One of the UUP’s Protocol proposals is actually three years old

Studying the alternative Protocol proposals made by the Ulster Unionist Party, I note that the first on the list is not the establishment of a cross-border body – which clearly has touched some very raw nerves – but the passage of a UK law to prohibit the export to the Republic of goods which do not comply with EU requirements.
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Letter to the editor

This was first suggested to Prime Minister Theresa May in February 2018; then, in a more developed form, it was proposed by a former EU official in August 2019; and at last it has found its way into the UK government’s recent Command Paper.

So why is the government not just going ahead and drafting the legislation?

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Whatever else happens, such a UK law will be necessary, and moreover it would make redundant some of the more obnoxious provisions of the protocol.

Dr D R Cooper, Maidenhead, Berkshire

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