Two men charged with entering UK illegally as PSNI squad swoop on £50k drug haul

Detectives from the PSNI Organised Crime Unit have charged three men, aged 42, 33 and 24 with drug offences.

The 42 and 33 year old men were also charged with illegal entry to the United Kingdom and obstructing police.

The 33 year old was further charged with no driving license and using a motor vehicle without insurance.

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It is believed the arrests come after a stop-and-search of a vehicle in the Upper Newtownards Road area of east Belfast yesterday, where an estimated £50,000 worth of cannabis was seized.

The men are due to appear at Belfast Magistrates Court today.

Detective Inspector Conor Sweeney said: “This seizure came about as a result of local police officers detecting and responding to suspicious activity.

“This is another example, as part of Op Dealbreaker, of our determination to remove such substances from our streets and to arrest and prosecute those who make their living by dealing drugs.

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“The devastating impact of the drugs trade on communities, families and children is well documented. Together we can stop it and I would appeal for anyone with any information about drug dealing in your local area to please pass this information to police.”

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