Letter: Sad state of affairs when lives of foxes are prioritised over that of unborn babies

A letter from W J Craig:
Alliance is seeking to ban fox hunting in NI. John Blair MLA says he will bring proposals to outlaw hunting with dogs through a private members bill - if and when the Assembly returns.Alliance is seeking to ban fox hunting in NI. John Blair MLA says he will bring proposals to outlaw hunting with dogs through a private members bill - if and when the Assembly returns.
Alliance is seeking to ban fox hunting in NI. John Blair MLA says he will bring proposals to outlaw hunting with dogs through a private members bill - if and when the Assembly returns.

​I read with interest your front page story on Thursday which headlined Alliance pledge to ban fox hunting (Alliance MLA will bring fox hunting bill back to Assembly).

It is a sad state of affairs when the Alliance party prioritise the lives of foxes over that of unborn babies.

I consider their position to be very inconsistent.

W J Craig, Belfast BT5