From the PSNI to the thought police

Is now the time to rename the police yet again?
Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

PSNI to Thought Police this time?

Last week a woman was arrested in Belfast for being nasty to a religion that purports to worship the same God as Christians do but whose followers widely believe it right physically to attack and even kill Christians.

And all too frequently do it.

On the other hand the woman in Belfast was not guilty of any violence.

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Except of course the violence portrayed in the videos she posted.

Very few folk would question that the violence was being perpetrated by adherents of the religion she dislikes.

This week eight people at a Christian Christmas service in Pakistan were killed by a bomb.

Is anyone is in any doubt as the religion and motivation of the bombers?

Time for our justice system to provide an adequate answer to the old exam poser. Compare and contrast.

Davy Wight, Carrickfergus