This is the most uncertain time since WW2

Brexit will make or break the island of Ireland. It will either bring us closer together north and south or split us further apart.
Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor

Power-sharing is dead and weighing in on a very rickety situation brought about by Brexit. The United Kingdom is as concerned as we are in the Republic about Brexit.

They are worried too about the unchartered waters they are moving into. The Irish and British economies are intrinsically linked and you cannot affect one without affecting the other. We have never lived in more uncertain times economically since World War Two.

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The numbers have been crunched by senior civil servants and heavy losses have been forecasted with trade barriers.

Then of course there is the issue of sterling and how it will weigh in on the future. Sterling is losing stability and traders are already feeling the pinch. Some are saying “it will be a disaster”.

Britain is getting out of the European Union and that is an unmistakable fact. It has to be taken seriously.

It will undoubtedly effect trade and some are now saying it is already taking effect as business relocate and hedge their financial positions or go bust. Unionist politicians are travelling south of the border as they know the future will be very uncertain.

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This is virtually unheard of and it looks as if every politician on this island will have to eat humble pie at some stage because of economic imperatives.

The reality of Brexit is starting to hit home and there is just one more year to go before Britain will be playing by its own agreements and rules with other EU countries.

Sooner or later the Republic will complain about not being able to compete with Britain and harsh disadvantages with Sterling.

Then the recriminations will start and there will be a litany of economic crisis to be sorted out with great friction between Dublin and London and the EU.

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Northern Ireland and the Republic may fare poorly in Brexit and both jurisdictions will be crucial to each other.

There is no difference between being British or Irish when money and economics are concerned. If you have no money you are out on the street whether you fly the Union Jack or Tricolour.

Brexit could damage both economies and remove a symbiosis which has been there for a very long time.

The United Kingdom is not getting out for nothing — there will be an effect that is why these Islands should maintain the closest economic links.

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The Republic may face a situation where it may have to rejoin the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland will most certainly have to have special status with the Republic in order for Northern Ireland to survive with vital cross border trade.

There could be a lot of humble pie to be eaten on all sides before it is all over when unionists and nationalists may have to stand together to put bread on the table and a roof over their heads.

United we stand...?

Maurice Fitzgerald, Shanbally, Co Cork