Letter: How could Labour have been so blind, when they said they had a plan?

A letter from Drew Mansell:
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer. Now in power, the Labour Party tells us they didn’t think the inherited debt was so bad, writes Drew MansellLabour leader Sir Keir Starmer. Now in power, the Labour Party tells us they didn’t think the inherited debt was so bad, writes Drew Mansell
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer. Now in power, the Labour Party tells us they didn’t think the inherited debt was so bad, writes Drew Mansell

The people voted resoundingly for the Labour Party - because everyone in the Labour Party who was interviewed said ‘we have a plan’.

Now in power, they tell us they didn’t think the inherited debt was so bad.

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Well, even the ordinary people in the street could see how bad it was. They also knew the country had a very large overspend, with an epidemic, wars and immigration problems, all inherited from the Conservative Party.

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They had been bringing inflation down, but the people listened to the Labour Party telling us ‘we have a plan’.

The first plan was to deny the pensioners the cold weather help.

And we were told by the Tories that Labour will put up taxes – but remember, they said ‘we have a plan’.

How has Labour been so blind, when they had a plan?

Drew Mansell, Comber