The Brexit vote must be honoured

Whilst one was pleased to see MP Dominic Grieve ruling out a border down the Irish sea with Brexit (June 25), it is disappointing that the Ulster Unionist Party have seen fit to welcome this remainer to address an event in Belfast recently.

Thankfully Mr Grieve and his Tory rebels have finally been beaten in their attempts to block Brexit in parliament — which required threats to deselect Tory rebel MPs — the wreckers have switched to new tactics: threats from multinational corporations.

European manufacturer Airbus began by threatening to withdraw from the UK if we do not remain in the customs union and single market. It’s a surprise they are still here. Weren’t businesses all going to abandon the UK as soon as we voted Leave?

That was over two years ago. None of them have left.

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In reality Airbus are unlikely to move wing production to Europe. It’s an extremely complex manufacturing process and to move an operation of this size would be a major hit to Airbus’ finances and production.

Ministers have helpfully reminded Airbus that the UK is also one of its biggest customers — such a move would certainly do them no favours landing big UK contracts.

This is nothing more than big business demanding the status quo, because it suits their interests. The idea that a threat from a corporation should reverse the decision of 17m people is grotesque. To hear it from so called “progressives” is hilarious.

Coinciding with the business whining the Remoan elite staged a big rally in central London last weekend. 100,000 people! Incredible!

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If they could just get another 17,310,743 we would absolutely be prepared to listen.

Sadly, they’ve got quite a long way to go to get there. But a much bigger danger still lurks — as suggested by well placed sources recently — that May’s “Brexit dividend for the NHS” may be part of a charm offensive to soften up Leavers for a coming climbdown.

Sources claimed that what she and Hammond, both remainers, are planning is a soft Brexit, tying the UK into customs, aspects of the single market, and indefinite payments to the EU oligarchs.

Clearly it seems as if the Remainers aren’t giving up indeed the bully boys of Brussels aren’t giving up either.

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It continues to disappoint that Lady Sylvia Hermon MP persists in voting with the remainers. The good people of North Down need an answer from her on this.

If we want the vote of June 23 two years ago respected and if we want the democratic rights of Britons respected, we need to be fully aware of those who would keep us subservient to the Tower of Babel. The wishes of the majority must be honoured

Raymond Stewart, Newtownabbey