A responsible leader would stand down from office

So Arlene Foster even after having been first minister for a few months believes she is infallible (despite the fact that 71% of the people voted against her DUP ) and has to answer to no-one.

For £400 million pounds to be blown away is a lot of money. It works out to £222 pounds being stolen from each and every citizen in our six counties.

Ms Foster on the top page of your DUP web site it says “Let’s keep Northern Ireland Moving Forward”, this as all taxpayers now know is 100% fiction.

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By your refusing to take any responsibility for the heating scandal despite you being the responsible minister you prove that indeed you have become way too big for your britches.

Any responsible political leader would do the right thing and stand down from their office as first minister while an investigation is being held.

How you can presently show your face to even one taxpayer after your reckless behaviour is beyond belief.

It is time for you to finally do the right thing, resign!

Adam Doyle, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada

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