Leave.EU event in Belfast will make positive case for quitting EU

On Tuesday at the Hilton Hotel, on Belfast's Waterfront, a positive case for leaving the EU will be launched.

Published by Leave.EU and Global Britain, the case is thorough, measured and offers a vision of opportunity to grow Northern Ireland as a successful, prosperous region with an international outlook.

On the 24th June, whatever the outcome, Europe will remain a continent and the world of trade and business will not grind to a halt. The UK will adapt, change and thrive as it has always done.

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The case “Why Northern Ireland would be better leaving the EU” shows a Northern Ireland more in charge than ever before of key policy areas, not least in agriculture and fisheries.

This will be a Northern Ireland that can further build on its trade offices in North America and China, and develop exports where new opportunities are strongest, outside Europe.

Northern Ireland’s small businesses, our economy’s backbone, would grow faster without red tape generated from Brussels directives.

There is nothing to suggest that the ever-improving relationship between the UK and the Republic of Ireland on matters of trade and immigration would be affected by Brexit.

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It is not in the interests of either nation, or indeed the EU, to see relationships deteriorate – in fact quite the contrary.

The case for ‘Why Northern Ireland would be better leaving the EU’ is a strong one.

We live in uncertain times. Better to navigate and control our future than to have it directed by faceless bureaucrats, through decisions made behind closed doors, in a muddle of the interests of others rather than for the clear and certain interests of our own people.

David Hoey, Leave.EU