Lisburn and Castlereagh had the highest life expectancy for men, with an average life expectancy of 80.1 years.Lisburn and Castlereagh had the highest life expectancy for men, with an average life expectancy of 80.1 years.
Lisburn and Castlereagh had the highest life expectancy for men, with an average life expectancy of 80.1 years.

Average life expectancies for men in areas across Northern Ireland - where does your neighbourhood rank?

How long can you expect to live? Your area might be able to give you some clues.

Data sourced from NISRA shows the average life expectancies in regions across Northern Ireland.

There are differences across neighbourhoods, with men living in Castlereagh having the highest life expectancy at 80.1 years whilst the average life expectancy in Northern Ireland is 78.8 years.

Here we reveal what the average life expectancies are for men across Northern Ireland.

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Here we reveal what the average life expectancies are for men across Northern Ireland.