Blackface stockjudging raises £4,700 for charity

The event was again very well supported with competitors from most Ulster counties in attendance as well as competitors from further afield.
A big thank you to all concerned for their help on the night, everyone who provided items for the auction and prizes for the raffle, those who provided and prepared sheep for the judging, those who helped with the selling of entry cards and ballots, those who helped with the marking and counting of the score cards, Jimmy Annett for conducting the auction, John Murphy for acting as judge, Hilltown Saleyard for the use of their premises and to all the competitors who took part.
Niall Brannigan, 382
Sam Adams, 375
Daryl Brannigan, 375
Oisin Kelly, 348
Chloe McCusker, 362
Champions draw, Bronagh Morgan