Why move to electric cars is pie in the sky

Battery operated vehicles? Maximum range 80 miles? Recharge cycle, approximately 30 minutes? Charging stations? Electricity tariffs? Accessible charging at home for disability drivers? Banning petrol and diesel engine propelled cars being on the road? Closing down fuel depots and fuel pumps no longer required for distribution?

Where in the name of sanity do the silly people come up with these silly ideas? Cloud Cuckoo Land? What about our emergency services?

Police, ambulance, firefighters, What if this notion was to become a reality and a vehicle was on an emergency call out? If the vehicle was to run out of power, maybe speed and time was of the essence to the saving of life and owing to equipment being carried on the vehicle such as a fire appliance the design of the vehicle would be a hindrance to that end, what then? What about the overall cost of such a project? It would cost billions. Who would be meeting the cost? Stupid question as I already know. The RHI saga would pale into insignificance if this silly idea ever got off the ground.

William Brown


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