Willie Frazer: Extend the consultation on the legacy proposals

The launch of the NIO's legacy consultation on the past has encouraged discussion and debate among the victim sector.

We as an organisation (FAIR) have held several extremely beneficial public engagement events across Northern Ireland.

Victims for the first time in years feel listened to and included in proposals which has the potential to directly affect them.

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I had raised concerns with the fact this consultation was ran over the summer period, it has taken people some time to first understand what was being proposed, though engagement, conversation and dialogue has been facilitated, I believe the consultation period should be extended to further maximise engagement.

The proposed institutions have the potential to shape the victim sector for many years, it is vitally important that all sections of community, victims, civic society and church-based organisations are given every opportunity to understand and respond.

I have written to the secretary of state and victims commissioner asking them to explore extending the consultation date beyond September 10.

Innocent victims must be heard.

William Frazer, Markethill