 08/02/1975; Tpr G Lines, RTA, 28/05/1979

Terrorist Murder – 3

Other Causes – 7

TOTAL – 10

The Royal Logistics Corps

Cpl T Heffy, Knocked down by a Train, 07/12/1993; Pte M Edwards, Other Causes, 29/12/1993; L/Cpl D Wilson, (att 32 RA), Murdered by PIRA, 14/05/1994; L/Cpl M Treherne, Other Causes, 29/07/1994; Pte P Shepherd, Other Causes, 25/12/1995; L/Cpl R Ford, Natural Causes, 30/10/1998; L/Cpl S Gent, RTA, 22/01/2000; Cpl A Green, Shot Accidentally, 25/01/2001; Pte P Wilkinson, Unlawfully killed, 16/06/2001

Terrorist Murder – 1

Other Causes – 8


The Women’s Royal 
Army Corps

Pte A Hamilton, Murdered by PIRA, in England 05/10/1974; Pte C Slater, Murdered by PIRA, in England 05/10/1974; L/Cpl R Thain, Shot Accidentally, 25/03/1975; S/Sgt A Stryker, RTA, 04/06/1976; L/Cpl K Waterland, RTA, 16/08/1979; Cpl E Needham, RTA, 14/02/1983; Pte M Hornsby, RTA, 11/12/1984; Pte K Cowan, RTA, 10/11/1985; L/Cpl J Pattison, Kegworth air Crash, 08/01/1989

Terrorist Murder – 2

Other Causes – 7


Blues & Royals

CoH B Cox, (att AAC) ,Murdered by PIRA, 18/05/1973

Cpl/Maj J Tucker, Unlawfully killed, 25/02/1979

Tpr E Maggs, Unlawfully Killed, 25/02/1979

Tpr A Dykes, Murdered by PIRA, 05/04/1979

Tpr A Thornett, Murdered by PIRA, 05/04/1979

Lt D Daly, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982

Tpr S Tipper, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982

L/Cpl V Young, Murdered by PIRA, in England 20/07/1982

Cpl/Maj R Bright, Murdered by PIRA, in England 23/07/1982

Terrorist Murder – 7

Other Causes – 2

Total – 9

Duke of Edinburgh’s Royal Regiment

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Cpl J Leahy, Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1973; S/Sgt B Foster, Murdered by PIRA, 23/03/1973; Capt N Sutton, RTA, 14/08/1973; Pte M Swannick, Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1974; L/Cpl A Coughlan, Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1974; Pte B Allen, Murdered by PIRA, 06/11/1974; Pte J Randall, Murdered by PIRA, 26/06/1993; L/Cpl K Pullen, Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1993; Maj R Allen, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash 02/06/1994

Terrorist Murder –7

Other Causes – 2


Kings Own Scottish Borderers

S/Sgt P Sinton, Other Causes, 28/07/1970; L/Cpl P Sime, Murdered by PIRA, 07/04/1972; L/Cpl J Gold, Murdered by PIRA, 25/04/1972; Sgt H Middlemass, Murdered by PIRA, 10/12/1972; Pte J Gillies, Accident, 06/10/1976; Sgt Herbert Shingleston, Shot Accidentally, 25/11/1976; Pte P Scott, RTA, 10/09/1979; L/Cpl M Patterson, Murdered by PIRA, 13/12/1989; Pte J Houston, Murdered by PIRA, 13/12/1989

Terrorist Murder – 5

Other Causes – 4


Gordon Highlanders

WO2 A McMillan, Murdered by PIRA, 18/06/1972; L/Cpl C Leslie, Murdered by PIRA, 18/06/1972; Sgt I Mutch, Murdered by PIRA, 18/06/1972; L/Cpl A Harper, RTA, 08/08/1972; Pte M Marr, Murdered by PIRA, 29/03/1973; Capt R Lamb, RTA, 17/05/1977; Cpl A Cruickshank, Accident, 26/06/1977; L/Cpl J Marshall, Murdered by PIRA, 28/08/1977

Murdered – 5

Other Causes – 3


Prince of Wales Own Regiment of Yorkshire

Pte J Leadbetter, Other Causes, 11/02/1973; S/Sgt A Place, Murdered by PIRA, 18/05/1973; Pte D Wray, Murdered by PIRA, 10/10/1975; L/Cpl G Birdsall, Natural Causes, 23/08/1986; Maj Chris Dockerty, (att HQNI), Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash 02/06/1994; Pte W Carne, Other Causes, 20/07/1996; L/Cpl A Harvey, Other Causes, 31/10/2002; Pte N Laurent, Other Causes, 04/06/2006

Murdered – 2

Other Causes – 6


Royal Army Medical Corps

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Pte D Porter, Shot Accidentally, 24/04/1972; Capt H Murphy, Other Causes, 14/02/1973; Sgt C McFarlane, Natural Causes, 23/02/1981; Capt J Cant, Other Causes, 08/11/1984; Pte B Armstrong, RTA, 25/08/1985; WO2 P Cross, Murdered by PIRA, 02/11/1991; Cpl J Neill, Other Causes, 13/04/1992; Capt J Anderson, Natural Causes 03/11/2001

Murdered – 1, Other Causes – 7, TOTAL - 8; Royal Welch Fusiliers

Cpl G Bristow, Murdered by OIRA, 16/04/1972; Fus K McCarthy, Murdered by PIRA, 21/06/1972; Cpl D Smith, Murdered by PIRA, 21/06/1973; Fus A Crocker, Murdered by INLA, 24/11/1976; Lt S Kirby, Murdered by PIRA, 14/02/1979; Cpl D Wright, RTA, 16/09/1993; Fus P White, Other Causes 22/03/2003

Murdered – 5

Other Causes – 2


Gloucestershire Regiment

Pte A Aspinwall, Murdered by PIRA, 17/12/1971; Pte K Bryan, Murdered by PIRA, 05/01/1972; L/Cpl I Bramley, Murdered by PIRA, 01/02/1972; Pte C Brady, Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1973; Pte G Breakwall, Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1973; L/Cpl A Bennett, RTA, 04/06/1978; Pte D McCahill, RTA, 17/08/1978

Murdered – 5

Other Causes – 2


Royal Highland Fusiliers

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Fus D McCaughey, Murdered by PIRA, 10/03/1971; Fus J McCaig, Murdered by PIRA, 10/03/1971; Fus J B McCaig, Murdered by PIRA, 10/03/1971; L/Cpl D Hind, Murdered by PIRA, 02/01/1977; Cpl R Thompson, Murdered by PIRA, 27/07/1980; Fus S Wells, RTA, 25/05/2001

Murdered – 6

Other Cause – 1


Queens Own Highlanders

Pte J Hesketh, Murdered by PIRA, 10/12/1973; Pte A MacMillan, Murdered by PIRA, 08/07/1979; L/Cpl D Wares, Chopper Crash 24/08/1979; L/Cpl D Lang, Chopper Crash 24/08/1979; Lt/Col D Blair, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; L/Cpl V Macleod, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1979; Cpl R Turner, Shot Accidentally, 26/02/1990

Murdered – 4

Other Causes – 3


Worcestshire & Sherwood Foresters Regiment

Pte D Champ, (att D&Ds), Murdered by PIRA, 10/02/1972; Pte M Robinson, Murdered by OIRA, 16/04/1972; Pte M Jessop, Murdered by PIRA, 20/09/1982; Cpl L Bush, Murdered by INLA 27/09/1982; Cpl S McGonigle, (att D & Ds), Murdered by PIRA, 04/05/1989; Cpl G Kirby, RTA, 02/02/1990; L/Cpl S Kent, RTA, 02/02/1990; Pte D Peat, Other Causes, 24/07/1994

Murdered – 4

Other Causes – 3


The Royal Scots

Pte D Ferguson, Murdered by PIRA, 31/03/1976; Pte J Pearson, Murdered by PIRA, 31/03/1976; Pte R Bannon, Murdered by PIRA, 31/03/1976; C/Sgt N Redpath, Natural Causes, 02/02/1981; Pte P McKenna, Shot Accidentally, 15/03/1981; Pte A Bruce, RTA, 17/09/1982; L/Cpl L Dickson, Murdered by PIRA, 17/03/1993

Murdered – 4

Other Causes – 3


Staffordshire Regiment

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C/Sgt J Morrell, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1972; 2Lt M Simpson, Murdered by PIRA, 23/10/1974; Pte C Shenton, Murdered by PIRA, 20/01/1981; L/Cpl S Anderson, Murdered by PIRA, 29/05/1984; Pte M Mason, Other Causes, 15/08/1989; Sgt D Oliver, Shot Accidentally, 09/05/1992; Pte W Smith, RTA, 01/07/1995

Murdered – 4

Other Causes – 2


Adjutant Generals Corp

S/Sgt D Mason, (Provost), Natural Causes, 12/08/1992; Pte M McLeod, Other Causes, 15/12/1993; Cpl G Slaine, RTA, 03/11/1995; L/Cpl P Melling, Natural Causes, 03/09/1997; L/Cpl B Young, Other Causes, 13/04/2003; W01 S Gemmel, (Provost), Natural Causes, 09/03/2005

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 6


Royal Hampshire Regiment

Pte J King, Murdered by PIRA, 13/03/1973; Pte A Watkins, Murdered by INLA 03/08/1976; Sgt M Unsworth, Drowned, 02/01/1977; Pte C Clifford, Murdered by PIRA, 30/04/1982; Pte A Cockwill, Other Causes, 17/05/1989;

Murdered – 3

Other Causes – 2


Royal Army Pay Corps

Pte M Prime, (att 2 RRF), Murdered by PIRA, 16/02/1972; WO2 G Johnston, Natural Causes, 16/03/1976; L/Cpl A Snell, Shot Accidentally, 19/03/1980; WO1 D Hastings, Kegworth Air Crash, 08/01/1989; L/Cpl H McGivern, RTA, 11/11/1991

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 4


9/12 Lancers

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Lt J Garner-Richards, RTA, 04/04/1975; L/Cpl R Hanna, Died during Surgery, 27/11/1976; Tpr S Prendergast, Murdered by PIRA, 05/04/1977; Sgt R Maughan, Murdered by PIRA, 06/05/1979; Sgt P Oram, (att 14 Int), Murdered by PIRA, 21/02/1984

Murdered – 3

Other Causes – 2


17/21 Lancers

Tpr J Doyle, Natural Causes, 24/11/1970; Tpr R Gadie, RTA, 21/02/1971; Cpl T Williams, Murdered by PIRA, 05/05/1973; Tpr J Gibbons, Murdered by PIRA, 05/05/1973; Tpr A Kenealy, Chopper Accident, 14/09/1973

Murdered – 2

Other Causes – 3


The Royal Tank Regiment

1 RTR; Cpl S Smith, Murdered by PIRA, in Germany 02/07/1989; 4 RTR; Tpr J Warnock, Murdered by OIRA, 04/09/1971; Tpr J Nowosad, Murdered by PIRA, 03/03/1978; Squadron Unknown; Tpr J Mills, Drowned, 18/09/1977; L/Cpl N Bushwell, RTA, 02/10/1980

Murdered – 3
Other Causes – 2


The Black Watch

Pte D Stein, Accident, 04/03/1971; L/Cpl E Charnley, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1971; Pte M Carnie, Murdered by PIRA, 19/07/1978; Pte G Ireland, Other Causes, 21/06/1995

Murdered – 3

Other Causes – 1


13/18 Hussars

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Tpr R Barraclough, RTA, 28/09/1975; Tpr P Shepardson, RTA, 16/07/1978; Tpr P Smith, RTA, 27/07/1978

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 3


The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards

Tpr A Caie, Murdered by PIRA, 24/08/1972; Tpr D Davies, Natural Causes, 18/11/1974; Tpr A Sutton, RTA, 06/12/1977

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 2


Princess of Wales Royal Regiment

Maj J Barr, Chopper Crash 26/11/1992; L/Cpl P Parkin, Other Cause, 08/10/1995

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 2


16/5 Lancers

Cpl D Powell, Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1971; 2Lt A Somervell, Murdered by PIRA, 27/03/1973

Murdered – 2

Other – 0


4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards

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Tpr B Dolan, Shot Accidentally, 25/06/1972; Tpr G Knipe, Murdered during Republican Rioting 07/08/1972

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 1


The Royal Hussars

S/Sgt J Simpson, Murdered by PIRA, 07/11/1974; Lt R Glazebrook, RTA, 14/11/1976

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 1


The Highlanders

Pte S Harrington, Other CauseS, 09/07/1995

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 1


The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire & Worcestshire Regiment

Cpl G Fenton, Knocked down and Killed at a VCP, 22/06/1998

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 1


1 Queens Dragoon Guards

Sgt G Cox, (att RAC PARA Sqn), Murdered by PIRA, 17/10/1971

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 0


5 Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards

Sgt F Drake, (att 653 Sqn AAC), Murdered by PIRA, 03/06/1973

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 0


The Life Guards

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L/CoH L Durber, Murdered during Loyalist Rioting, 21/02/1973

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 0


Royal Horse Guards

L/CoH K Chillingworth, RTA, 14/06/1972

Murdered – 0

Other – 1


The Royal Army Dental Corps

Sgt M Muldoon, Murdered by PIRA, 23/03/1973

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 0


The Royal Army 
Educational Corps

Maj R Howell, RTA, 19/07/1979

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 1


Royal Army Physical 
Training Corps

WO2 D Bellamy, (att 1 DOWR), Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1979

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 0


Queens Alexandra’s 
Royal Army Nursing Corps

Capt L Smith, Other Causes, 22/04/1981

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 1


Royal Army Veterinary Corp

Cpl B Criddle, (Att RTR), Murdered by PIRA, 22/07/1973

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 0


Army Cadet Forces

Maj W McAlpine, Murdered by PIRA, 05/09/1978

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 0


The Security Services

Mr G Dalton, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Mr J Deverell, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Mr J Haynes, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Mr M Maltby, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Ms A McDonald, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Mr S Rickard, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 6


The Royal Navy

Cook D Cuthbert, Murdered in Brazil on behalf of Republicans, 06/02/1972; LS G Stewart, RTA, 01/10/1973; L/Wren A Byrne, RTA, 29/08/1975; CK1 T Gillen, RTA, 29/03/1982; NA(AH) D Shipley, RTA, 11/01/1987; AB M Cartwright, RTA, 11/01/1987; Steward R Stewart, RTA, 03/10/1987; Mem A Balmer, RTA, 29/07/1988; Lt(cs) A Shields, Murdered by PIRA, 22/08/1988; Lt Comm J McMaster, RN Reserve Murdered by IPLO, 18/07/1991; Former RN Members; Ex Petty Officer F Maclaughlin, DOW 27/06/1993

Murdered – 4

Other Causes – 7

TOTAL – 11

Royal Marines

40 Commando

Mne L Allen, Murdered by PIRA, 26/07/1972; Mne A David, Murdered by PIRA, 17/10/1972; Mne J Shaw, RTA,; 26/07/1973; Mne A Gibbons, Shot Accidentally, 28/05/1983

42 Commando

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Mne G Cox, Murdered by PIRA, 29/04/1973; Mne J Macklin, Murdered by PIRA, 28/03/1974; Cpl R Miller, Murdered by PIRA, 17/08/1978; Mne G Weedon, Murdered by PIRA, 12/11/1978; Mne A Gilbert, Friendly Fire Incident, 15/06/1989

45 Commando

Cpl D Leach, Murdered by PIRA, 13/08/1974; Mne M Southern, Murdered by PIRA, 13/08/1974; Mne N Bewley, Murdered by PIRA, 12/08/1977; Sgt W Corbett, Shot Accidentally, 23/08/1981

Royal Marines Band

Cpl D McMillan, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989; Cpl D Pavey, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989; Mus J Cleatheroe, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989 ; Mus M Petch, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989; Mus M Ball, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989 ; Mus R Fice, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989; Mus R Jones, Murdered by PIRA, in England, 22/09/1989 ; Mus R Simmons, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989; Mus T Reeves, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989; Cpl T Davies, Murdered by PIRA, in England 22/09/1989; Mus C Nolan, Murdered by PIRA, in England 18/10/1989

Commando Unknown

Sgt D Reed, (att AAC), Murdered by PIRA, 18/05/1973; Mne J Cooper, (att HQNI), RTA, 16/02/1982; Cpl M Lazenby, RTA ,21/02/1995; Mne N Ratcliffe, Other Causes, 03/05/2002

Murdered – 20

Other Causes – 8

TOTAL – 28

RAF, RAF Regt, RAF Police & ATC

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Flt Sgt J Willoughby, Natural Causes, 07/12/1969; Lac R Calderbank, RTA, 10/07/1971; Wing Comm P Cock, Other Causes, 29/06/1972; Cadet/Cpl E Wilson, 1919 Sqn ATC Murdered by PIRA, 26/01/1975; Lac J Hawkins, RTA, 28/08/1979; Sgt E Simpson, Other Causes, 06/10/1979; Sen A/C S Henseler, RTA, 12/03/80; J/Tech D Gilfillan, RTA, 13/10/1981; Sgt D Rigby, Chopper Crash 25/10/1985; WO2 T Snoddy, Natural Causes, 03/09/1986; SAC I Shinner, 16 Sqn RAF Regt, Murdered by PIRA, in Holland 01/05/1988; SAC J Baxter, 1 Sqn RAF Regt, Murdered by PIRA, in Holland 01/05/1988; SA J Reid ,1 Sqn RAF Regt, Murdered by PIRA, in Holland 01/05/1988; Sgt R Ramsaroop, Kegworth Air Crash, 08/01/1989; A/Cpl J Hart, Other Causes, 29/06/1989; Sac I Learmonth, 3 Sqn RAF, Regt Knocked down at VCP 30/08/1989; Cpl M Islania, Murdered by PIRA, in Germany 26/10/1989; Sgt D Parry, Natural Causes, 01/12/1989; F/Sgt M Warnecke, Natural Causes, 10/08/1992; Sqn Ldr R Burge, RTA, 16/10/1992; F/Sgt J Pewtress, Chopper Crash, 26/11/1992; Sqn Ldr M Haverson, Chopper Crash, 26/11/1992; F/Sgt S Robert, Chopper Crash, 26/11/1992; Sgt K Hardie, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Mas AC Man G Forbes, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Fl Lt P Tapper, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Fl Lt R Cook, Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Cpl F Mulcahy, Natural Causes, 08/09/1994; Sac G Baird, Other Causes, 08/04/1995; Cpl D Thomas, RAF Police, Other Causes, 29/09/1996; Cpl D Stephenson, Other Causes, 08/12/2000; Cpl R Milne, Other Causes, 03/04/2004

Former Member Murdered

Mr F Davis, Murdered by Republicans, 12/07/1973

Murdered – 7

Other Causes – 27

TOTAL – 34


1st Co Antrim Battalion

F/Pte H Gaynor, RTA, 09/08/1976 ; Pte H McMaster, Natural Causes, 10/09/1980; WO2 T McNeill, Natural Causes, 27/06/1981 ; Pte B Nicholl, RTA, 28/03/1986

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 4

Total – 4

1/9th Co Antrim Battalion

Pte S Beatty, Natural Causes, 03/12/1985; 2Lt J Ware, Natural Causes, 15/12/1986; Pte D Fleming, Other Causes, 01/02/1987; F/Pte B Gillespie, RTA, 06/07/1989; C/Sgt D Lennon, Natural Causes, 16/12/1989; L/Cpl P Thompson, RTA, 23/01/1990; Pte R Wallace, Accident, 12/03/1990; Cpl R Graham, Natural Causes on duty, 10/07/1991

Murdered – 0

Other Causes – 8

Total – 8

2nd Co Armagh Battalion

Pte J Proctor, RTA ,24/10/1970; Pte E Brown, Natural Causes, 13/12/1971; Sgt H Dickson, Murdered by PIRA, 29/02/1972; Pte S Watt, Murdered by PIRA, 20/07/1973; Pte K Hill, Murdered by PIRA, 28/08/1973 ; L/Cpl T Beatty, Other Causes, 04/11/1973; Pte R Rainey, RTA, 22/07/1974; L/Cpl G Dunlop, Natural Causes on duty, 16/09/1974; Cpl J Frazer, Murdered by PIRA, 30/08/1975; L/Cpl J Reid, Murdered by PIRA, 31/08/1975; L/Cpl J Bell, Murdered by PIRA, 06/11/1975; C/Sgt J Nesbitt, Murdered by PIRA, 10/11/1975; Pte D McDowell, Shot Accidentally, 25/01/1976; Pte J McCullough, Murdered by PIRA, 25/02/1976 ; F/L/Cpl G Leggett, Murdered by PIRA, 06/04/1976; Cpl R McConnell, Murdered by PIRA, 05/04/1976; Capt G Chambers, Natural Causes, 14/04/1976; Lt J Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 26/10/1976; Pte N Leathem, Natural Causes, 08/03/1977; F/Pte M Hearst, Murdered by PIRA, 08/10/1977; Pte D Cooper, Natural Causes, 30/12/1977; Capt C Henning, Murdered by PIRA, 06/10/1978; L/Cpl T Armstrong, Murdered by PIRA, 17/04/1979 ; Pte J Porter, Murdered by PIRA, 24/06/1979; Sgt J Agnew, Natural Causes, 15/09/1979; Pte E Atkinson, Natural Causes, 23/09/1979.; Cpl C Roleston, Natural Causes, 26/09/1979 ; Pte M Hewitt, Murdered by PIRA, 10/10/1980 ; L/Cpl E Cook, Other Causes, 09/10/1981; Pte J Moorhead, Shot Accidentally, 20/03/1982; L/Cpl F Williamson, Murdered by INLA, 07/10/1982 ; Pte D George, Shot Accidentally, 17/10/1982; Sgt T Cochrane, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1982 ; Cpl C Spence, Murdered by PIRA, 10/11/1982; Cpl A Smith, Murdered by PIRA, 19/12/1982; Pte K Kelly, Natural Causes, 14/04/1983; Pte H Freeburn, Natural Causes, 01/06/1983; Maj F Armstrong, Murdered by PIRA, 14/11/1983; WO2 M Larner, Natural Causes, 28/02/1984; Pte R Kilpatrick, Other Causes, 03/09/1984; Capt F West, Natural Causes, 25/05/1986; Pte T Dornan, Natural Causes on duty, 18/03/1987; Pte T Aicken, RTA, 11/08/1987; Pte C Pearce, RTA, 11/08/1987 ; Pte V Gates, Other Causes, 17/10/1987; Pte S Cairns, Natural Causes on duty, 25/01/1988; L/Cpl A Gass, Accident, 16/06/1988; Pte W Cherry, Natural Causes, 28/08/1988; Pte S McKinney, Murdered by PIRA, 25/09/1988; Pte K Hutchings, RTA, 12/07/1989; Pte M Evans, Natural Causes, 18/07/1989; Pte J Jennings, RTA, 25/09/1989; L/Cpl S Halligan, Murdered by PIRA, 17/11/1989; L/Cpl S McChesney, Murdered by UDA, 12/03/1990; Pte A Phoenix, Knocked down and killed at a VCP, 16/03/1990; Pte D Williamson, RTA, 15/11/1990; Pte P Sutcliffe, Murdered by PIRA, 01/03/1991; Pte R Love, Murdered by PIRA, 04/03/1991; F/Pte S Brown, Domestic Murder, 30/04/1991; L/Cpl R Crozier, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1991; Pte S Hamilton, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1991; Pte P Blakely, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1991

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FORMER 2 UDR SOLDIERS MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in Service with the RUC etc)

L/Cpl G McCall, Murdered by PIRA, 02/08/1975; Pte K Worton, Murdered by PIRA, 05/01/1976; Pte G Johnston, Murdered by PIRA, 19/08/1978; Pte G Hawthorne, Murdered by PIRA, 05/10/1979; Cpl C Lundy, Murdered by PIRA, 01/01/1980; Pte H Livingstone, Murdered by PIRA, 06/03/1980; Sgt C Neville, Murdered by PIRA, 10/11/1981; Cpl M McIlveen, Murdered by PIRA, 27/08/1982; Pte M Simpson, Murdered by PIRA, 08/10/1984; Cpl E Smyth, Murdered by PIRA, 28/04/1994

Murdered when in service – 29

Ex Members Murdered – 14, 4 of which were killed in service with the RUC or RUCR (See RUC section for details),

Other Causes – 33


3rd Co Down Battalion UDR

L/Cpl J Jardine, Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1972; Cpl J Elliott, Murdered by PIRA, 19/04/1972; Maj E Beaumont, Natural Causes, 24/07/1972; C/Sgt T Ruddy, Murdered by PIRA, 10/10/1972; Pte J Bradley, Natural Causes, 21/03/1973; Pte T McCready, Murdered by PIRA, 17/11/1974; L/Cpl R Jeffrey, Natural Causes, 25/11/1974; Pte J Taylor, RTA, 29/11/1974; Pte E Mills, Natural Causes, 10/02/1975; L/Cpl J Niblock, RTA, 20/12/1975; Sgt F Pulford, RTA, 18/02/1977; Cpl A Grills, Murdered by PIRA, 12/01/1978; Pte T Herron, RTA, 04/12/1978; Pte J Cochrane, Murdered by PIRA, 06/01/1980; Pte R Smyth, Murdered by PIRA, 06/01/1980; Pte R Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 06/01/1980; Pte C Quinn, Murdered by INLA, 10/12/1980; Maj I Toombs, Murdered by PIRA, 16/01/1981; Pte N Lester, RTA, 07/03/1981; L/Cpl R McKee, Murdered by PIRA, 28/04/1981; Sgt W McAtee, Shot Accidentally, 12/06/1982; Pte T Watterson, Other Causes, 07/11/1982; Pte A Patterson, Natural Causes, 25/05/1984; L/Cpl J McCallion, Natural Causes, 01/12/1984; Pte S Bradford, RTA, 21/12/1984; Capt G Hanna, Murdered by PIRA, 29/11/1985; Pte D Strain, Natural Causes, 28/01/1986; Cpl D Brown, Murdered by PIRA, 28/05/1986; Pte R Hill, Murdered by PIRA, 01/07/1986; F/Cpl D Ousby, RTA, 20/07/1986; Pte P Johnston, RTA, 10/05/1987; Pte G Moore, Shot Accidentally, 19/08/1987; Pte R McBurney, Natural Causes, 03/12/1987; L/Cpl A Johnston, Murdered by PIRA, 15/02/1988; Pte J Moreland, Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1988; L/Cpl T Bailie, Natural Causes, 09/01/1989; Pte J Gunning, Drowned, 05/09/1989; L/Cpl J Bradley, Murdered by PIRA, 09/04/1989; Pte J Birch, Murdered by PIRA, 09/04/1989; Pte M Adams, Murdered by PIRA, 09/04/1989; Pte S Smart, Murdered by PIRA, 09/04/1989; Pte J Fox, RTA, 24/12/1990; Pte M Currans, Other Causes, 05/03/1991; Pte A Thomas, Natural Causes, 03/04/1991; Pte A McConnell, RTA, 08/09/1991

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FORMER 3 UDR SOLDIERS MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in service with the RUC etc)

Pte I Scott, Murdered by PIRA, 10/07/1973; Pte N Hanna, Murdered by PIRA, 11/03/1982; WO2 H McConville, Murdered by PIRA, 15/05/1986

Murdered – 20

Ex Members Murdered – 5, 2 of which were Murdered in Service with the RUC, (see RUC section for details), Other Causes – 27

TOTAL - 52;

4th Co Fermanagh Battalion UDR

Cpl T Addis, Natural Causes, 04/12/1971; Pte F Veitch, Murdered by PIRA, 03/09/1971; Pte T Fletcher, Murdered by PIRA, 01/03/1972; WO2 B Adamson, Shot Accidentally, 31/05/1972; Pte G Elliott, RTA, 26/06/1972; Pte W Hamilton, RTA, 04/08/1972; L/Cpl W Creighton, Murdered by PIRA, 07/08/1972; Pte A Johnston, Murdered by PIRA, 25/08/1972; Pte J Eames, Murdered by PIRA, 25/08/1972; Pte T Bullock, Murdered by PIRA, 21/09/1972; Pte J Bell, Murdered by PIRA, 22/10/1972; Pte I Boyd, Accident, 28/12/1972; Cpl P Davidson, Natural Causes, 17/03/1973; Pte M Lilly, Murdered by PIRA, 07/09/1973; Pte E Gibson, RTA, 30/05/1974; C/Sgt I Nixon, RTA, 31/03/1975; Pte T Ovens, RTA, 27/03/1976; F/Sgt M Cathcart, Natural Causes, 21/07/1976; Capt W Scott, RTA, 28/08/1976; Cpl H Stevens, Natural Causes, 04/04/1977; Pte S Magee, Natural Causes, 20/11/1977; L/Cpl W Crawford, Natural Causes, 14/03/1978; Pte A Ferguson, Murdered by PIRA, 25/06/1978; Pte N Patterson, Natural Causes, 02/09/1978; L/Cpl T Forde, Natural Causes, 09/01/1979; Pte J Hogg, Natural Causes, 01/03/1979; Sgt P McMulkin, Natural Causes, 09/03/1979; Cpl H Kernaghan, Murdered by PIRA, 15/10/1979; F/Pte Hilary Graham, Natural Causes, 15/11/1979; Pte T Brown, RTA, 27/12/1979; Cpl A Abercrombie, Murdered by PIRA, 05/02/1980; Pte W Latimer, Murdered by PIRA, 07/06/1980; Pte N Donaldson, Murdered by PIRA, 25/11/1980; L/Cpl R Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 05/06/1981; Pte C Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 11/11/1981; Cpl C Beacom, Murdered by PIRA, 17/11/1981; L/Cpl B McKeown, RTA, 26/03/1982; Pte B Walmsley, RTA, 01/05/1982; Pte N Brown, RTA, 22/01/1984; Pte J Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 01/02/1985; Pte J Early, Murdered by PIRA, 03/02/1986; Pte K Morrow, Other Causes, 05/01/1987; Cpl J Oldman, Murdered by PIRA, 03/04/1987; Pte T McClelland, Accident, 26/04/1987; Cpl W Burleigh, Murdered by PIRA, 06/04/1988; Lt V Harron, Accident, 28/05/1988; Pte B Johnston, RTA, 07/05/1989

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FORMER 4 UDR MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in service with the RUC etc)

Lt/Col G Saunderson, Murdered by PIRA, 10/04/1974; Pte J McClenaghan, Murdered by PIRA, 19/05/1979; Pte V Morrow, Murdered by PIRA, 17/04/1980; Pte R Funston, Murdered by PIRA, 13/03/1984; Pte W Hassard, Murdered by PIRA, 04/08/1988

Murdered – 20

Ex Members Murdered – 7, 2 of which were murdered in service with the RUC (see RUC section for details)

Other Causes – 26

TOTAL – 53

4/6th Co Fermanagh & Tyrone Battalion UDR

L/Cpl K Newell, Murdered, by PIRA, 27/11/1991; Pte S Scanlon, RTA, 11/05/1992; Cpl L Loane, Other Causes, 12/05/1992

Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 2


5th Co Londonderry Battalion UDR

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Pte T Callaghan, Murdered by PIRA, 16/02/1972; Capt M McCausland, Murdered by OIRA, 04/03/1972; Pte D Kane, Accident, 04/04/1972; Pte W Wilkinson, Natural Causes, 12/07/1972; Pte N Twaddell, RTA, 05/08/1972; Pte A Simpson, RTA, 18/09/1972; Maj J Munnis, RTA, 16/11/1972; Pte S Porter, Murdered by PIRA, 22/11/1972; Pte G Hamilton, Murdered by PIRA, 20/12/1972; Capt J Hood, Murdered by PIRA, 04/01/1973; C/Sgt D Deacon, Murdered by PIRA, 02/03/1973; Pte A McConaghy, Shot Accidentally, 10/04/1973; L/Cpl H Watton, Natural Causes, 24/05/1973; Pte N Seeley, Natural Causes, 26/06/1974; Cpl J Conley, Murdered by PIRA, 23/07/1974; Pte S Workman, RTA, 25/08/1974; Pte W Bell, Natural Causes, 19/10/1974; Pte W Millar, Accident, 19/01/1975; Cpl T Hetherington, Natural Causes, 19/04/1975; L/Cpl T McCaughey, Natural Causes, 02/08/1975; Pte W Williamson, Natural Causes, 21/09/1975; Pte A Hassan, Other Causes, 01/11/1975; Pte R Stott, Murdered by PIRA, 25/11/1975; Pte J Arrell, Murdered by PIRA, 22/01/1976; Pte J McCutcheon, Murdered by PIRA, 01/04/1976; C/Sgt R Lennox, Murdered by PIRA, 02/04/1976; Pte I Stewart, RTA, 06/05/1976; Pte R Scott, Murdered by PIRA, 30/07/1976; Capt R Bond, Murdered by PIRA, 07/11/1976; L/Cpl J Speer, Murdered by PIRA, 09/11/1976; L/Cpl W McCaughey, Murdered by PIRA, 11/11/1976; Maj P Hill, Murdered by PIRA, 23/02/1977; Pte D McQuillan, Murdered by PIRA, 15/03/1977; WO2 M Conway, Natural Causes, 24/03/1977; L/Cpl G Cloete, Murdered by PIRA, 06/04/1977; Lt W Kerr, Murdered by PIRA, 02/11/1977; Cpl W Gordon, Murdered by PIRA, 08/02/1978; Cpl J Molloy, Natural Causes, 06/06/1978; Pte M Doherty, Other Causes, 15/10/1979; Cpl W McCrossan, Natural Causes, 29/10/1979; Pte T Davis, Natural Causes, 19/07/1980; Pte S Montgomery, Murdered by PIRA, 10/02/1981; Pte A Ritchie, Murdered by PIRA, 25/05/1981; Pte A Clarke, Murdered by PIRA, 12/09/1981; Pte W Pickering, Natural Causes, 15/01/1982; Pte A Montgomery, Natural Causes 16/05/1982; Pte N McNaul, Natural Causes, 02/11/1982; L/Cpl N McBride, Natural Causes, 10/11/1982; Pte T Catherwood, Other Causes, 18/02/1983; Cpl T Campbell, Natural Causes, 08/06/1983; L/Cpl B McKeown, Murdered by PIRA, 17/12/1983; Pte W McShane, Other Causes, 22/01/1984; C/Sgt A McAfee, Natural Causes, 14/03/1984; Pte S Hunter, Other Causes, 29/05/1985; Pte W Barr, Natural Causes on duty, 01/11/1985; Sgt R Boyd, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1985; Pte A Stinson, Natural Causes, 27/11/1985; Pte A Montgomery, RTA, 30/06/1986; L/Cpl N Wysner, Natural Causes, 12/07/1986; Pte R Cunningham, House Fire, 23/08/1986; Pte P Clarke, Other Causes, 08/08/1987; Pte C Moore, Shot Accidentally, 21/08/1987; Sgt T Montgomery, Natural Causes, 16/10/1987; Pte W Reilly, RTA, 08/11/1987; C/Sgt R McKimm, Other Causes, 22/07/1989; Cpl M Christie, RTA, 11/09/1989; Pte S Rodgers, Other Causes, 25/11/1989; Sgt T Jamison, Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1990; Pte M Boxall, Murdered by PIRA, 06/11/1991; L/Cpl C McKay, Other Causes, 15/01/1992; F/Pte H Sloan, RTA, 13/04/1992

FORMER 5th BATTALION MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in Service with the RUC etc)

Pte H Hall, Murdered by PIRA, 05/10/1981; Cpl J McClintock, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1981; L/Cpl D McElhinney, Murdered by INLA, 24/02/1985; Pte H Henry, Murdered by PIRA, 21/04/1987; Pte J Glover, Murdered by PIRA, 15/11/1989; Pte B Gilmore, Murdered by PIRA, 01/12/1990; L/Cpl J Burns, Murdered by UFF, 30/10/1993; Pte A Smyth, Murdered by PIRA, 25/04/1994; Pte D Caldwell, Murdered by RIRA, 01/08/2002

Murdered – 27

Ex Members Murdered – 13 (4 of them were murdered whilst service in the RUC/RUCR, see RUC Section for full details)

Other Causes – 44

TOTAL – 85

6th Co Tyrone Battalion UDR

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Pte W Donnell, Murdered by PIRA, 09/08/1971; Sgt K Smyth, Murdered by PIRA, 10/12/1971; Cpl B Hussey, Natural Causes, 20/05/1972; Pte T Megahey, Murdered by PIRA, 09/06/1972; Pte T Olphert, Other Causes, 06/10/1972; Sgt W Calderwood, Natural Causes, 15/10/1972; Pte W Bogle, Murdered by PIRA, 05/12/1972; Pte C McKeown, RTA, 13/10/1973; Pte R Jameson, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1974; F/Pte E Martin, Murdered by PIRA, 02/05/1974; Sgt W Connor, Natural Causes on duty, 04/05/1974; Pte A Todd, Natural Causes, 31/08/1974; Pte M Porter, Natural Causes, 26/04/1975; Pte K Donnell, RTA, 13/11/1975; Cpl W Kidd, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1976; Pte D Mosgrove, RTA, 21/11/1975; Cpl W Dunn, RTA, 27/11/1976; Pte T Walker, RTA, 27/11/1976; Pte Samuel Greer, Natural Causes, 30/06/1977; Pte Ernest Virtue, Accident, 30/07/1977; Cpl Wiliam McKee, Murdered by PIRA, 14/04/1978; Cpl Alistair Cooke, RTA, 19/09/1978; Pte Victor Wilson, Natural Causes, 30/03/1979; Pte John Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 25/04/1979; L/Cpl Ivan McCorkell, RTA, 08/06/1979; Pte John Hannigan, Murdered by PIRA, 19/06/1979; Pte James Robinson, Murdered by PIRA, 19/10/1979; Pte Eric Faulkner, Took his own life, 04/02/1980; Pte Robert Burke, RTA, 13/03/1980; Pte William Clarke, Murdered by PIRA, 03/08/1980; Pte Robert Semple, Natural Causes, 26/12/1980; Pte Samuel Whiteside, RTA, 20/08/1981; L/Cpl John McKeegan, Murdered by PIRA, 19/11/1981; Pte Samuel Connor, Took his own life, 27/12/1981; Lt James Hamilton, Murdered by PIRA, 27/04/1982; Pte John Potter, Natural Causes, 06/05/1982; Pte Hugh Cummings, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1982; Pte Trevor Burke, RTA, 12/10/1982; Cpl Cecil Dunne, RTA, 25/03/1983; Maj Ivan Allen, Natural Causes, 03/04/1983; Cpl Thomas Harron, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1983; Pte John Roxborough, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1983; Pte Oswald Neely, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1983; Pte Ronald Alexander, Murdered by PIRA, 13/07/1983; Cpl Ronald Finlay, Murdered by PIRA, 23/08/1983; WO2 Albert Miles, Natural Causes, 24/09/1983; Pte Robert Irwin, RTA, 21/12/1983; Pte Robert Elliott, Murdered by PIRA, 02/01/1984; L/Cpl Thomas Loughlin, Murdered by PIRA, 02/03/1984; C/Sgt Ivan Hillen, Murdered by PIRA, 12/05/1984; Pte Norman McKinley, Murdered by PIRA, 14/07/1984; L/Cpl Heather Kerrigan, Murdered by PIRA, 14/07/1984; Lt Andrew Griffin, Natural Causes, 31/08/1984; Pte Mark Brown, RTA, 21/04/1985; Pte William Foster, Murdered by PIRA, 15/01/1986; Pte Thomas Irwin, Murdered by PIRA, 26/03/1986; Pte William Pollock, Murdered by PIRA, 08/04/1986; Cpl James Anderson, RTA, 25/04/1987; Pte Robert Cunningham, House Fire, 23/08/1986; Pte Stewart Harpur, Natural Causes on duty, 24/08/1986; Pte James Cunningham, Natural Causes on duty, 26/11/1986; Pte John McKernaghan, RTA, 14/03/1987; Capt Ivan Anderson, Murdered by PIRA, 21/05/1987; Pte Ivan Reid, Accident on duty, 02/11/1987; Pte Clive Craig, Took his own life, 05/11/1987; L/Cpl Michael Darcy, Murdered by PIRA, 04/06/1988; Maj Lawrence Hughes, Natural Causes, 21/08/1988; Pte Dennis Reid, Took his own life, 10/10/1988; Pte Olven Kilpatrick, Murdered by PIRA, 09/01/1990; Cpl Norman McFarland, Natural Causes, 05/06/1990; Pte Robert Bell, Took his own life, 02/05/1991; Capt Betty McCurdy, Natural Causes, 02/08/1991; Pte David Sturdee, Took his own life, 15/02/1992; Pte W Harkness Natural Causes 27/03/1993; Pte W Humphrey Natural Causes 24/04/1993;

FORMER 6th BATTALION MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in Service with the RUC etc)

Pte D McCormick Murdered by PIRA, 10/12/1971; Pte W Hutchinson Murdered by PIRA, 23/08/1974; Pte J Fowler, Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1979; Pte T Cunningham, Murdered by PIRA, 12/05/1982; Pte H Gallagher, Murdered by PIRA, 03/06/1984; Pte D Caldwell, Murdered by PIRA, 12/12/1986; Pte D Pollock, Murdered by PIRA, 20/10/1990; Cpl R Finlay, Murdered by PIRA, 15/08/1991

Murdered – 31

Ex Members Murdered – 11, 1 was serving with the CSU and 2 with the RUCR at the time (see RUC section for details)

Other Causes – 48

TOTAL – 89

7th City Of Belfast Battalion UDR

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Pte T Wilton, Natural Causes, 22/10/1970; Pte S Russell, Murdered by PIRA, 08/12/1971; Pte T Moffett, Other Causes, 26/02/1972; Cpl B Herron, Other Causes, 18/05/1972; Cpl A Johnston, Other Causes, 01/08/1972; L/Cpl W Smith, Natural Causes, 03/01/1973; Pte W Magill, Shot Accidentally,19/09/1973; Pte D Spence, RTA, 20/11/1973; Cpl W Martin, RTA, 20/11/1973 ; Pte B Allen, Natural Causes, 08/02/1975; Sgt W Millar, RTA, 19/09/1975; Pte D McCarty, Accident, 12/10/1975; L/Cpl J Pavis, RTA, 20/06/1976; Lt J Higgins, RTA, 08/08/1976; Maj R Hayes, Natural Causes, 11/02/1977; Cpl J Hillis, Natural Causes, 13/02/1978; Pte W Morton, RTA, 29/04/1979; Pte P McClelland, Knocked down at a VCP 28/08/1979; Pte J Smith, Murdered by PIRA, 27/03/1981; Pte W Jackson, Other Causes, 09/07/1981; L/Cpl R Casson, Natural Causes, 16/11/1981; Pte L Greer, RTA, 16/04/1983

Murdered – 3, 1 Ex Member murdered when serving with the NIPS

Other Causes – 20

TOTAL - 24

7/10th City of Belfast Battalion UDR

2Lt T Carson, Other Causes 06/04/1985; Pte M Salmon, RTA, 28/01/1986; Sgt D Taggart, Murdered by PIRA, 04/08/1986; Pte J McIlwaine, Murdered by PIRA, 12/06/1987; Pte J Tracey, Murdered by PIRA, 26/06/1987; L/Cpl R White, RTA, 28/08/1987; Pte W Ferguson, Natural Causes, 06/09/1987; Pte S Megrath, Murdered by PIRA, 17/09/1987; Pte K Peck, RTA, 22/09/1987; Pte E Kelly, Accident on duty, 31/12/1987; Pte J Cummings, Murdered by PIRA, 24/02/1988; Pte F Starrett, DOW by PIRA, 25/02/1988; L/Cpl B Pedlow, Natural Causes, 21/04/1988; L/Cpl R Butler, Murdered by PIRA, 02/08/1988; Lt J Forsythe, Accident, 30/11/1988; C/Sgt W Page, Natural Causes, 13/02/1989; Pte T Spence, RTA, 02/05/1989; Cpl T Thompson, Other Causes, 21/07/1989; Cpl S Massey, Other Causes, 19/03/1990; Pte B Lawrence, Murdered by PIRA, 17/06/1991; L/Cpl L Wheeler, Other Causes, 11/08/1991

FORMER 7/10 BATT MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in Service with the RUC etc)

C/Sgt N Cush, Murdered by PIRA, 15/06/1987

Murdered – 8

Ex Members Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 13

TOTAL – 22

8th County Tyrone Battalion UDR

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S/Sgt R Gilkeson, RTA, 17/10/1971; Pte W Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 07/12/1971; Pte G Curran, Natural Causes, 12/03/1972; L/Cpl H Gillespie, Murdered by PIRA, 20/05/1972; Pte E Simpson, Accident, 10/10/1972; Pte E Greeves, Murdered by OIRA, 15/12/1972; Cpl H Caddoo, Murdered by PIRA, 10/05/1973; Capt C McCabe, Murdered by PIRA, 20/01/1974; Cpl R Moffett, Murdered by PIRA, 03/03/1974; WO2 H Sinnamon, Murdered by PIRA, 11/04/1974; Pte S Martin, RTA, 18/11/1974; Pte T Turkington, Drowned, 25/12/1975; L/Cpl R McCready, RTA, 20/04/1976; Pte E Stewart, Murdered by PIRA, 29/04/1976; Pte C Lee, Natural Causes, 09/08/1976; L/Cpl S Adams, Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1976; Cpl W Reid, Natural Causes, 08/11/1976; Pte J Reid, Murdered by PIRA, 09/03/1977; Cpl D Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 25/03/1977; Capt W Shiells, Murdered by PIRA, 29/04/1977; 2Lt R Smyrl, Murdered by PIRA, 13/09/1977; Pte R Bloomer, Murdered by PIRA, 24/09/1977; Sgt J Eaglesham, Murdered by PIRA, 07/02/1978; Pte G Fleming, Accident, 23/02/1978; Pte S Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 30/04/1979; Pte A G McFarland, RTA, 20/08/1979; Cpl F Irwin, Murdered by PIRA, 30/10/1979; L/Cpl S Graham, Natural Causes, 21/08/1980; Pte J Donnelly, Murdered by INLA, 16/04/1981; Lt D Patterson, RTA, 24/04/1981; Pte S Creaney, Natural Causes, 02/02/1983; L/Cpl C McNeill, Murdered by PIRA, 25/02/1983; Pte A Stinson, Murdered by INLA, 04/06/1983; Pte C Campbell, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1983; C/Sgt R Reid, Accidental Death, 14/11/1983; Pte J Johnston, Murdered by PIRA, 08/05/1984; Pte R Bennett, Murdered by PIRA, 07/09/1984; Pte T Harkness, Murdered by PIRA, 28/02/1985; Pte M Blaney, Murdered by PIRA, 06/10/1986; Capt G Shaw, Murdered by PIRA, 26/01/1987; Pte W Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 25/04/1987; Pte W Stewart, Murdered by PIRA, 16/01/1988; Capt T Armstrong, Murdered by UFF 16/01/1988; Pte E Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 26/04/1988; Pte R McNicol, Murdered by PIRA, 03/08/1988; Pte T Lambe, Natural Causes, 27/09/1988; Pte T Hardy, Murdered by PIRA, 14/03/1989; WO2 A Cooper, Murdered by PIRA, 02/11/1990; Pte D Williamson, RTA, 15/11/1990; Sgt G Rollins, RTA, 27/09/1991

FORMER 8TH BATT MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in Service with the RUC etc)

Pte G Elliott, Murdered by PIRA, 28/06/1980; Pte J Robinson, Murdered by PIRA, 23/04/1981; Pte J Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 02/12/1982; Pte E Boyd, Murdered by PIRA, 05/08/1991; Pte D Martin, Murdered by PIRA, 25/04/1993

Murdered – 33

Ex Members Murdered – 7 (1 was a Prison Officer and 1 was RUCR see NIPS & RUC sections for details)

Other Causes – 17

TOTAL – 56

9th County Antrim Battalion UDR

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Sgt M Crawford, Murdered by PIRA, 13/01/1972; Sgt W Reid, Shot Accidentally, 28/05/1972; Cpl R Stanton, Murdered by PIRA, 09/06/1972; Pte H Russell, Murdered by UFF 13/07/1972; Cpl D Bingham, Murdered by PIRA, 16/01/1973; Pte T Forsythe, Manslaughter, 16/10/1973; Pte T Burke, Natural Causes 20/04/1974; F/Pte H Shields, Other Causes, 26/11/1975; Pte W Penney, RTA, 21/09/1977; Pte S Donald, Natural Causes, 12/12/1977; Pte R Reid, Other Causes, 14/02/1978; Pte A Langley, Natural Causes, 05/12/1978; Sgt J Pherson, Natural Causes, 12/06/1979; Pte R Davidson, Natural Causes, 29/12/1979; L/Cpl S Kelly, Other Causes, 06/02/1980; Pte S Fletcher, Natural Causes, 17/10/1981; Pte S Carleton, Murdered by PIRA, 08/01/1982; Pte J McMaster, Natural Causes, 16/03/1982; Pte A Maule, Other Causes, 02/01/1983; Pte J Burns, Natural Causes, 06/05/1983; L/Cpl R Wilson, Natural Causes on duty, 23/09/1983; Cpl R Johnston, Natural Causes, 03/02/1984

Murdered – 5

Other Causes – 17

TOTAL – 22

10th City of Belfast Battalion UDR

Pte S Trainor, Murdered by PIRA, 20/03/1972; Pte R McComb, Murdered by PIRA, 23/07/1972; Pte T Maguire, Murdered by UDA, 14/10/1972; Pte W Kenny, Murdered by PIRA, 16/03/1973; C/Sgt J Smith, Natural Causes, 17/02/1974; Pte R Allen, Natural Causes, 25/10/1974; Pte D Armstrong, Shot Accidentally, 28/01/1975; L/Cpl J Stevenson, Natural Causes, 02/02/1975; Pte J Curlett, Natural Causes, 12/02/1975; Pte K Livingstone, Other Causes, 03/07/1975; Cpl R McIlwaine, Natural Causes, 03/05/1976; Sgt W Gillies, Natural Causes, 05/09/1976; Cpl J Geddis, Murdered by UVF, 10/05/1977; WO2 W Turkington, Accident, 04/06/1977; L/Cpl G Tucker, Murdered by PIRA, 06/06/1977; Cpl J McFall, Murdered by PIRA, 27/07/1977; Cpl H Rogers, Murdered by PIRA, 08/09/1977; C/Sgt J Galloway, Natural Causes, 09/01/1978; Sgt R Batchelor, Murdered by PIRA, 27/11/1978; Pte J Hunter, Other Causes, 04/03/1979; Sgt T Doak, Natural Causes, 13/03/1979; Pte F Dougan, Natural Causes, 04/06/1979; Pte A Gore, Murdered by PIRA, 06/06/1979; WO2 J Warnock, Natural Causes, 15/09/1979; C/Sgt T McCulloch, Other Causes, 21/12/1979; Pte J Rafferty, Other Causes, 15/06/1980; L/Cpl J Murray, Natural Causes, 20/10/1980; Pte W Fisher, RTA, 15/02/1981; Pte M Stockman, Murdered by INLA, 29/09/1981; Sgt R Connolly, Murdered by PIRA, 21/10/1981; L/Cpl J Gray, Natural Causes, 05/04/1982; Pte W Acheson, Shot Accidentally, 23/09/1982; Pte S Smyth, Manslaughter, 23/04/1983; Pte A Young, Other Causes, 01/10/1984; Pte F Gallaher, Other Causes, 03/10/1984

FORMER 10th BATT MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in Service with the RUC etc)

Pte M Riley, Murdered by PIRA, 19/08/1978

Murdered – 12

Ex Members Murdered – 1

Other Causes – 23

TOTAL - 36

11th Craigavon Battalion UDR

L/Cpl V Smyth, Murdered by Loyalists, 06/09/1972; 2Lt I Long, Murdered by PIRA, 08/11/1972; Pte S Beattie, Shot Accidentally, 14/04/1973; Sgt A Doyle, Murdered by PIRA, 03/06/1975; Pte H Silcock, Natural Causes, 03/01/1976; Pte J Armstrong, Natural Causes, 13/05/1976; Pte G Lutton, Murdered by PIRA, 15/11/1976; Pte R Purdy, RTA, 29/05/1977; L/Cpl T Cully, Natural Causes, 10/06/1977; Pte R McNally, Murdered by INLA, 13/03/1979; Pte E Rowe, RTA, 12/12/1979; F/Pte K Cochrane nee Kinkaid, RTA, 28/02/1980; L/Cpl M Odgers, Other Causes, 10/03/1980; F/Pte C Beattie, Natural Causes, 25/09/1980; Sgt W Stanfield, Natural Causes on duty, 09/01/1982; Pte W Murphy, Natural Causes, 07/03/1982 ; Pte E Banks, Natural Causes, 27/10/1983; Cpl R Forde, Shot Accidentally, 21/12/1983; Pte S Montgomery, Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1984; Pte D Chambers, Murdered by PIRA, 04/06/1984; Pte T Leckey, Other Causes, 03/01/1986; Lt P Maxwell, RTA, 04/08/1986; Pte A Allen, RTA, 28/06/1986; Cpl E Greenaway, Other Causes, 29/10/1986; Pte I Jackson, Natural Causes, 10/03/1987; Pte W Megrath, Murdered by PIRA, 23/07/1987; Pte D Cochrane, Natural Causes, 01/01/1989; Pte S McMillan, Other Causes, 19/11/1989; Cpl T Adams, Natural Causes, 16/07/1990; Pte C Stewart, Natural Causes, 12/08/1990; Pte A White, Natural Causes, 03/09/1990; Pte E Trimble, Natural Causes, 18/09/1990; Pte C McCullough, Murdered by PIRA, 23/09/1990; Pte R Day, Other Causes, 25/09/1990; Pte B Cordner, RTA, 04/11/1990; Pte W Lennon, DOW, 28/07/2015

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FORMER 11th BATT MURDERED (not including those that were murdered whilst in Service with the RUC etc)

Pte I Vennard, Murdered by PIRA, 03/10/1973; Pte J Freeburn, Murdered by PIRA, 28/06/1976 ; Capt J Truckle, Murdered by PIRA, 20/09/1983; Pte N Kendall, Murdered by PIRA, 10/11/1990

Murdered – 8

Ex Members Murdered – 6 (2 Serving with the RUC, see RUC Section for details)

Other Causes – 27

TOTAL – 41;


Maj R McCabe, Natural Causes, 24/12/1976; Pte C Houston, Murdered by INLA, 20/01/1984

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Murdered -1, Other Cause -1, TOTAL-2; The Royal Irish Regiment (HS); ; 2nd BATTALION; Cpl T Spence, Natural Causes, 11/08/2003; Cpl S Rea, Other Causes, 26/02/2004; Cpl T Bunting, Natural Causes, 07/06/2006

Murdered -0

Other Cause -3



L/Cpl W Holland, Natural Causes, 15/07/1993 ; Pte S Leckey, RTA, 31/07/1994; Cpl T Withers, Murdered by PIRA, 08/08/1994; Cpl E Johnston, Other Causes, 09/08/1995; L/Cpl J McDonnell, Domestic Murder, 08/06/1997; Pte W Woods, Other Causes, 03/09/1997; Pte R McConville, Natural Causes, 30/06/1998; Cpl G Blair, Natural Causes, 21/10/1998; Sgt P Clydesdale, RTA, 11/08/2000; F/Maj J Gillison, Natural Causes, 21/11/2003; Cpl B Heaney, Natural Causes, 31/03/2004; Pte S Woods, RTA, 23/05/2004; Pte W Kirkland, Other Causes, 04/3/2005; Pte J Paul, Natural Causes, 15/01/2007; Pte K Jennings, RTA, 24/03/2007

Terrorist Murder – 1

Other Causes – 16

TOTAL – 17


L/Cpl M Patterson, Natural Causes, 06/09/1992; Pte B Jones, Natural Causes, 22/11/1992; Cpl H Harkness, Other Causes, 16/10/1993; Pte W McCrea, RTA,; 10/10/1995; Pte R Bothwell, Natural Causes, 10/02/1997; Pte D Agnew, Other Causes, 17/08/1998; L/Cpl A Harpur, Natural Causes, 06/09/1998; L/Cpl S Andrews, Natural Causes on duty, 16/09/1998; Pte F Robinson, Natural Causes, 22/01/1999; Pte R McKelvey, RTA, 19/03/2000; Pte Neville Stronge, RTA, 06/05/2000; Pte Nigel Stronge, RTA, 06/05/2000; Pte T Milligan, RTA, 05/12/2001; L/Cpl M Mitchell, Other Causes, 17/02/2002; Pte J Hardman, Other Causes, 17/05/2002; Pte A Connor, Other Causes, 04/01/2003; Pte J Winter, Other Causes, 13/01/2003; F/Cpl E Farrell, Natural Causes, 16/09/2003; F/L/Cpl C Crawford, Other Causes, 04/11/2003; Pte M Rogers, RTA, 25/10/2005

Murdered -0

Other Cause -21



Maj J Patton, Natural Causes, 19/11/1993; Pte S Mair, RTA, 17/04/1994; Pte R Tosh, Fire at Army Base, 30/04/1994; Pte W Salters, Fire at Army Base, 30/04/1994; Pte G McGowan, Fire at Army Base, 30/04/1994; Pte A Rogers, Fire at Army Base, DOW, 13/05/1994; Pte T Gray, RTA, 20/08/1995; Pte R Houston, Other Causes, 18/09/1995; C/Sgt T Rodgers, Natural Causes, 14/11/1995; Pte J Murray, RTA, 28/08/1998

Murdered -0

Other Cause -10


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6th BATTALION; Pte B Martin, RTA, 20/10/1992; L/Cpl I Warnock, Murdered by PIRA, 19/11/1992; Pte D Adams, Natural Causes, 18/12/1992; Sgt R Blackburn, Natural Causes, 02/09/1993


Other Causes-3



L/Cpl M Johnson, Murdered by PIRA, 15/02/1993; Cpl W Wolff, Other Causes, 25/05/1994; WO2 R Wishart, Natural Causes, 04/01/1995; Pte P Kilpatrick, Other Causes, 13/12/1995; L/Cpl S Rankin, Other Causes, 23/09/1996; Pte J Cater, Other Causes, 25/10/1996; Cpl J J Ireland, RTA, 13/07/1998; Pte W Bradshaw, RTA, 13/03/2000

Murdered -1

Other Cause -7



Pte W Harkness, Natural Causes, 27/03/1993; Pte R Gardiner, Other Causes, 28/03/1993; Pte R Newell, Other Causes, 05/05/1993; Pte C Wren, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1993; L/Cpl W Curry, Other Causes, 18/12/1993; Pte R McCollum, Murdered by PIRA, 21/05/1994; Sgt A Orr, Natural Causes on duty, 14/09/1994; WO2 C Bobby, Natural Causes, 04/04/1997; WO2 R Bell, Natural Causes, 09/01/1998; Pte M France, Other Causes, 01/05/1998; Maj T Burns-Izatt, Natural Causes, 02/04/2000; Cpl L Douglas, Training Accident on duty, 13/06/2000; Pte A McCall, Natural Causes, 23/12/2002


Other Causes-11

TOTAL – 13


Sgt R Irvine, Murdered by PIRA, 20/10/1992; Cpl D Watt, Accident on duty, 17/03/1994; Cpl R Jackson, Natural Causes on duty, 10/10/1995; Pte A McCormick, RTA, 01/06/1996; WO2 W Johnston, Natural Causes, 26/08/2001; Pte J Sewell, Natural Causes, 19/01/2002


Other Causes-5



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Pte M Ervine, Other Causes, 02/06/1993; Sgt S McGookin, Other Causes, 04/08/1996


Other Causes-2




Rgr S Waller, Murderd by PIRA, 30/12/1992; Rgr P Cochrane, Other Causes, 30/07/2001


Other Causes-1


Grand Total for the Royal Irish Regt, HS & GS

Murdered – 7 (All by PIRA)

Other Causes – 74

TOTAL – 81



Const V Arbuckle, Murdered by Loyalists, 11/10/1969; Dist Insp John Hunter, Natural Causes, 26/10/1969; Sgt H Montgomery, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 30/11/1969; Sgt T G Armstrong, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 31/12/1969


Dist Insp M Laughlin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 04/05/1970; Const S Donaldson, Murdered by OIRA, 12/08/1970; Const R Miller, Murdered by OIRA, 12/08/1970; Const O Wallace, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 03/12/1970; Const J Tweed, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 06/12/1970; Sgt W Hunter, RTA on duty, 12/12/1970; Const B R Doherty, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 24/12/1970; Insp J T Kenwell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 06/01/1971; Const R Buckley, Murdered by PIRA, 26/02/1971; Det/Insp Cecil Patterson, Murdered by PIRA, 26/02/1971; Sgt W Hall, RTA on duty, 10/04/1971; Det/Sgt W Grier, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 03/05/1971; Cons R Leslie, Murdered by PIRA, 18/09/1971; Const D J Humphreys, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 29/09/1971; Cons C Cunningham, Murdered by PIRA, 15/10/1971; Const J Haslett, Murdered by PIRA, 15/10/1971; Sgt R Dodds, Murdered by PIRA, 27/10/1971; Insp A Devlin, Murdered by PIRA, 29/10/1971; Det/Const S Corry, Murdered by PIRA, 01/11/1971; Det/Cons W Russell, Murdered by PIRA, 01/11/1971; Cons W Moore, Murdered by PIRA, 11/11/1971; PTR/Const R Denham, Murdered by PIRA, 12/01/1972; Const D Montgomery, Murdered by PIRA, 27/01/1972; Sgt P Gilgunn, Murdered by PIRA, 27/01/1972; Const R Carroll, Murdered by PIRA, 28/01/1972; Const M Thompson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 31/01/1972; Sgt T Morrow, Murdered by OIRA 02/03/1972; Const W Logan, Murdered by PIRA, 20/03/1972; Const Bernard O’Neill, Murdered by PIRA, 20/03/1972; Const Ernest McAllister, Murdered by PIRA, 20/03/1972; Const D Hamill, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 06/04/1972; Const D Houston, Murdered by PIRA, 26/06/1972; Const R Laverty, Murdered by PIRA, 16/07/1972; PTR/Const R Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 21/07/1972; Det/Sgt G Moore, Natural Causes, 25/08/1972; Const W Walker, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 12/09/1972; Const R Johnston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 25/09/1972; Det/Const R Nicholl Friendly Fire Incident 13/10/1972; Const A Harron, Murdered by UDA, 21/10/1972; Const M Baird, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 31/10/1972; PTR/Const J Calvin, Murdered by PIRA, 16/11/1972; Const R Keys, Murdered by PIRA, 28/11/1972; Const J Nixon, Murdered by PIRA, 13/12/1972; Const G Chambers, Murdered by OIRA 15/12/1972; Const J Martin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 09/01/1973; Sgt D Dorsett, Murdered by PIRA, 14/01/1973; Const M Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 14/01/1973; PTR/Const H Sandford, Murdered by PIRA, 14/01/1973; Const S Hyndman, Shot Accidentally, 22/01/1973; PTR/Const W Fulton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 23/02/1973; Sgt T Morrow, Murdered by PIRA, 02/03/1973; Const C Morrison, Murdered by PIRA, 08/02/1973; Const W Wylie, Murdered by PIRA, 27/02/1973; Const W Morgan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 23/03/1973; Const R Macauley, Murdered by PIRA, 25/03/1973; Const P Fitzsimons, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 05/06/1973; Const D Purvis, Murdered by PIRA, 05/06/1973; Det/Const I Evans, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 04/08/1973; Const W Graham, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 05/08/1973; PTR/Const W McIlveen, Murdered by PIRA, 13/08/1973; Const A Patience, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 31/08/1973; Const J Harris, RTA, 10/10/1973; PTR/Const W Campbell, Murdered by PIRA, 16/10/1973; Det/Const John Doherty, Murdered by PIRA, 28/10/1973; PTR/Cons W Close, Not Know (but Not Terrorist related), 10/11/1973; Const R Megaw, Murdered by PIRA, 01/12/1973; Det/Const G Rolston, Murdered by PIRA, 11/12/1973; Rtd Det/Const, I Johnston Murdered by PIRA, 15/12/1973; Const M Logue, Murdered by UDA/UVF, 29/12/1973; PTR/Cons J Elliott, Natural Causes, 11/01/1974; PTR/Const J Rodgers, Murdered by PIRA, 26/01/1974; PTR/Cons W Baggley, Murdered by PIRA, 29/01/1974; Const R McIntyre, Natural Causes on duty, 04/02/1974; Const T McClinton, Murdered by PIRA, 02/03/1974; Const G McCawley, Natural Causes, 14/03/1974; PTR/Cons R McLoughlin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 14/03/1974; Const C Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 17/03/1974; Sgt F Robinson, Murdered by PIRA, 19/03/1974; Const J Keenan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 21/03/1974; Const G McCall, Murdered by PIRA, 16/04/1974; FTR/Const J Timmins, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 18/04/1974; PTR/Const T Clarke, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 04/05/1974; Const B Bell, Murdered by PIRA, 10/05/1974; Const J Ross, Murdered by PIRA, 10/05/1974; Const M Maclean, RTA, 13/05/1974; Const J Forsythe, Murdered by PIRA, 18/06/1974; PTR/Const W Rea, Natural Causes on duty, 20/06/1974; Sgt D O’Connor, Murdered by PIRA, 22/06/1974; PTR/Cons R Winder, Natural Causes on duty, 03/08/1974; Const J Nesbitt, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 05/08/1974; Det/Sgt J Brown, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 08/08/1974; Det/Insp P Flanagan, Murdered by PIRA, 23/08/1974; Insp W Elliott, Murdered by OIRA, 06/09/1974; PTR/Const A Henderson, Murdered by PIRA, 08/10/1974; Const H Gaw, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 30/10/1974; Const R Forde, Murdered by PIRA, 20/11/1974; Const D McNiece, Murdered by PIRA, 14/12/1974; Const P McConnell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 18/12/1974; Const P Stones, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 23/12/1974; PTR/Cons S Campbell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 18/01/1975; PTR/Const W Sheridan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 24/01/1975; PTR/Const H Rowe, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 30/01/1975; Sgt G Coulter, Murdered by PIRA, 31/01/1975; FPTR/Const M Harrison, Murdered by UVF, 16/03/1975; PTR/Const D Campbell, Not Know (but Not Terrorist related), 18/03/1975; Const R Coulter, Natural Causes, 19/03/1975; Const A Young, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 19/03/1975; Det/Sgt J Crockett, RTA, 05/04/1975; Const A Saunderson, RTA, 11/04/1975; Const D Handcock, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 23/04/1975; Const Paul Gray, Murdered by PIRA, 10/05/1975; Const Noel Davis, Murdered by INLA, 24/05/1975; Const N McDowell, RTA on duty, 05/06/1975; Det/Const A Johnston, Murdered by PIRA, 07/07/1975; PTR/Const G Glendinning, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 12/07/1975; PTR/Const H Kerr, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 25/07/1975; Const R McPherson, Murdered by PIRA, 26/07/1975; Rtd/PTR/Const W Meaklim, Murdered by PIRA, 15/08/1975; Const A Johnston, Shot Accidentally, 11/09/1975; CH/Insp Robert Fleming, Aircraft Crash, 17/09/1975; Det/Const David Love, Murdered by PIRA, 06/10/1975; FTR/Const Alex Baird, Murdered by PIRA, 14/10/1975; Const Glenn Millar, Other Causes, 25/10/1975; Const W Barrett, RTA, 31/10/1975; Const D Newberry, Natural Causes, 03/11/1975; PTR/Cons J Clements, Murdered by PIRA, 16/11/1975; FPTR/Const M Campbell, RTA, 21/11/1975; Sgt P Maxwell, Murdered by PIRA, 25/11/1975; FTR/Const S Clarke, Murdered by PIRA, 25/11/1975; PTR/Const C Gamble, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 29/11/1975; PTR/Const F Booth, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 06/12/1975; Const F Sullivan, Knocked down at a VCP, 19/12/1975; Insp M Rainey, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 24/12/1975; Const R Verner, RTA, 26/12/1975; PTR/Const W Evans, Murdered by PIRA, 05/01/1976; Const A Copeland, Natural Causes, 14/01/1976; Insp G Bell, Murdered by PIRA, 22/01/1976; Det/Const N Cummings, Murdered by PIRA, 22/01/1976; Sgt J Blakely Bell, Murdered by PIRA, 06/02/1976; Insp W Murtagh, Murdered by PIRA, 07/02/1976; PTR/Const W Hamer, Murdered by PIRA, 12/02/1976; Const W Smith, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 29/03/1976; FPTR/Const C Henderson, Natural Causes, 10/04/1976; Det/Const W Scott, Natural Causes during a gun attack, 20/04/1976; PTR/Const W Crooks, Murdered by PIRA, 23/04/1976; Det/Const R McMahon, RTA on duty, 28/04/1976; Sgt J Hunter, Murdered by PIRA, 15/05/1976; Sgt H Keys, Murdered by PIRA, 15/05/1976; FTR/Const F Kettlyes, Murdered by PIRA, 15/05/1976; FTR/Const T Evans, Murdered by PIRA, 15/05/1976; FTR/Const K Nelson, Murdered by PIRA, 16/05/1976; PTR/Const J Lyons, Other Causes, 16/05/1976; Cons J McCambridge, Murdered by PIRA, 22/05/1976; Const R Bradley, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 29/05/1976; Det/Const R McAdam, Murdered by PIRA, 02/06/1976; FPTR/Const L Baggley, Murdered by PIRA, 02/06/1976; PTR/Const R McAllister, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 07/06/1976; Det/Insp W Heasley, RTA on duty, 12/07/1976; FTR/Const G Johnston, Friendly Fire Incident 29/07/1976; Const G Cush, Murdered by PIRA, 31/07/1976; Const W Crawford, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 02/08/1976; PTR/Const M Graffin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 22/08/1976 ; Const G Heaney, Murdered by PIRA, 26/08/1976 ; Sgt A Craig, Murdered by PIRA, 18/09/1976; Const T Hanna, Accidental Death, 06/10/1976; Const J Woods, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 07/10/1976; FTR/Const A McKay, Murdered by PIRA, 08/10/1976; Det/Const N McCabe, Murdered by PIRA, 02/11/1976; PTR/Const J Scott, Murdered by PIRA, 03/12/1976; Sgt H Mills, RTA, 11/12/1976; Cons N Campbell, Murdered by PIRA, 15/12/1976; PTR/Const L Thornton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 20/12/1976; PTR/Const S Armour, Murdered by PIRA, 22/12/1976 ; PTR/Const W Greer, Murdered by PIRA, 14/01/1977; Det/Const P McNulty, Murdered by PIRA, 27/01/1977; PTR/Const R Harrison, Murdered by PIRA, 05/02/1977; Const G McCaughey, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 05/02/1977; PTR/Const H Bradley, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 08/02/1977 ; PTR/Const W Robinson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 10/02/1977 ; Const R Leonard, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 15/02/1977; Const D Dougan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 15/02/1977; PTR/Const S McKane, Murdered by PIRA, 17/02/1977; Insp J Cobb, Murdered by PIRA, 24/02/1977; Sgt J Campbell, Murdered by Loyalists 25/02/1977; Const W Brown, Murdered by PIRA, 13/03/1977; Const J McCracken, Murdered by PIRA, 08/04/1977; Const K Sheehan, Murdered by PIRA, 08/04/1977; PTR/Const R Armstrong, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 03/05/1977; PTR/Const R North, Murdered by PIRA, 20/05/1977; Rtd/Sgt Chris Shaw, Murdered by PIRA, 21/05/1977; Const D Williamson, RTA, 23/05/1977; FTR/Cons H Martin, Murdered by PIRA, 02/06/1977; Const K Lynch, Murdered by PIRA, 02/06/1977; Const S Davidson, Murdered by PIRA, 02/06/1977; Det/Const A McPherson, RTA, 11/06/1977; Det/Const C Graham, RTA, 11/06/1977; PTR/Const W McConville, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 17/06/1977; PTR/Const W Sullivan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 23/06/1977; FTR/Const D Morrow, Murdered by PIRA, 06/07/1977; Const J Armstrong, RTA, 08/08/1977; PTR/Const A Gribben, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 29/08/1977; Sgt T Orr, Natural Causes on duty, 12/10/1977; Rtd/PTR/Const H Anderson, Murdered by PIRA, 18/10/1977; Const W Irvine, RTA, 27/10/1977; Const F Robinson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 04/12/1977; Const J Hill, House Fire, 13/01/1978; Const C Workman, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 15/01/1978; FPTR/Const A McCracken, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 29/01/1978; Sgt H McCormick, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 09/02/1978; PTR/Cons G Crothers, Murdered by PIRA, 17/02/1978; Const C Simpson, Murdered by PIRA, 28/02/1978; PTR/Const F McGorman, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 17/03/1978; PTR/Const J Moore, Murdered by PIRA, 15/04/1978; PTR/Const S Hayes, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 20/04/1978; Det/Const LM McAllister, Murdered by PIRA, 22/04/1978; FTR/Const A Graham, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 09/05/1978; Det/Sgt J Johnston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 14/05/1978; Const T Nesbitt, RTA on duty, 15/05/1978; FTR/Const A Brown, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 16/05/1978; Const I Canning, RTA, 08/06/1978; FTR B King, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 12/06/1978; PTR/Const R Struthers, Murdered by PIRA, 16/06/1978; Const H McConnell, Murdered by PIRA, 17/06/1978; Const W Turbitt, Murdered by PIRA, 17/06/1978; Harbour Police Const Edward Ferguson, Murdered by UVF, 18/06/1978; Const A Wilson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 22/06/1978; PTR/Const J Ross, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 25/06/1978; FTR/Const J Rankin, Murdered by PIRA, 04/07/1978; FPTR/Const A Adams, Natural Causes 06/07/1978; FTR/Const R McConnell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 09/07/1978; FTR/Const D Ruddell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 01/08/1978; PTR/Const J Lamont, Murdered by PIRA, 02/08/1978; PTR/Const H Donaghy, Murdered by PIRA, 11/09/1978; PTR/Const J Blakely, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 11/09/1978; Const W Scott, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 03/01/1979; Const A Townsend, Domestic Murder, 19/01/1979; PTR/Const R Brashier, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 09/02/1979; FTR/Const H Chambers, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 21/02/1979; PTR/Const J Donnan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 23/02/1979; F/Const M Alexander, RTA, 01/04/1979; Const S McNeill, Result of an Accident, 05/04/1979; Const S Deans, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 10/04/1979; PTR/Const R Pilson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 15/04/1979; Const N Webb, Murdered by PIRA, 17/04/1979; Const P Gray, Murdered by PIRA, 17/04/1979; Const R Baird, Murdered by PIRA, 17/04/1979; FTR/Const R Lockhart, Murdered by PIRA, 17/04/1979; Rtd/PTR/Const F Lutton, Murdered by PIRA, 01/05/1979; FTR/Const H Smiley, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 02/05/1979; Det/Const N Prue, Murdered by PIRA, 06/05/1979; PTR/Const D Wray, Murdered by PIRA, 20/05/1979; FTR/Const A Dunne, Murdered by INLA 02/06/1979; PTR/Const G Barkley, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related) 02/06/1979; Const K Thompson, Murdered by PIRA, 03/06/1979; Supt S Hanna, Murdered by PIRA, 03/06/1979; PTR/Const R Boyd, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 15/06/1979; PTR/Const J Scott, Murdered by PIRA, 22/06/1979; Const J Darragh, Result of an Accident, 09/07/1979; PTR/Const W Thompson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 27/07/1979; Rtd/FTR/Const J Wright, Murdered by INLA, 27/07/1979; Const J Walsh, Murdered by INLA, 31/07/1979; Const D Davidson, Murdered by PIRA, 02/08/1979; Sgt W Pollock, RTA on duty, 03/08/1979; Sgt J Watson, RTA, 10/08/1979; Const W Rainey, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 07/09/1979; PTR/Const W Hetherington, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 20/10/1979; Const W Reid, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 05/11/1979; PTR/Const G Miller, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 16/11/1979; Const J Davidson, Murdered by PIRA, 18/11/1979; FTR/Const W Ferguson, Natural Causes, 24/11/1979; FTR/Const D Dunning, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 25/11/1979; PTR/Const S Hazelton, Murdered by PIRA, 22/12/1979


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PTR/Const R Crilly, Murdered by PIRA, 03/01/1980; Cadet J Mooney, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 10/01/1980; PTR/Const W Purse, Murdered by PIRA, 12/01/1980; FTR/Const B Fitzgerald, Accidental Death, 01/02/1980; Const J Rose, Murdered by PIRA, 11/02/1980; Const W Howe, Murdered by PIRA, 11/02/1980; Sgt R Gibson Not Known (but Not Terrorist related) 16/01/1980; Const K McCloy, Natural Causes, 14/02/1980; PTR/Const R Sloan, Natural Causes, 25/03/1980; Const D Reilly, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 28/03/1980; PTR/Const B Montgomery, Murdered by PIRA, 04/04/1980; Const W Magill, Murdered by PIRA, 09/04/1980; PTR/Const F Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 11/04/1980; Const F McAdam, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 19/04/1980; PTR/Const W Hingston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 24/04/1980; Const R McBride, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 19/05/1980; Det/Const R Orr, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 16/06/1980; Const A Hunter, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 30/06/1980; PTR/ Const J Hinds, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 14/07/1980; PTR/Const P Magill, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 20/07/1980; F/FTR/Const C Watson, Natural Causes, 13/08/1980; Const W Anderson, Accidental Death on duty, 18/08/1980; Const L Beesley, RTA, 27/08/1980; Det/Supt J Martin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 28/08/1980; PTR/Const W Allen, Murdered by PIRA, 01/09/1980; Const T Dickson, RTA on duty at a VCP, 13/09/1980; PTR/Const R Caldwell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 14/09/1980; FTR/Const E Smyth, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 15/09/1980; Const D Smith, RTA, 21/09/1980; FTR/Const T Johnston Murdered by PIRA, 23/09/1980; Rtd/PTR/Const R Shields Murdered by PIRA, 30/09/1980; PTR/Const J Acheson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 17/10/1980; FTR/Const L Shaw, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 21/10/1980; F/Const J Best, RTA on duty, 28/10/1980; Const P Collins, RTA on duty, 28/10/1980; FTR/Const B Harris, RTA on duty, 28/10/1980; Const P Mason, RTA on duty, 28/10/1980; Const N Montgomery, RTA on duty, 28/10/1980; PTR/Const D Cosh, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 01/11/1980; Const D Rutherford, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 05/11/1980; FTR/Const C Bennett, Natural Causes, 01/11/1980; PTR/Const P Lucas, Other Causes, 19/11/1980; Const G Rowe, Natural Causes, 26/11/1980; FPTR/Const K Macfarlane, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 10/12/1980; Const J Drennan, Knocked down at a VCP, 16/12/1980; F/FTR/Const D Anderson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 31/12/1980; PTR/Const L McDougal, Murdered by INLA, 14/01/1981; PTR/Const J Stronge, Murdered by PIRA, 21/01/1981; PTR/Const G Armstrong, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 30/01/1981; Sgt T Johns, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 31/01/1981; PTR/Const G Spratt, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 04/02/1981; FTR/Const C Lewis Murdered by PIRA, 06/02/1981; PTR/Const A Scott Murdered by INLA 08/02/1981; FPTR/Const E Thompson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 01/03/1981; PTR/Const M Hall, Natural Causes, 16/03/1981; PTR/Const R Stewart, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 21/03/1981; FTR/Const E McFall, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 02/04/1981; Const K Acheson, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/04/1981; Const G Martin, Murdered by PIRA, 27/04/1981; Const P Ellis, Murdered by PIRA, 06/05/1981; Const S Vallely, Murdered by PIRA, 14/05/1981; Const M Robinson, Murdered by PIRA, 28/05/1981; FTR/Const C Dunlop, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1981; FTR/Const R Coulter, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 12/06/1981; PTR/Const C Dunlop, Murdered by PIRA, 17/06/1981; Const J Lutton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 18/06/1981; Const N Quinn, Murdered by PIRA, 20/06/1981; F/Const M Harkness, knocked down at a VCP, 25/07/1981; Rtd/Const T Harpur Murdered by PIRA, 31/07/1981; Const A Woods, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/08/1981; Const J Smyth, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/08/1981; PTR/Const J Miller, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 04/09/1981; Const S Montgomery, Murdered, by PIRA, 07/09/1981; Const M Evans, Murdered, by PIRA, 07/09/1981; PTR/Const W Burns, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 09/10/1981; Cons H Lewis, RTA on duty, 09/10/1981; FTR/Const J Proctor, Murdered, by PIRA, 14/09/1981; Const G Stewart, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/09/1981; Const A Beck, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/09/1981; Const H Lewis, RTA, 09/10/1981; PTR/Const A Barr, Not Known (but Not Terrorist related), 13/10/1981; PTR/Const S Lyttle, Murdered, by PIRA, 17/11/1981; Const W Coulter, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/11/1981; PTR/Const D Kelly, Natural Causes on duty, 25/12/1981; Const C Angus, Other Causes, 30/02/1982; PTR/Const G O’Keefe, Other Causes, 13/02/1982; FTR/Const A Wilson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related),27/02/1982; Const R Keenan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related),12/03/1982; Insp N Duddy, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/03/1982; Sgt D Brown, Murdered, by PIRA, 16/04/1982; FTR/Const C Henry, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 21/04/1982; F/PTR/Const M Cheyne, RTA on duty, 23/04/1982; Const G Anderson, RTA on duty, 23/04/1982; Const D Maguire, RTA on duty, 23/04/1982; Const S Caskey, Murdered, by PIRA, 04/05/1982; Det/Const D Reeves, Murdered, by PIRA, 11/06/1982; Rtd/Insp A White, Murdered by PIRA, 18/06/1982; FTR/Const M Hamilton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 23/06/1982; PTR/Const S Gordon, Accidental Death, 25/06/1982; Const S Armstrong, RTA, 28/06/1982; Insp J L’Estrange, Natural Causes, 10/07/1982; FTR/Const G Elliott, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 29/08/1982; PTR/Const J Eagleson, Murdered, by PIRA, 01/10/1982; PTR/Const C Crothers, Murdered, by PIRA, 05/10/1982; Const A McCloy, Murdered, by PIRA, 27/10/1982; Sgt J Quinn, Murdered, by PIRA, 27/10/1982; Const P Hamilton, Murdered, by PIRA, 27/10/1982; Const J Lyness, Accidental Death, 29/10/1982; Det/Const G Ewing, Murdered, by PIRA, 09/11/1982; FTR/Const R Irwin, Murdered, by INLA, 16/11/1982; FTR/Const S Corkey, Murdered, by INLA, 16/11/1982; FTR/Const W Moffat, RTA, 25/11/1982; Rtd/Cons J Martin, Murdered by PIRA, 27/11/1982; FTR/Const S McCann, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/12/1982; F/PTR/Const D Allen, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/01/1983; Sgt E Brown, Murdered, by PIRA, 06/01/1983; FTR/Const B Quinn, Murdered, by PIRA, 06/01/1983; PTR/Const H Patterson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/01/1983; Const E Dunning, Natural Causes, 16/01/1983; PTR/Const J Olphert, Murdered, by PIRA, 18/01/1983; FTR/Const D Vient, Other Causes, 18/02/1983; FTR/Const W Magill, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/02/1983; Sgt W Wilson, Murdered, by PIRA, 21/02/1983; Const L McCormick, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/03/1983; FTR/Const F Chaffer, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/03/1983; PTR/Const F Morton, Murdered, by PIRA, 15/03/1983; Const J Dudgeon, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/04/1983; Sgt N Galbraith, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/04/1983; PTR/Const E Devlin, Natural Causes, 27/04/1983; Const J Hetherington, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 08/05/1983; Const G Cathcart, Murdered, by PIRA, 16/05/1983; FTR/Const C Carson, Murdered, by INLA, 26/05/1983; Const W Atkinson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 31/05/1983; F/PTR/Const J Bell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/06/1983; Const R Mairs, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/06/1983; Const H Hawthorne, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/08/1983; Const J Wasson, Murdered, by INLA, 07/09/1983; Const V Cundell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/09/1983; PTR/Const J Ferguson, Murdered, by PIRA, 06/10/1983; FTR/Const W Finlay, Murdered, by PIRA, 06/10/1983; Const J Hallawell, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/10/1983; Insp J Martin, Murdered, by PIRA, 04/11/1983; Sgt S Fyffe, Murdered by PIRA, 04/11/1983; FTR/Const W Edwards, Not Known (but Not ; Terrorist Related), 04/11/1983; FTR/Const J McFadden, Murdered, by PIRA, 05/11/1983; PTR/Const W Fitzpatrick, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/11/1983; Const P Clarke, Murdered, by PIRA, 12/11/1983; PTR/Const S Neill, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/11/1983; Det/Const P Garvey, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/11/1983; FTR/Const J Johnston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/01/1984; FTR/Const W Fullerton, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/01/1984; Const R Murdie, Natural Causes, 14/01/1984; PTR/Const J Henderson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/01/1984; Supt C McCreery, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/01/1984; PTR/Const G Thornton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/01/1984; Const T Bingham, Murdered, by PIRA, 31/01/1984; Sgt W Savage, Murdered, by PIRA, 31/01/1984; FTR/Const M Baxter, Other Causes, 19/02/1984; Const M Davison, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/02/1984; Const M Irvine, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/03/1984; Const R Stewart, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 14/03/1984; F/Const C Tsangardies, RTA, 05/04/1984; Const M Dawson, Murdered, by UVF, 12/04/1984; Const R Lee, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/04/1984; PTR/Const C Cooke, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/05/1984; Const N Gray, Murdered, by PIRA, 18/05/1984; FTR/Const T Elliott, Murdered, by PIRA, 18/05/1984; Insp P Gilligan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/05/1984; Const M Todd, Murdered, by PIRA, 15/06/1984; Const E Caulfield, RTA, 26/07/1984; Const McAuley, Accident, 30/07/1984; Const F Close, Drowned, 26/08/1984; Sgt M White, Murdered, by PIRA, 12/08/1984; Sgt R McDonald, Sucumbed to wounds received in 1983 during a PIRA attack, 12/08/1984; FTR/Const J Bell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/08/1984; PTR/Const J Governor, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/09/1984; PTR/Const A Dickson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/09/1984; FTR/Const R McFaul, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/09/1984; FTR/Const W Dickson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/10/1984; Const W Nelis, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 23/10/1984; Const S McFaul, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/11/1984; FTR/Const S Fletcher, Natural Causes on duty, 04/11/1984; Const W White, Natural Causes, 05/12/1984; Det/Const A Cuthbertson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/12/1984; Const T Milligan, Natural Causes, 18/01/1985; PTR/Const R Gilchrist, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/02/1985; FTR/Const P Morgan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/02/1985; Sgt F Murphy, Murdered, by PIRA, 21/02/1985; Det/Const K Crawford, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/02/1985; Sgt H Vaughan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/02/1985; F/Det/Const I Kelly, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; Det/Const J Dowd, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; Const D Topping, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; Ch/Insp A Donaldson, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; FTR/Const D Price, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; FTR/Const P McFerran, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; F/Const R McGookin, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; FTR/Const S McHenry, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; FTR/Const G Campbell, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/02/1985; Sgt H McCormac, Murdered, by PIRA, 03/03/1985; PTR/Const J Bell, Murdered, by PIRA, 29/03/1985; FTR/Const M Kay, Murdered, by PIRA, 03/04/1985; Const D Baird, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/05/1985; F/Const T Doak, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/05/1985; Insp W Wilson, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/05/1985; FTR/Const S Rodgers, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/05/1985; Const J Shields, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 28/05/1985; Mr G Smyth, Murdered by PIRA after putting in his application for the RUCR, 28/05/1985; FTR/Const R Watt, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/06/1985; PTR/Const A Henderson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 10/06/1985; PTR/Const W Agnew, Murdered, by PIRA, 16/06/1985; Const A Thorburn, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/06/1985; Const W Gilliland, Murdered, by PIRA, 18/06/1985; Const N Kapur, RTA, 22/06/1985; Const C Patterson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 08/07/1985; FTR/Const H Chamberlain, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 08/08/1985; Insp P Vance, Murdered, by PIRA, 31/08/1985; FTR/Const H McFadden, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 04/11/1985; Const D Hanson, Murdered, by PIRA, 15/11/1985; Sgt J Peoples, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 23/11/1985; Const G Gilliland, Murdered, by PIRA, 07/12/1985; FTR/Const W Clements, Murdered, by PIRA, 07/12/1985; Det/Const W Crozier, Other Causes, 21/12/1985; Const J McCandless, Murdered, by PIRA, 01/01/1986; FTR/Const M Williams, Murdered, by PIRA, 01/01/1986; Det/Const I McMillan, Accident, 02/01/1986; Const P Wills, Other Causes, 15/01/1986; FTR/Const J McCartney, Natural Causes, 18/01/1986; FTR/Const J McNally, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/02/1986; FTR/Const D Patterson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 09/02/1986; Det/Const D Breen, Murdered, by PIRA, 11/02/1986; FTR/Const K Bratton, Other Causes, 19/02/1986; FTR/Const W Weldon, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/02/1986; Insp J Hazlett, Murdered, by PIRA, 23/04/1986; Det/Const I Hetherington, Other Causes, 16/05/1986; Const D McBride, Murdered, by PIRA, 22/05/1986; Const W Smyth, Murdered, by PIRA, 22/05/1986; Const C Rennie, Natural Causes, 21/06/1986; Const J McVitty, Murdered, by PIRA, 08/07/1986; FTR/Const T Livingstone, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 24/07/1986; Cons R Buckley, RTA, 25/07/1986; Det/Const K Rodgers, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/07/1986; Const C Allen, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/07/1986; Sgt J Kirkpatrick, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/07/1986; Const K Blackbourne, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/07/1986; Det/Const R Patterson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/07/1986; PTR/Const T Cubitt, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 19/08/1986; FTR/Const C McClelland, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/09/1986; Sgt T Coy, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 15/09/1986; FTR/Const W Moore, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/09/1986; Const N Gillis, Shot Accidentally, 27/09/1986; Const T McEwan, Other Causes, 04/10/1986; Const G Irvine, RTA, 09/10/1986; Sgt S Tilly, Accidental Death, 11/10/1986; FTR/Const D Desmond, Murdered, by PIRA, 12/10/1986; Sgt L McConaghy, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/10/1986; FTR/Const E McFarland, RTA at a VCP, 16/10/1986; FTR/Const W Forsythe, RTA, 22/10/1986; Const S Bell, RTA, 25/10/1986; Const D Patterson, Murdered, by IPLO, 10/11/1986; Const W Martin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 19/11/1986; Const B Treacy, RTA, 22/11/1986; FTR/Const C Coulson, RTA, 25/10/1986; PTR/Const W Doherty, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 02/01/1987; PTR/Const I Crawford, Murdered, by PIRA, 09/01/1987; Const T Sanderson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/01/1987; Const T Sillery, Other Causes, 25/01/1987; Insp R Boyd, Natural Causes, 04/02/1987; Const N Meek, Accidental Death, 21/02/1987; PTR/Const J Gardiner, Natural Causes, 23/02/1987; PTR/Const P Nesbitt, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/03/1987; Const W Frederick, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/03/1987; Const W Woods, Natural Causes on duty, 14/03/1987; Det/Insp A Wilson, Murdered, by PIRA, 23/03/1987; Det/Sgt J Bennison, Murdered, by PIRA, 23/03/1987; FTR/Const J Shaw, Murdered, by PIRA, 03/04/1987; PTR/Const J Beggs, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/04/1987; FTR/Const W McDonald, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 10/04/1987; PTR/Const F Armstrong, Murdered, by PIRA, 11/04/1987; PTR/Const R McLean, Murdered, by PIRA, 11/04/1987; Insp D Ead, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/04/1987; Sgt T Cooke, Murdered, by PIRA, 23/04/1987; Const D Livingstone, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 14/05/1987; Const S McClean, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/06/1987; FTR/Const A Halliday, Natural Causes on duty, 10/06/1987; Const W Grant, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/06/1987; FTR/Const F McClements, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/06/1987; Sgt R Guthrie, Murdered, by PIRA, 23/06/1987; Const E Kettles, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/07/1987; FTR/Const B Calvert, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 19/07/1987; Const N Kennedy, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/07/1987; F/Const B Wiggins, RTA, 27/07/1987; Det/Const E Carson, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/08/1987; Det/Const M Malone, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/08/1987; FTR/Const W Finlay, Murdered, by PIRA, 30/08/1987; FTR/Const S Roxborough, Shot Accidentally, 04/09/1987; Const W McEwan, Other Causes, 25/09/1987; Const J Nelson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 20/10/1987; Sgt W Arrell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/10/1987; FTR/Const P Humphries, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/11/1987; FTR/Const E Armstrong, Murdered, by PIRA, 08/11/1987; Rtd/Sgt S Gault, Murdered by PIRA, 08/11/1987; Rtd/PTR/Const W Armstrong, Murdered by PIRA, 08/11/1987; FTR/Const S Sharpe, Other Causes, 03/12/1987; PTR/Const J Nimmons, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 08/12/1987; PTR/Const J Crooks, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/01/1988; Const C Gilmore, Murdered, by PIRA, 25/01/1988; FTR/Const A Ansfield, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/02/1988; FTR/Const W Ballentine, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 02/02/1988; FTR/Const A Foster, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/02/1988; FTR/Const T Clarke, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/02/1988; Const C Graham, Murdered, by PIRA, 21/03/1988; FTR/Const S Harris, Natural Causes on duty, 28/03/1988; FTR/Const H Craig, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 23/04/1988; F/Sgt S Harron, Accidental Death, 28/05/1988; FTR/Const R Stokes, Other Causes, 28/05/1988; Const A Corry, Other Causes, 04/06/1988; Const G McElnea, RTA, 05/06/1988; FTR/Const C White, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/06/1988; Const G Jackson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 21/06/1988; PTR/Const W McNiece, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/07/1988; PTR/Const W Savage, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 15/07/1988; PTR/Const G Hennings, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/08/1988; Det/Const J Warnock, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/08/1988; PTR/Const J Campbell, Natural Causes, 04/08/1988; Sgt R Nicholls, Other Causes, 04/08/1988; Const J Patterson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 10/08/1988; FTR/Const P Stewart, RTA, 10/08/1988; FTR/Const I Bradford, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 28/08/1988; Const F Malcolmson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 11/09/1988; FTR/Const J McIlroy, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/09/1988; Sgt R McCreight, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/09/1988; Const K Wallace, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/10/1988; PTR/Const R Potts, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 14/10/1988; Const J Larmour, Murdered, by PIRA, 11/10/1988; Const P McCullough, RTA, 25/10/1988; FTR/Const H McCrone, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/10/1988; Const J Sturgeon, Other Causes, 30/10/1988; Const J McClements, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 04/11/1988; FTR/Cons B Wilson, RTA, 15/11/1988; FTR/Const W Monteith, Murdered, by PIRA, 21/11/1988; PTR/Const W Kirk, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/11/1988; FTR/Const K Harrison, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/11/1988; Const S Paul, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/12/1988; Const A Burton, RTA, 21/12/1988; FTR/Const S McClure, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/12/1988; Const J Campbell, Kegworth Air Crash, 08/01/1989; F/Const K Campbell, Kegworth Air Crash, 08/01/1989; PTR/Const B Chilvers, Kegworth Air Crash, 08/01/1989; Const J Smith, RTA on duty, 13/01/1989; Rtd/FTR/Const H Keys, Murdered by PIRA, 15/01/1989; Const S Montgomery, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/01/1989; FTR/Const T McCroubrey, Accidental Death, 08/02/1989; Det/Const B Roylance, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/02/1989; FTR/Const S Ternahan, Natural Causes, 20/02/1989; Const C Cruikshanks, RTA, 21/02/1989; FTR/Const R Archer, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/02/1989; Rtd/Insp P Mullally, Murdered by PIRA, 27/02/1989; Ch/Supt H Breen, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/03/1989; Supt R Buchanan, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/03/1989; Const J Kelly, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 04/03/1989; FTR/Const R Taylor, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 21/03/1989; Const D Cooper, RTA on duty, 11/04/1989; Const J McFarland, Fire in RUC Barracks, 11/04/1989; Const S Brady, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 04/06/1989; PTR/Const K Smyton, Natural Causes, 15/06/1989; FTR/Const D Black, Murdered, by PIRA, 27/06/1989; Const N Annett, Murdered, by PIRA, 01/07/1989; PTR/Const D McKimmon, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/07/1989; Const C Leslie, Natural Causes, 07/07/1989; FTR/Const A Bell, Murdered, by PIRA, 24/07/1989; Insp G Woods, Natural Causes, 26/07/1989; FTR/Const S Poole, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 09/08/1989; FTR/Const S O’Neill, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/09/1989; Const T Crockett, RTA, 15/09/1989; Supt A Harris, Murdered, by PIRA, 08/10/1989; Const P Hunter, Other Causes, 11/10/1989; Const M Marshall, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/10/1989; FTR/Const R Millar, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 20/10/1989; FTR/Const R McClean, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 02/11/1989; FTR/Const T Elder, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 08/11/1989; Const I Johnston, Friendly Fire Incident, 09/11/1989; FTR/Const L McKelvey, Natural Causes, 12/11/1989; Const M Fisher, Other Causes, 13/11/1989; Det/Const T Garrett, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/11/1989; FTR/Const J Quinn, RTA, 15/12/1989; Det/Sgt R Johnston, RTA, 21/12/1989; FTR/Const W Freeman, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/12/1989; FTR/Const J Johnston, RTA, 31/12/1989


FTR/Const W Rutherford, Shot Accidentally, 05/01/1990; FTR/Const J MacCartney, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 14/01/1990; Const M Gregg, Accident, 18/01/1990; PTR/Const S Rankin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/01/1990; Insp M Monteith, Murdered, by PIRA, 22/01/1990; FTR/Const C Johnston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 04/02/1990; PTR/Const W Walmsley, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/02/1990; Const C McKernan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/03/1990; Insp A Gibson, Natural Causes, 21/03/1990; Const D Hanna, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/03/1990; PTR/Const E Lyness, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/03/1990; FTR/Const G Starrett, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/03/1990; FTR/Const M Black, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/04/1990; PTR/Const S Courtney, Natural Causes, 14/04/1990; PTR/Const M Johnston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 07/05/1990; FTR/Const W Gowdy, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/05/1990; FTR/Const R Shannon, Natural Causes, 30/05/1990; Const T Robinson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/06/1990; Rtd/FTR/Const J Sefton, Murdered by PIRA, 06/06/1990; Cons M Bassett, RTA, 20/06/1990; Const G Beckett, Murdered, by PIRA, 30/06/1990; Const C Meyer, Murdered, by PIRA, 30/06/1990; Const W Hanson, Murdered, by PIRA, 24/07/1990; FTR/Const J Willis, Murdered, by PIRA, 24/07/1990; FTR/Const D Sterritt, Murdered, by PIRA, 24/07/1990; Const W Beatty, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 28/07/1990; Const J Arnold, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/08/1990; FTR/Const D Campbell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/09/1990; Det/Const L Robinson, Murdered, by PIRA, 16/09/1990; Det/Sgt H McComiskey, Natural Causes, 24/09/1990; Det/Cons W Good, RTA on duty, 24/09/1990; FTR/Const D McConnell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 27/09/1990; Const S Todd, Murdered, by PIRA, 15/10/1990; FPTR/Const T Robinson, RTA, 15/10/1990; Const M Anderson, Natural Causes, 15/10/1990; Rtd/FTR/Const S Craig, Murdered by PIRA, 16/10/1990; Const J Montgomery, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/10/1990; PTR/Const S Martin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/10/1990; Det/Const J Bothwell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/11/1990; FTR/Const R Crawford, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/11/1990; FTR/Const R Shaw, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/11/1990; Det/Insp D Murphy, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/11/1990; PTR/Const T Taylor, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/11/1990; Cons T Kerr, Natural Causes, 28/11/1990; FTR/Const T Kerr, Natural Causes on duty, 29/11/1990; Det/Const D Munn, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/12/1990; Det/Const R Mathewson, RTA, 08/12/1990; FTR/Const W Wethers, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/12/1990; FTR/Const R Graham, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 08/01/1991; Rtd/PTR/Cons T Stephenson, Murdered by PIRA, 21/01/1991; FTR/Const J Patterson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/01/1991; Const P Wilson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/03/1991; Det/Const J Wright, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/03/1991; PTR/Const J Elliott, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/03/1991; FTR/Const P Craig, Other Causes, 02/04/1991; Det/Const J McGarry, Murdered, by PIRA, 06/04/1991; Sgt S McCrum, Murdered, by PIRA, 13/04/1991; Cons A Maginnis, Murdered in a Domestic Dispute, 30/04/1991; Sgt S Gillespie, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/05/1991; Rtd/PTR/Const R Orr, Murdered by PIRA, 13/05/1991; Sgt J Stewart, Natural Causes, 14/05/1991; PTR/Const D Carrothers, Murdered, by PIRA, 17/05/1991; PTR/Const J Barry, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/05/1991; Cons T Buchanan, Murdered in a non- Terrorist Incident, 19/05/1991; Const E Spence, Murdered, by PIRA, 26/05/1991; FTR/Const D Creighton, Other Causes, 27/05/1991; Const J McCreedy, Natural Causes, 06/06/1991; FPTR/Const L Davis, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/07/1991; PTR/Const J Kitson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 02/08/1991; Const T Coey, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/08/1991; FTR/Const N Lowe, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 14/09/1991; Const E Clarke, Murdered, by PIRA, 17/09/1991; Const W Elder, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/10/1991; Const M Gordon, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 14/10/1991; Const W Evans, RTA involving an Army Vehicle, 21/10/1991; Const J Cardy, RTA, 22/10/1991; Cons R McLaughlin, RTA, 02/11/1991; Const S Sinclair, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/11/1991; Const D Magowan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 04/12/1991; Sgt J Fryday, Natural Causes, 14/12/1991; Sgt H Hussey, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 29/12/1991; FTR/Const C McFaull, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/01/1992; Cons K Wilson, RTA, 02/01/1992; Const A McCrum, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 04/01/1992; Const N Spratt, Murdered in a Domestic Incident, 30/01/1992; Const A Moore, Other Causes, 04/02/1992; PTR/Const W Bradley, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 15/02/1992; Const C McMurray, Murdered, by PIRA, 28/03/1992; Insp C Edgeworth, Natural Causes, 28/03/1992; Const R McCormack, Natural Causes, 07/04/1992; Supt S O’Connor, Natural Causes, 06/05/1992; PTR/Const K McMurran, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/07/1992; Rtd/Const G Henderson, Died of Wounds, 11/09/1992; FTR/Const L Taylor, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/10/1992; Const J Douglas, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/10/1992; Const M McBride, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 15/10/1992; Const N Rankin, RTA, 16/10/1992; Insp M Lee, Natural Causes, 20/10/1992; Const A McIlvenny, RTA, 29/10/1992; FTR/Const A Corbett, Murdered, by PIRA, 15/11/1992; Const S Honeyford, Natural Causes, 28/11/1992; Const M Ferguson, Murdered, by PIRA, 23/01/1993; Insp Gordon Peters, Natural Causes, 01/02/1993; FTR/Const R Williamson, Murdered, by PIRA, 24/02/1993; Const J Reid, Murdered, by PIRA, 25/02/1993; Const J Colgan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 31/03/1993; PTR/Const I Jenkins, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/04/1993; Const D Brannigan, Other Causes, 18/04/1993; Det/Const T McGaffin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/05/1993; FTR/Const J Coalter, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 31/03/1993; PTR/Const N Martin, Natural Causes on duty, 14/05/1993; Rtd/Const J Murphy, Murdered by INLA, 17/06/1993; PTR/Const R Crawford, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 19/06/1993; Const F McFedries, Natural Causes on duty, 12/07/1993; FTR/Const R Spence, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/08/1993; Const A Morrison, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/08/1993; FTR/Const P McLernan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 29/08/1993; PTR/Const R Gardiner, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 09/09/1993; FTR/Const S McKee, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/09/1993; Const W Ennis, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 27/09/1993; FTR/Const R Kilfedder, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/09/1993; F/Const C Hill, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 01/10/1993; Const P Johnston, Natural Causes, 08/10/1993; PTR/Const P O’Neill, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 19/10/1993; FTR/Const B Woods, Murdered, by PIRA, 02/11/1993; FTR/Const W McQuigg, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/11/1993; Const W Beacom, Murdered, by PIRA, 12/12/1993; FTR/Const E Smith, Murdered, by PIRA, 12/12/1993; FTR/Const G Higgins, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/12/1993; FTR/Const J Reid, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/12/1993; Insp H Cooke, Natural Causes, 05/02/1994; Const W Beacom, Murdered, by PIRA, 17/02/1994; Const J Haggan, Murdered, by PIRA, 10/03/1994; FTR/Const J Gordon, RTA, 14/03/1994; FTR/Const M Collins, RTA at a VCP, 17/03/1994; Det/Sgt R McAdam, Natural Causes, 15/04/1994; Const G Pollock, Murdered, by PIRA, 20/04/1994; PTR/Const T Gamble, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/04/1994; Const D McCarter, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/05/1994; FTR/Const G Spence, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/05/1994; ACC J Fitzsimmons, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Ch Insp D Bunting, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Ch Supt D Conroy, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Insp S Davidson, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Supt P Davidson, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Supt R Foster, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Supt W Gwilliam, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Insp K Magee, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Ch Supt M Neilly, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Det/Supt I Phoenix, Killed in the Mull of Kintyre Chopper Crash, 02/06/1994; Const T Cusdin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 25/08/1994; F/Const S Anderson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/09/1994; Det/Ch Insp C Mitchell, Natural Causes, 01/11/1994; Const W Graham, Natural Causes on duty, 22/11/1994; FTR/Const T Watkin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 21/01/1995; FTR/Const G Wylie, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 02/02/1995; Insp J Dane, Natural Causes, 04/02/1995; Const A Seymour, wounded in a PIRA attack in 1973, he Succumbed to those wounds, 02/03/1995; F/Det/Const M Hutton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 07/03/1995; Det/Insp H Brennan, Natural Causes, 16/04/1995; Const A Thompson, RTA on duty, 04/05/1995; FTR/Const L Bryans, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/05/1995; PTR/Const A Pierson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 31/05/1995; ACC R McLaughlin, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/07/1995; FTR/Const R Edmonds, Natural Causes, 05/08/1995; FTR/Const D Henderson, RTA, 23/08/1995; FTR/Const J Courtney, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 20/10/1995; Const N McAuley, Natural Causes, 05/11/1995; Const L Kennedy, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 24/11/1995; Sgt J Halliday, Murdered in a Domestic Dispute, 03/12/1995; Const J Halliday, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 07/01/1996; Const G Gibson, Natural Causes, 08/01/1996; Const G Moore, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 24/01/1996; Const G Mason, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 15/02/1996; FTR/Const W McKinstry, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/02/1996; FTR/Const M Richardson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/03/1996; Const T McWilliams, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 02/04/1996; Const B Clements, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/05/1996; FTR/Const R Fullerton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/06/1996; PTR/Const J Cochrane, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 24/08/1996; FTR/Const D Brown, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 26/09/1996; Det/Sgt D McCartan, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 02/10/1996; Det/Sgt J Graham, Natural Causes, 08/10/1996; FTR/Const J Garvey, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 11/10/1996; FTR/Const R McKinley, Natural Causes, 17/11/1996; PTR/Const P Harris, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 06/12/1996; Const S Wills, RTA, 10/01/1997; Sgt B Marks, Natural Causes, 19/02/1997; Const M Gamble, RTA, 27/02/1997; F/Const P Quigley, Other Causes, 22/03/1997; FTR/Const R Jack, Natural Causes, 13/04/1997; Const D Bradshaw, Murdered by INLA, 09/05/1997; FTR/Const N Jones, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 10/05/1997; Const G Taylor, Murdered by Loyalists, 01/06/1997; Ch/Insp H Coulter, Natural Causes, 02/06/1997; Det/Const D McCoy, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 07/06/1997; FTR/Const D Johnston, Murdered by PIRA, 16/06/1997; Const J Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 16/06/1997; FPTR/Const P Reid, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/06/1997; FTR/Const A Brown, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 27/06/1997; Const J Stanley, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 11/07/1997; Const W Mills, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/07/1997; Const P Reilly, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 21/07/1997; FTR/Const J Hamilton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 31/07/1997; Const K Hobbs, Natural Causes, 10/09/1997; PTR/Const M McCullough, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/09/1997; Det/Supt S Gorman, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 09/11/1997; PTR/Const D Potter, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/11/1997; Sgt D Williamson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 24/12/1997; Const R Watton, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 13/01/1998; Const A Johnston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 11/03/1998; PTR/Const J Thompson, Other Causes, 15/03/1998; Rtd/FTR/Const C Stewart, Murdered by INLA, 27/03/1998; Const C Boyle, Natural Causes on duty, 25/04/1998; Rtd/F/Const A Collins, Died of Wounds, 08/05/1998; Det/Ch Insp C Dundas, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 11/0/1998; Det/Const H Wilson, Natural Causes, 14/06/1998; PTR/Const G Wasson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/07/1998; Const J Ivers, RTA, 24/07/1998; Det/Insp D Hunt, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 07/08/1998; Insp M Crozier, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 11/08/1998; FPTR/Const D Dickson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 23/09/1998; Const F O’Reilly, Murdered by Loyalists/RHD, 06/10/1998; FTR/Const T Simpson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/10/1998; FTR/Const T O’Brien, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/10/1998; Const W McKendry, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/01/1999; FTR/Const G Parker, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/02/1999; FTR/Const E Spratt, Natural Causes, 22/02/1999; Const P Turner, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 08/03/1999; FTR/Const S McNally, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 19/03/1999; Const J McAllister, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/05/1999; Insp W Parr, Natural Causes, 15/05/1999; PTR/Const T Bowles, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/05/1999; FTR/Const R Tate, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 12/07/1999; Const D Maxwell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 19/07/1999; Const A Taylor, Natural Causes, 22/07/1999; Const A Williamson, Natural Causes, 25/10/1999; Const T McCandless, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 24/11/1999; 2000’s; FTR/Const A Myers, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 14/02/2000; Const W Erskine, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 03/03/2000; Const W McFarlane, Natural Causes, 15/03/2000; Const A Neill, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 16/03/2000; PTR/Const D Robinson , Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 20/03/2000; Const W Crooks, Natural Causes, 08/05/2000; FTR/Const R Johnston, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/06/2000; Const G Milligan, RTA, 17/06/2000; Const A McKeown, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 22/06/2000; FTR/Const A Chambers, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 30/07/2000; FTR/Const W Thompson, Knocked down at a VCP, 19/08/2000; Const R Taylor, RTA on duty, 18/09/2000; FTR/Const S Carson, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 17/10/2000; FTR/Const M McNeill, Natural Causes on duty, 23/10/2000; Const S Elder, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 09/11/2000; Const B Dubois, Natural Causes, 04/12/2000; Const W McMahon, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 27/02/2001; FTR/Const J Leetch, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 05/03/2001; Const T King, Other Causes, 13/03/2001; Sgt M Buttle, Other Causes, 25/05/2001; Const G McCullough, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 21/08/2001; Const R Bell, Not Known (but Not Terrorist Related), 18/10/2001


Other Causes-656



For this Section, we have included deaths in Service after July 2007, as we believe the PSNI was and remains under constant threat to this day.

Const George Haslett, Natural Causes, 10/06/2002; Const Glenn Cochrane, Other Causes, 27/10/2002; F/Const Heather Burnside, RTA, 12/01/2003; R/Const FT George McKee, RTA, 04/06/2003; Const Richard McCauley, RTA, 20/06/2005; F/Const Siobhan McCann, RTA, 10/07/2005; PT/Const Colin Niblock, RTA, 25/09/2005; Const Jonny Campbell, Other Causes, 26/05/2006; Sgt Tom Bellingham, Natural Causes, 23/06/2006; Const Ian Bailey-Wood, Took his own life, 31/08/2006; Det/Const Robert Shiels, Natural Causes, 07/06/2007; D/Const Paul McLea, Accident leading to Heart Failure, 19/10/2007; Const James Magee, RTA, 23/11/2008; Const Kevin Gorman, RTA, 23/11/2008; PT/Const Kenny Irvine, RTA, 23/11/2008; PT/Const Declan Greene, RTA, 23/11/2008; Const Stephen Carroll, Murdered by CIRA, 09/03/2009; Const Gareth Gallagher, RTA, 17/05/2010; Const John Grieves, RTA, 14/08/2010; Const Ronan Kerr, NIRA, 03/04/2011; F/Const Philippa Reynolds, RTA, 09/02/2013; Insp Peter Magowan, Took his own Life, 18/04/2016; PT/Const David Philphot, Took his own Life, 10/02/2017; Const C Leitch, Other Causes, 18/04/2019


Other Causes-22


Ex Ulster Special Constabulary

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Ex Special Const James McClelland, Murdered by PIRA, 31/07/1972; Ex Spec Const William Heron, Murdered by PIRA, 01/09/1975; Ex Spec Const Nevin McConnell, Murdered by PIRA, 01/09/1975; Ex Spec Const James McKee, Murdered by PIRA, 01/09/1975; Ex Spec Const Robert Freeburn, Murdered by PIRA, 05/01/1976.; Ex Spec Const Joseph Lemmon, Murdered by PIRA, 05/01/1976.; Ex Spec Const Robert Walker, Murdered by PIRA, 05/01/1976.; Ex Spec Sgt Samuel McConnell, Murdered by PIRA, 03/11/1976; Mr William Heenan, Murdered by PIRA, 03/05/1985; Mr Matt Boyd, Murdered by PIRA, 11/01/1993.; Ex Sub District Commandant Samuel Montgomery, Murdered by UFF, 14/04/1994;

11 Murdered, 
1 by UFF, 10 by PIRA;

Metropolitan Police Service

PC Stephen Tibble, Murdered by PIRA, 26/02/1975; EO Roger Goad, Murdered by PIRA, 29/08/1975; EO Kenneth Howarth, Murdered by PIRA, 26/10/1981; Sgt Noel Lane, Murdered by PIRA, 17/12/1983; Insp Stephen Dodd, Murdered by PIRA, 24/12/1983; F/PC Jane Arbuthnot, Murdered by PIRA, 17/12/1983; Mr Jonathan Woods, Ex Forensic Officer, Died from Abestos Cancer directly related to the 1984 Brighton bomb, 11 or 12/12/2015; 7

Murdered all by PIRA

North Yorkshire Police

Special Cons Glenn Goodman, Murdered by PIRA, 07/06/1992

1 Murdered by PIRA


For this Section, we have included deaths in Service after July 2007, as we believe the NIPS was and remains under constant threat to this day.

Rtd/Sen Officer W McCully, Murdered by PIRA, 23/09/1974; PO W McCully, Murdered by PIRA, 08/04/1976; Clerk J Cummings, Murdered by PIRA, 19/04/1976; PO R Hamilton, Murdered by PIRA, 08/10/1976; Principal Officer J Milliken, Murdered by PIRA, 22/06/1977; PO T Fenton, Murdered by PIRA, 22/07/1977; PO R Whitehead, Accidental Death, 26/09/1977; Principal Officer D Ervine, Murdered by PIRA, 07/10/1977; Gov A Miles, Murdered by PIRA, 26/11/1978; PO J McTier, Murdered by PIRA, 14/12/1978; Rtd/PO P Mackin, Murdered by PIRA, 03/02/1979; PO M Cassidy, Murdered by PIRA, 16/04/1979; F/PO A Wallace, Murdered by INLA, 19/04/1979; PO G Foster, Murdered by PIRA, 14/09/1979; Ass/Gov E Jones, Murdered by PIRA, 19/09/1979; PO T Gilhooley, Murdered by PIRA, 05/11/1979; Clerk D Teeney, Murdered by INLA, 07/11/1979; PO G Melville, Murdered by PIRA, 23/11/1979; Ch/Off W Wright, Murdered by PIRA, 03/12/1979; Sen/Off W Wilson, Murdered by PIRA, 17/12/1979; PO W Ritchie, Natural Causes, 29/12/1979; PO G Cox, Murdered by PIRA, 18/01/1980; PO M Kellagher, Other Causes, 10/09/1980; PO W Burns, Murdered by UVF, 30/12/1980; PO F Kennedy, Natural Causes, 25/06/1982; F/PO E Chambers, Murdered by INLA, 07/10/1982; PO D Lerwill, Other Causes, 06/05/1983; PO J Ferris, Murdered by PIRA, 25/09/1983; PO W Moore, Natural Causes, 20/02/1984; Gov W McConnell, Murdered by PIRA, 06/03/1984; Principal Officer P Kerr, Murdered by PIRA, 17/02/1985; PO T McKinley, Natural Causes, 13/04/1986; PO E Armstrong, Other Causes, 15/04/1986; Principal Officer P Carey, Natural Causes, 06/03/1987; Ch Instructor L Jarvis, Murdered by PIRA, 23/03/1987; PO I Hamilton, Natural Causes, 29/05/1987; PO W Glass, Natural Causes, 18/06/1986; Ass Gov W Henry, Other Causes, 01/09/1987; Electrician Officer A Beattie, Natural Causes, 02/12/1987; PO G Whitten, Natural Causes, 18/12/1987; PO B Armour, Murdered by PIRA, 04/10/1988; PO G Dickson, RTA, 18/10/1988; Sen Officer R Harvey, Other Causes, 01/02/1989; Principal Officer W Arthur, Natural Causes, 02/02/1989; PO R Martin, Natural Causes, 13/03/1989; PO H McClelland, Natural Causes, 26/03/1989; Hospital Officer J Griffiths, Murdered by PIRA, 04/05/1989; PO A Ives, Natural Causes, 09/07/1989; PO M Caldwell, Other Causes, 16/07/1989; F/PO M Creighton, Murdered in a Domestic Dispute, 27/05/1991; PO J Peacock, Murdered by UVF, 01/09/1993; PO I Conn, Natural Causes, 13/09/1993; Senior Officer G Hendron, Natural Causes, 28/11/1993; PO A Wallington, Natural Causes, 26/12/1993; PO G McMorris, Natural Causes, 25/06/1994; PO B watson, Natural Causes, 15/09/1994; PO J Caldwell, Natural Causes, 20/04/1995; PO B Hopper, Natural Causes, 06/08/1995; Senior Officer D Ridgway, Natural Causes, 12/01/1996; PO E Cardwell, Natural Causes, 05/05/1996; PO I Gilpin, Natural Causes, 30/05/1996; PO M McIlmail, Natural Causes, 18/11/1996; Gov G Kerton, Natural Causes, 24/04/1997; PO A Kelly, Natural Causes, 22/12/1997; PO W Terry, Natural Causes, 17/01/1998; PO J Girvan, Natural Causes, 15/02/1998; Principal Officer J McGinley, Natural Causes, 20/07/1998; Hospital Officer B McDermott, Natural Causes, 06/05/1999; PO W Serplus, Natural Causes, 16/10/1999; PO J Frame, Natural Causes, 07/02/2006; PO T Black, RTA, 07/02/2007; Hospital Officer M Sloan, Other Causes, 31/08/2007; PO A Patton, Natural Causes, 23/05/2008; Gov G McAleer, Natural Causes, 01/01/2009; PO G Thomas, Natural Causes, 16/04/2009; Senior Officer R Stewart, Natural Causes, 29/10/2010; PO M Douglas, Natural Causes, 15/02/2011; PO T Scott, Natural Causes, 02/07/2011; PO D Black, Murdered by NIRA, 01/11/2012; PO A Ismay, Murdered by NIRA, 15/03/2016; OSG D Sterritt, Natural Causes, 27/11/2016




Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service

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FF B Douglas, Murdered by UFF, 07/02/1973; PT/FF J McCready, Murdered by PIRA, 06/02/1976; Sub Officer W Orr, Murdered by PIRA, 16/11/1978; FF M Duffy, Murdered by UVF/PAF, 07/02/1986


Other-Not Known


Republic of Ireland Forces


Garda R Fallon, Murdered by Saor Eire, 03/04/1970; Insp S Donnegan, Murdered by PIRA, 08/06/1972; Garda M Reynolds, Murdered by PIRA, 11/09/1975; Garda M Clerkin, Murdered by PIRA, 16/10/1976; Det/Garda H Byrne, Murdered by INLA, 07/07/1980; Det/Garda J Morley, Murdered by INLA, 07/07/1980; Det/Garda S Quaid, Murdered by PIRA, 13/10/1980; Garda P Reynolds, Murdered by INLA, 20/02/1982; Garda G Sheehan, Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1983; Det/Garda F Hand, Murdered by PIRA, 10/08/1984; Garda P Morrisey, Murdered by INLA, 12/11/1984; Det/Garda G McCabe, Murdered by PIRA, 07/06/1996; Det/Garda A Donohue, Murdered by Dissident Republicans, 25/01/2013; Det/Garda A Golden, Murdered by Dissident Republicans, 11/10/2015

Murdered 14

Irish Defence Forces (Army)

Sgt P Sinnott, RTA on Anti- Terrorist Operations, 01/10/1975; Tpr M McMahon, RTA on Anti- Terrorist Operations, 01/10/1975; Pte P Kelly, Murdered by PIRA, 16/12/1983




Republic of Ireland Prison Service

Ch Officer B Stack, Died of Wounds received in a PIRA attack, 29/12/1984;

Total for ROI Forces

Murdered 16

Other Causes 2

Civilian Employees of the Security Forces Murdered

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Mrs J Mansfield, Murdered by OIRA in England, 22/02/1972 ; Ms C Munton, Murdered by OIRA in England, 22/02/1972 ; Mrs T Bosley, Murdered by OIRA in England, 22/02/1972 ; Mrs M Grant, Murdered by OIRA in England, 22/02/1972 ; Mrs J Lunn, Murdered by OIRA, in England, 22/02/1972 ; Mr J Haslar, Murdered by OIRA, in England, 22/02/1972 ; Mr N Baz Khan, Murdered by PIRA, 26/06/1973; Mr J Dunn, Murdered by PIRA, 11/01/1974 ; Mrs C Byrne, Murdered by PIRA, 11/01/1974; Mr M Abdul Kahlid, Murdered by PIRA, 22/04/1974 ; Mr A Shotter, Murdered by PIRA, 31/05/1974 ; Mr H Slater, Murdered by PIRA, 11/11/1974 ; Mr L Cross, Murdered by PIRA, 11/11/1974 ; Miss N Spence, Murdered by PIRA, 03/03/1978 ; Mr B Russell, Murdered by PIRA, 28/09/1978 ; Mr J Harman, Murdered by PIRA, 08/05/1980; Mr S McAvoy, Murdered by PIRA, 20/08/1985; Mr K Konig, Murdered by PIRA, 21/11/1985; Mr T McKeever, Murdered by PIRA, 16/06/1986 ; Mr J Kyle, Murdered by PIRA, 28/07/1986; Mr M Bell, Murdered by PIRA, 28/08/1986 ; Mr K Johnston, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1986 ; Mr W Hassard, Murdered by PIRA, 04/08/1988 ; Mr F Love, Murdered by PIRA, 04/08/1988 ; Mr J Corry, Murdered by PIRA, 13/12/1988; Mr K Graham, Murdered by PIRA, 27/04/1990; Mr A Bogle, Murdered by PIRA, 18/08/1990; Mr P Gillespie, Murdered by PIRA, 24/10/1990 ; Mr W McVeigh, Murdered by PIRA, 21/05/1991 ; Mr J Haldane, Murdered by PIRA, 20/09/1991; Mr D Harkness, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992; Mr C Caldwell, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992; Mr J McConnell, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992 ; Mr N McKee, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992; Mr R Irons, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992; Mr W Bleeks, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992 ; Mr R Dunseath, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992 ; Mr O Gilchrist, Murdered by PIRA, 17/01/1992 ; Mr B McWilliams, Murdered by PIRA, 18/04/1992 ; Mr N McCollum, Murdered by PIRA, 08/03/1993; Mr A McGovern, Murdered by PIRA, 16/09/1993; Mr J Gibson, Murdered by PIRA, 21/10/1993; Mr F Anthony, Murdered by PIRA, 13/05/1994; Mr D Cupples, Murdered by UDA, 25/12/2002

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Relatives of Serving or Retired UDR Soldiers/Prison Officers/Regular Forces and RUC caught up in attacks on their loved ones

Mrs E Bullock (Wife of a UDR Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 21/12/1972; Mrs L Haughton (Wife of a Regular Soldier), Murdered by PIRA in England, 04/02/1974; Master L Haughton (Son of a Regular Soldier), Murdered by PIRA in England, 04/02/1974; Master R Haughton (Son of a Regular Soldier), Murdered by PIRA in England, 04/02/1974; Mr G Catherwood (Husband of a UDR Greenfinch), Murdered by PIRA, 30/10/1974; Mr K McCann (Son of a UDR Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 22/01/1976; Mr S Arthurs (Brother in Law of a UDR Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 03/05/1976; Mr G Liddle (Brother of a RUC Constable), Murdered by PIRA, 17/07/1976; Mrs H McMullan (Mother of a RUCR Reserve Constable), Murdered by PIRA, 28/03/1977; Miss L Gordon (Daughter of a UDR Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 08/02/1978; Mrs J Crothers (Wife of a RUCR Reserve Constable), Murdered by PIRA, 17/02/1978; Mr J Skelly (Father in Law of an Ex RUCR Reserve Constable), Murdered by PIRA, 29/09/1978; Mrs V Mackin (Wife of an Ex Prison Officer), Murdered by PIRA, 03/02/1979; Sir N Stronge (Father of a RUCR Reserve Constable), Murdered by PIRA, 21/01/1981; Mr T Forster (Son of a UDR Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 08/11/1981; Mr S Pollock (Nephew of a RUCR Reserve Constable), Murdered by PIRA, 01/01/1982; Mrs A Purvis (Wife of a Regular Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 10/05/1983; Mrs L McCollum (Sister of a UDR Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 19/09/1983; Mr K Robinson (Son of a UDR Soldier), Murdered by PIRA, 12/09/1986; Mrs I Farley (Husband of a UDR Greenfinch), Murdered by INLA, 07/02/1987; Mrs B Armstrong (Wife of an Ex RUCR Reserve), Murdered by PIRA, 08/11/1987; Mrs H Hazell (Wife of a Regular Soldier), Murdered by PIRA in Germany, 07/09/1989; Miss Nivruti Mahesh Islania (Daughter of a Regular RAF Airman), Murdered by PIRA in Germany, 26/10/1989 ; Mrs E Sefton (Wife of an Ex RUCR Reserve Constable), Murdered by PIRA, 07/06/1990; Mr R Farmer (Son of an Ex RUC Constable), Murdered by INLA, 21/12/1991

Murdered -25

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