Much prayer will be needed for the DUP to stand strong in the face of aggressive opposition

As a DUP supporter I was very pleased to see the party become the main voice of unionism in Northern Ireland.

However I would also remind those elected as MPs that it is God who ordains all authorities (Romans 13 v.1) and the new found position of power which they find themselves in, is no accident.

As it says in Esther 4v.14 ‘and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’

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I firmly believe that the fervent prayers of many Christians in the province have been answered by God, in allowing the DUP to command this position of power and influence within Westminster where they have the opportunity to highlight the anti-Christian policies of government and society, through their opposition to gay marriage and the silent holocaust of abortion.

My prayer is that the DUP will not miss this God given opportunity to bring glory to His Name and to protect our land from further judgement.

They will need to be prepared for a hail of criticism for their stance from the media, Labour, Lib Dems,SNP etc.

It will not be easy – much prayer will be needed for them to stand strong in the face of massive and aggressive opposition.

David Wilson, Beragh