Letter: Children seeking gender care were let down by NHS and put on a pathway to harmful drugs

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from David Fleming:

At last the cat is out of the bag about children seeking NHS gender care being let down according to the Cass Review. Dr Cass, a renowned paediatrician, set out how gender-questioning children were put on a medical pathway of puberty-blocking drugs and/or cross-sex hormones, despite risks of physical and mental harm to them.

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It was difficult for the liberal media to water down the findings as they were immutable, and would have emerged through other channels.

Evidence for putting children on that pathway was described as weak but this was because a lot of propaganda was being propagated and challenges were demonised through a rule of fear, and the gender proponents were in a powerful position, meaning dissent was trampled on, which is why it has taken so long for the gender lobby to be exposed. A strategy towards the aims of PC ideology is to make people feel as though they are walking on eggshells, engendering a wall of silence where only the brave will speak out.

Look at Scotland where concerned parents can be criminalised or even imprisoned for expressing concern over their children.

The NHS must review its position on its failings with the gender care of young people.

David Fleming, Norfolk

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