Man hurt in arson attack

A man was injured in an arson attack in Londonderry, police say.

A gas cylinder was placed in a car, which was then torched, and a petrol bomb was also thrown at the house in the Sevenoaks area of the Waterside during the incident.

A police spokesperson said: “Shortly after 3.30am (on Saturday), police received a report that a vehicle parked at a dwelling had been set on fire.

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“On arrival of police it was established that a small gas cylinder had also been placed in the vehicle. It is believed a petrol bomb was also thrown at the house.”

The spokesperson continued: “A male sustained injuries whilst attempting to extinguish the fire in the car. He attended hospital for treatment to his injuries, which are not believed to be life threatening.”

The Deputy Mayor of Derry City and Strabane council, UUP councillor Derek Hussey said: “Once again faceless individuals have conspired to bring disruption to the lives of innocent people and cause them to have to leave their homes.

“In 2018 people should not be woken from their beds by the Police at five o’clock in the morning and told to get out because somebody has decided to leave a suspect device in their neighbourhood.”

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He added: “The entire community wants to live in peace and has a right to do so. I appeal to anyone in this City who can help the police track down those responsible for this incident - or any similar type of activity - to come forward immediately.”