Reported On This Day 280 years ago (March 31 1739): Land in Antrim seized to be sold so debts can be settled

County of Antrim
Richard Gildart, and John Goodwin, Plaintiffs. Eneas McDonnell; Defendant. By Edward Smith, Esq; late Sheriff of said County.
WHEREAS by Virtue of his Majesty’ Writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, Issued out of his Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench against the Defendant, at the Plaintiff’s Suit, I have formerly seized and taken into my Hands, and Indenture of Lease made by the Right Hon. Randal late Earl of Antrim to the Defendant, of all that the Quarter Land of Tariff in the County of Antrim, for the Term of thirty one Years, from the first Day of November 1712.
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Hide AdThese are to give Notice, that on the 9th Day of April next, I will sell the said Lease and Lands by publick Cant at the Shire-Hall of the said County, in order to satisfy the Debt and Cost, mentioned in said Writ.
Dated this 17th Day of March, 1738. EDWARD SMYTH Esq; late Sheriff
Just Publish’d in London, and Sold by JOHN HAY, Bookseller, in Belfast,
FOURTEEN SERMONS, By JOHN ORR, M.A. Rector of Maryborough in the Diocese of Leighlin.
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Hide AdAlso, The TERMS of Ministerial COMMUNION: A SERMON by the late Rev. ROBERT CRAIGHEAD; with a Prefact, containing a short ACCOUNT of the AUTHOR, by MR. ABERNETHY.
LONDON March 6.
We hear that his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Voted in the House of Lords on Thursday last, against addressing his Majesty upon the Convention, as did also the Bishops of Litchfield and Coventry, Lincoln, Oxford and Gloucester.
Letter from the Hague, March 8. N.S.
PRIVATE Advices from Sweden assure, That the Discontents of the Nation encreasing every Day, the King had renewed his Resolution of actually going to leave them, and that the Palace at Cassel, the Capital of his German Dominions, is fitting up for his Reception.
The Characteristick of his Swedish Majesty, as of the illustrious House of Hesse-Cassel in general, is Good Nature. They have been always esteem’d great Lovers of Peace and Concord; and many of their Princes have been eminent for Piety and Sanctity of Life: The Family is Calvinist.
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Hide AdThe Grounds of the National Discontents are not yet become the Subject of publick Discussion; they are nevertheless well enough known. The Lutherans in general, and the Swedes in particular, lead strict and regular Lives; they are Enemies to all Gallantries.
The late King Charles XII. who, by his Heroism, had quite ruin’d the Nation (as his present Majesty by cultivating the Arts of Peace has restored it) was pardon’d a thousand Failings on the single Score of the sober and regular Life which he led.
The Queen is inconsolable, as she sees the Burden of Government must again be laid upon her, and that she is like to be deprived of the Presence of the King, (whom she perfectly adores) for a long time.
The late Treaty concluded with France, has serv’d but to heighten these Discontents; tho’ ‘tis believed the King had very little Hand in it.
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Hide AdA Friendship with France, say the wiser sort of Swedes, can only be of some temporary Advantage, to circulate a little Money among the Subsidiary Troops, and a few Particulars; whereas the Friendship of Great Britain, which we have rejected, is a National Good and must be eternally useful, as she alone, by her Fleets, is able to protect us, against the Power upon Earth, we have most reason to dread.
I am Sir & c.
FLANDERS. Brussels, Feb. 2.
Upon Complaints made by the Companies of this City, Manufacturers, and others of the Decay of Trade in general, and their Manufactures in particular, the Government has just given them Orders to draw up an exact Account of the present State of the said Manufactures, &c. with the Causes of their Decay, and the Methods which they judge properest for reviving them, the Court promising to do all that lies in her Power for improving the Trades of this Country. Pursuant to that Order, the several Companies of Tradesmen, Manufacturers, &c. are actually drawing up the Memorials in Question, in order to lay them before the Government.
TURKEY. The Persian Ambassadors are still kept Prisoners in their Palace. The Porte is not so much irritated at Thamas Kouli Kan’s high Demands, as at the certain advice she has received of his new Understanding with Russia.
The Grand Signior’s Ambassador in Persia, has sent an account of all that he could learn of this affair; and it is pretended, that besides the advantages already granted to Kouli Kan by Russia, that power will still add more considerable ones, in order to link him strongly to her Interest.
As Sari Bey Oglou’s Rebellion may be attended with fatal Consequences, the Porte seems disposed to satisfy him in his Demands, in order to engage him to lay down his Arms.