Aileen Quinton: The election candidates I would support

I think Mike Nesbitt has potentially damaged the chances of his candidates who may need sizeable TUV and DUP transfers.

I also deplore his first preference choice in Andy Allen, who has a recent conviction for Actual Bodily Harm against another veteran (eye injury involving a bottle) and where there has been no establishment of remorse and who has stated that his second preference vote is going to the candidate from the party led by a man still proud of murdering RCs.

However it appears that the SDLP candidate Mike Nesbitt is giving his second preference to is a decent individual. My good friend Ann Travers has commented thus “Séamas is lovely. He is young, enthusiastic and full of fresh ideas.

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He supported me valiantly during the Spad Bill and beyond, standing up to SF and IRA bullies on social media on my behalf. I do know that whoever he gives his second vote to he will be remaining true to himself.”

So if I was voting in East Belfast, I would not be giving him my first preference (stance on Brexit never mind The Union) but I would certainly be giving him a higher one than Andy Allen and I would ask East Belfast voters (unionist, nationalist or not bothered) to consider doing likewise.

Similarly I will repeat what I have said many times, if I was voting in West Belfast I would transfer to Alex Atwood before I would go near the DUP candidate.

This is because of his UDA background with no establishment of repudiation.

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Indeed the recent comment (thankfully deleted) about “vendetta” against “loyalist paramilitaries” on Facebook re-enforces the unsavoury nature of that candidacy.

“Themuns” should be defined in terms of attitude to criminal violence before the issue of Orange/Green.

Aileen Quinton, London