Shilly shallying over eternal truths

'˜Absolute disgrace': Tim Farron (Lib Dem leader) under fire for refusing to answer when asked if being gay is a sin

So ran the headline in a national newspaper.

This is what time-serving politicians, who profess to be Christians, do!

They shilly shally over eternal truths which they consider might cost them votes were they to openly confess them.

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On this occasion the criticism comes from the sodomite lobby who would want Mr Farron to deny God’s Word.

We saw the same spirit at work here in Ulster when the DUP endorsed posthumous pardons for those guilty of sodomy in the past.

Many of those who refused to call this abomination a sin because their party demanded it were professing Christians, some even elders in God’s house.

There is little hope for a land when its Christians politicians are ashamed of God’s Holy Law and are prepared to defy the Lord, support the party that was allied to terrorism and acquiesce in the opinions of perverted lobbyists, in order to please its party mandarins!

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“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes,” Psalm 118:8-9.

“Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help,” Psalm 146:3.

These words of the Psalmist give us guidance and direction as to how we should vote in the forthcoming election!

Rev Ivan Foster, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone