Letter: The British have of course betrayed unionists - they cannot be trusted, unlike the English

A letter from Dr Gerald Morgan:
Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

With regard to the letter, ‘We need to face the fact that we have been betrayed by Britain, and failed by unionism,’ June 7, see link below.

Dear oh dear. Why have you taken so long to grasp this simple point? It was obvious enough in 1985 when Margaret Thatcher of Finchley betrayed you by the Anglo-Irish Agreement. The British cannot be trusted in Ireland.. They remain in some measure imperialists and colonists to this day.

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Trust instead the English (yes, the English), the Scots and the Welsh. There is not much to be said in the world of politics for slow learners. And it is surely time for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Can it still in 2023 be beyond us?

Dr Gerald Morgan, Dublin