Letters: US divisions taking hold in Britain

The White House in Washington. Politics is deeply divided in AmericaThe White House in Washington. Politics is deeply divided in America
The White House in Washington. Politics is deeply divided in America
A letter from Clive Maxwell

I take a keen interest in what is happening in America - I have to, America is the leader of the free world - and it frightens me.

Like it or not, if America goes down, we all go down. America is riven by division, and fighting a civil war. It’s tearing itself apart. On one side you have the “liberal” (a misnomer) left, hell bent on radical change, and on the other side those of a more conservative disposition.

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Conservatives want to preserve all that’s best of America, based on its Judeo-Christian past. This mindset pervades every area of American life, and filters through to the schools. It shapes their views on abortion, same sex marriage, transgenderism, immigration, and America’s worldview. Those on the radical left want to change all that and take a more globalist view. Pursuing this they have embarked on a campaign of social revolution. This is a subtle form of communism. It presents a more acceptable face, while plunging the knife.

There is a battle being fought for the soul of America, and it’s becoming increasingly nasty, and violent. It is disintegrating into extreme social divisions providing a template for the west. People are taking sides accordingly and moving to states where they feel safe and more comfortable. Liberals to California, and conservatives to Florida.

For the more observant, and the more discerning, Britain is shaping up on similar lines. The prevailing mindset that embraces all parties is defined as “the liberal left”, and has left conservatives out on a limb searching for a home. They may be forced to retreat to local areas and build back. This could lead to profound social change, and a shift in population. The Democrats want to change America, and those same toxic forces want to change Britain.

We in Ulster are not immune from all this. While unionism slept the political landscape of Belfast has changed - we have one unionist MP. As unionists waken up to the fact the protocol has changed Ulster, we now have joint rule, and are forced to shore up our culture to survive.

As we retreat and are forced to regroup behind more defensible lines, new leaders may emerge to negotiate on our behalf - from a position of strength.

Clive Maxwell, Bleary