Sloth snug opens for two-toed lovers Enrique and Priscita at Belfast Zoo

A ‘Sloth Snug’ has opened in the refurbished rainforest house at Belfast Zoo.

The Sloth Snug is a specially adapted area for the sloths, which they will share with the red-footed tortoises.

There are plenty of branches for them to climb along, and visitors will have a great view into their snug.

Two-toed sloths are native to Central and South America. They spend the majority of their lives upside down, in the trees.

These unusual animals eat, sleep, mate and give birth from their position high among the branches in the rainforest.

There'll be an egg-stra special Easter event at Belfast Zoo on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 April, where visitors can explore the Rainforest House, complete an Easter trail and meet walkabout characters.