The Armagh centenary service did not represent the Northern Ireland that I know

With regard to the article by Ben Lowry (‘Centenary service should have celebrated Northern Ireland, ’ October 23, see link below) I am heartened others feel as I do about the inappropriate content and structure of the Armagh cathedral service.
I, too, felt it in no way truly represented the Northern Ireland I was born into and grew up in.
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Hide AdFrom the Roman Catholic leader’s remarks I got what I expected: a largely critical political statement, but from the Protestant church leaders hardly anything to make me proud of being what I am: a British Ulsterman.

Indeed, I was angered by Dr David Bruce who, after introducing himself as being from an ‘Ulster Presbyterian family’, timidly followed the RC leader by failing to say ‘in county Londonderry’.
And why was it thought necessary to have the second Bible reading given by a young man with a brogue which no-way represented anywhere in Northern Ireland?!
The coverage of it was just what we expect from the BBC — nearly always leaning to the nationalist/republican side in NI matters.
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Hide AdThey have been ‘woke’ in this decades before that term ever reached us from the USA.
I’m thankful for the continued existence of the Belfast News Letter to forcefully put forward the British unionist cause in the Province.
Joe Patterson, London SW8
• Henry McDonald: Absence of Queen at centenary service was spun beyond credulity
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Hide Ad• Other reaction to the service below and beneath that information on how to subscribe to the News Letter
• Billy Kennedy: Queen’s absence left a huge void at centenary service
• John Cushnahan: To those who distorted nature of centenary service — Shame on you!
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Hide Ad• Doug Beattie: Sinn Fein incredibly small-minded over NI centenary event
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