It won’t be long until we see joint Sinn Fein and DUP press conferences at Stormont

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Harry Patterson:

Almost can’t wait to hear just how the DUP will try and sell the protocol bill to us ordinary unionists.

After the ‘vote for us and stop a Sinn Fein first minister’ tactic which didn’t work what will they come up with now? The mood music is changing by the day, Sir Jeff is now saying the passage of the bill through Westminster is ‘significant’ (June 15).

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What is significant is that there will still be a border between us and the rest of the UK. There is also the provision for any changes the UK government make to the protocol to be dropped as and when they see fit.

Ah well, won’t be long until we see Michelle and Jeff holding a joint press conference on the steps of sunny Stormont.

Harry Patterson, Castlecaulfield

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