Thought for the week: Are you fully surrendered to Christ or are you still holding out?

​Judson Van De Venter was born in 1855 on a farm in Michigan, USA, and was converted to Christ at the age of 17.
​Rev David McMillan, Free Presbyterian Church​Rev David McMillan, Free Presbyterian Church
​Rev David McMillan, Free Presbyterian Church

​As he grew up, he was interested in art and music and, after graduating from college, Judson became an art teacher, and then a supervisor of art for the high schools in Sharon, Pennsylvania.

As a Christian, Judson was much involved in the local Methodist Episcopal church and sang in the choir, but he also had a gift for evangelism. He enjoyed speaking to people personally about their souls, and participating in evangelistic meetings where many people received Christ as their Saviour.

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Because his work in evangelism was being really blessed of the Lord, many friends encouraged him to give up his work in the school system, and to go full-time as an evangelist. But for five years he struggled with that decision, until one day finally falling on his knees in prayer, he said: “Lord, if you want me to give myself full-time to Thy work, I will do it, I will surrender all to Thee”. That was the pivotal hour of his life when he dedicated his life fully in the service of Christ. He started to travel widely across America and Europe assisting other well-known evangelists, and leading singing in their meetings.

When taking part in gospel meetings in East Palestine, Ohio, Judson stayed in the home of George Sebring. It was there while recalling his own personal experience of dedicating himself full-time to the Lord’s service, that he composed the challenging hymn - ‘All to Jesus I Surrender’.

When the disciples James and John heard the call of Christ to service their response was, "they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed Him" (Matthew 4:22). They also left their employment in the family business, surrendered all for Christ, and went full-time in His service. Maybe the Lord is calling you to concentrate your life in His service. If He is, then I encourage you to surrender all to Him today.

But let me make it clear that full-time service for God is not for every Christian. But every Christian is still to be totally surrendered to God in the way they live their life. God wants you to dedicate your all to Him. Caleb was a man who ‘wholly followed the Lord’ (Joshua 14:14), he kept nothing back, and that is a clear example of how God want you to live the Christian life.

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Sadly, there is too much lukewarmness, and half-heartedness among God’s people today. Therefore, it is vital for you to be fully surrendered to God’s word and will. Ask yourself: Are you surrendered or are you still holding out?

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